Tracks and Trailcraft By Author Ellsworth Jaeger

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by wildernessgal, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. wildernessgal

    wildernessgal Backwoods is a callin'

    This is another family favorite in our home library... except we have a very nice high quality/well made older hardback book.


    / Book Description for ISBN 1585742953 /

    From dinosaurs, to birds and mammals, to insects, here are hundreds of tracks described and illustrated.

    / Reader Reviews of Tracks and Trailcraft /

    ***** Trailcraft: Not just for the Naturalist

    Anonymous Book Review (below)This extensive text on animal tracking is and excellent resource on different track identification and animal behavior, from birds to reptiles. What I found particularly of interest to me was the chapters on fossil tracks, reproducing tracks and Indian tracking. Definitely a good book for the tracker weather you are an expert or beginner.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    If you are building up "informative books" for your Survivalist Library, this is a definate recommend!!!! Young Survivalists will surely love all of the many outstanding renderings/sketches by the most talented author himself!!!

    Happy Reading & keep on expanding that mind! :)


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