TOR Tor Browser 8.0a1 is released

Discussion in 'TOR | TAILS' started by survivalmonkey, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    Tor Browser 8.0a1 is released boklm January 24, 2018

    Tor Browser 8.0a1 is now available from the Tor Browser Project page and also from our distribution directory.

    This release features important security updates to Firefox.

    Tor Browser 8.0a1 is the first alpha release in the 8.0 series. Apart from the usual Firefox security updates we have included the new stable Tor,, and updated Torbutton and Tor Launcher to the same version shipped in Tor Browser 7.5.

    We added a new MAR signing key following our plan to yearly rotate one of our update signing keys and included a patch contributed by ffmancera (thanks!) dealing with possible fingerprinting by checking video decoding performance: before Tor Browser 8.0a1 users were getting videos in a different format depending on the performance of the decoding.

    On the build side it is noteworthy that starting with this alpha release all bundles are built on some Debian version. If you notice some issues on Windows (those bundles were previously built on Ubuntu Precise), let us know.

    The full changelog since Tor Browser 7.5a10 is:

    • All Platforms
      • Update Firefox to 52.6.0esr
      • Update Tor to
      • Update Torbutton to
        • Bug 21245: Add da translation to Torbutton and keep track of it
        • Bug 24702: Remove Mozilla text from banner
        • Translations update
      • Update Tor Launcher to
        • Translations update
      • Update HTTPS Everywhere to 2018.1.11
      • Bug 24756: Add noisebridge01 obfs4 bridge configuration
      • Bug 23916: Add new MAR signing key
      • Bug 22548: Firefox downgrades VP9 videos to VP8 for some users
    • Windows
      • Bug 24197: Fix win64 sandbox compile issues
    • Build System
      • Windows
        • Bug 18691: switch Windows builds from precise to jessie
      • Linux
        • Bug 23892: Include Firefox and Tor debug files in final build directory
        • Bug 24842: include and in debug builds

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