This will be my 3rd attemp at making this post :)

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Kamp Krap, Jun 9, 2023.

  1. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    LOL the first failed attempt was a Monkey Malfunction. My Attempt this morning was a power grid malfunction. LOL I was literally in the process of hitting the post button when the grid power went out. Not exactly on topic but every morning between 8:50am and 9:10am the grid power has gone out for about 45 seconds for 5 days in a row now. I called and asked the coop WTH is up with that. Long story short there is not enough electric generation to handle the morning surge when the businesses all start opening and powering up. and "If you read the last monthly news letter you would know this was going to be a issue as the temps continue to rise for the summer." yep I actually do read the news letter and yep they do have a blurb about OCCASIONAL short power interruptions, I guess by occasional they meant daily. The next newsletter it seems will contain the blurb warning residential customers to expect occasional brownouts that will last 1-4 hours July through September.

    So kind of keeping with my morning annoyance and the original post I have failed to make twice LOL. We are still living in the Krap Kave and the Kamper which in the East Half of the farm that is still 100% Grid Electric. The house building came to a grinding halt last November and had been in Stasis until 2 days ago when I started working on it again. A lot happened between November and Present. Mrs Krap survived her surgery and the removal of a lot of stuff and is doing fairly well. She resumed chemo last Monday and will have 10 Months of it due to how far the cancer had spread. This chemo is a single med 2 hour session VS the original 4 med cocktail that took 8 hours to drip in and 3 days after with the chemo ball pump....... That almost killed her. The appointmets with Doctors, Surgeons, Oncologist, and a different lab visit for scans and test are A LOT less now. And with new chemo she is only having occasional mild nausea. So I feel a lot more comfortable being out of ear shot for 3-4 hours at a time now and have the 3-4 hours without having to be somewhere to be out of earshot now. I finished up wiring the solar electric from the inverter to breaker box and hooking the generator switch in and shutting the disconnect box from the grid electric service off yesterday and also in this mornings phone call advising them to come pull their meter from that service. I ran a fairly heavy load in the house overnight last night of two big fans, a fridge, a chest freezer, two 18k btu Mini Splits and left every light in the house on. The Battery bank at sun up this morning still had 89% Capacity remaining. The generator did not kick on. I had Ed set the the generator to kick on basically when the battery bank drops to 10% capacity and set it up with a big battery charger to recharge the battery bank while at the same time providing direct power to the house. That part of it was beyond my tech level but a cake walk for Ed.

    I left the house with half of the rafters up, some of the plywood wall skin on, all of the wall insulation in and 25% of the ceiling insulation rolled out and about 1/3 of the inside finish work done all together. The goal was to have it finished by the end of APril.......... which obviously did not happen LOL. Now the goal is to get the Master Bedroom, my corner room office and the Bathroom finished and get Mrs Krap moved into those rooms and the Cabin emptied out so it can be moved to a new location. The biggest motivator though is the she needs constant dependable electricity for a couple of her med devices and the Grid Electric is already failing in that department and predicting themselves that they are going to be even less dependable going forward.

    So I have also been working a lot with one of my lawyer friends that specializes in corporate and Estate stuff. We have been hammering out a Trust that can rule a lot longer than the typical trust can. Basically the Dead Hand can rule at most 3 generations out assuming you are old enough and crusty enough to make great grand children the trustees. BUT a Trust within a Corporation lets the dead hand rule basically forever via the bylaws and the trust. Rather than inheriting a trust my heir will become the new CEO of the Corporation. My Lawyer Friend is already the CFO and reasonably young at 45 and his daughter will take over his firm when he dies or retires and become the new CFO within my corporation. As CEO I alone rule and make all the decisions. John makes sure I don't blow all of the money and keeps the bank accounts filled before my pockets are filled. And he gives VERY good advice and does it for next to nothing. So we are hammering out the details of the Trust and rewriting the Bylaws. The bylaws being the more PITA part of it and have to be perfect before filing them with the State to make everything iron clad. The Trust is revokeable until the time of my death and I can change anything in it so long as I am of sound mind and alive. Once I Die or go down dementia alley The Trust and Bylaws are written in stone and can never be changed again, even if the corporation is sold. We are writing the bylaws to be so conditional and restrictive that not even the most severe mental patient would buy the corporation for a dime. My primary concern here is the land and protecting it without getting the federal buffoons and their land trust involved. When I croak John's power as CFO becomes equal to the power of the CEO in short my heir can do nothing outside of what I specify in the conditions without Johns agreement and John can't do anything with out the new CEOs agreement. Johns primary duties however are paying the property taxes, the insurance and managing the trust bank accounts and investments. His firm is also a accounting firm on the other side of the office, that already does my corporate taxes and accounting. Side Note..... it helps greatly to make friends with the more powerful and better lawyers in you AOO because if you ever get sued it would be a conflict of interest for them to represent the person suing you, leaving them with only the pool of second rate lawyers to come after you with. It also does not hurt to have the circuit judges over for dinner now and then.

    So in our hammering out the trust and bylaws John asked if the Cell Tower Leases and Crop Leases were going to be the only income going into the Trust Accounts and investments. We had talked last year about rental cabins or a campground around the lake. And that conversation petered out with the cancer coming to dominate everything. He is strongly opposed to rental anything due to liability concerns and how set ups like I was thinking explode insurance premiums.

    So he owns a property very similar to mine via his father in Arkansas where it is set up like a country club with a hefty up front membership fee and a couple thousand dollar per lot lease and maintenance fee. Basically he has no liability beyond the general property liability and the lease makes the insurance and liability of the lots the responsibility of the lessee. The Membership grants the lessee rights to the features and activities and guarantees exclusive use rights to the leased site. Me Krappy Likes it. So I ran with it. His are bit pricier than mine but his are a 10 Year Membership/Lease for $40,000 up front and $2500 per year with year round exclusive use rights to a 1 acre site on a lake. Oh and no perm structures allowed tents up to portable cabins and RV are good. If a lease/membership is not renewed there is a 90 day window for the owner to remove their property. And you can be very selective and discriminatory when it comes to who can be a member of a exclusive private club.

    So We drew up the contracts for leases, memberships and a couple of hold harmless agreements. My Insurance premiums went up $200 per year due to a recreational commons area. That is where my cabin is relocating to and will become member restrooms/showers, a laundry room and a kitchen after I gut it and remodel it. I am doing 6 member lease sites and had not intended to make them available until next year. I was talking to a friend and Doc while fishing about what I was up to last week and and both whipped out their check books and said sign us up! LOL stopped by the lawyers office after we were done fishing and they signed up. I had not gotten my copies from the lawyer yet to print more copies.

    SO Friend A has no problem with pics so long as I distort faces and Doc does not want his or families pics used at all publicly....... Understandable. Friend used his families site last weekend and could not stop talking about how great it is here and how much better it will be as *We* build it up more. To be fair the Blonde Girl in the pic is my Mini Me, apprentice and heir and lives here with me 2 weeks being apprentice and at home 2 weeks with Mom. No she is not my daughter but I have known her since before she could walk. And no there is not and never been any relationship between me and her mother other than being very good friends. LOL Everyone always assumes she is mine and me and her mom had a wild fling....... TOTAL ASSUMPTION AND MYTH. That being said she sometimes slips and calls me dad and I consider her to be a daughter.

    SO my two friends are a couple and my heir is the womans daughter. He is a 3 tour Afghan Vet and combat engineer that served his last two tours in forward bases. And is among my short list of best friends.

    Doc juming on board shocked me a bit and when I questioned him about it. "Man if you have not noticed the world is turning to liquid shit around us and I want a safe place me and the family can retreat to if/when it all falls apart. And I would much rather be hanging out with a angel of death than my suburban neighbors when the time comes. And if the time doesn't come I now have a nice place to retreat to on the weekends where no one can find me!"

    So my sites are 3.67 acres each 400'x400', the members have year round exclusive use rights to their site, and communal rights to the facilities and activities around the lake. If they want to put a big portable cabin like mine up and live on their site full time for the duration of the 10 year lease/membership they are free to. A short list of basic and common sense rules for the sites. 4 of the sites are very spread out. The Two Beach front sites are pretty much side by side. Buy in Membership is $20,000 and annual maint/lease fee is $1500 Sounds like a lot at first glance but averages out to like $250 per Month over 10 years. Current member gets first right of refusal at the end of the 10 years on renewing the lease/membership.

    The big attraction at the moment and it got the hell used out of it by the kids and adults last weekend..... The Swimming hole. 260' wide 370' long and 8 feet deep on the deep side. Future beach side is a more gentle slope from 8" deep out to the 8' deep.
    DSC00171.JPG I have twenty 25 ton loads of coarse sand on order that my rock guy will start hauling in after he finshes planting beans and harvesting wheat.

    I have planted Tulip Trees, Red Maples and Weeping willows 125 total around the lake and the sites and mixed 50 white oaks in that should be getting decent sized about the time the other trees are petering out. DSC00176.JPG

    I went with the tulip trees, red maples and weeping willow trees because they are fairly fast growing, relatively strong and decently long lived. LOL they will outlive me by about 40 years. And get big enough to be making decent shade in about 4-5 years. Its still rough in some spots but I am getting all graded out and purdy :)

    Nope I am NOT advertising in the last week I have gotten 18 applications to buy in memberships. Oh yeah we don't walk around nekkid here with our junk flopping around and our big ole sloppy enhanced boobs bouncing free...... the swimwear is about as close as we get to that :)
  2. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Prayer sent for chemo patient
    Gator 45/70, duane, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  3. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I did a speed read, I spotted the word boobs though.
    Horsegal, Gator 45/70, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  4. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Sir K
    I have read your posts and know YOU are A Gentleman of a degree as of I ..
    Known that for some time 5.

    Now that is funny right there !
    Sloth .
    Gator 45/70, duane, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  5. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Sadly people make assumptions and I have found in life that those assumptions are usually projecting their own shortcomings on everyone else :(
    Gator 45/70, duane, Meat and 3 others like this.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Damn! KK gives up farming to becoming the "KK Estates" recreation mogul! LOL!
    Gator 45/70, duane, Kamp Krap and 3 others like this.
  7. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Impressive,,, nothing short of that .

    I've been wondering how things were going with you and the Mrs. Didn't want to be nosy or intrusive ,,
    I'm happy to hear Mrs. Krap is doing reasonably well and I truly hope the healing continues.
  8. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    I know folks mean well but the Question "How is Dee doing?" With a "And How are you holding up?" Gets so damned old LOL.

    Not really a mogul at what amounts to $3500 per per site :) I went through the applications of sorts last night for the four remaining sites and none qualified. I just can't stress enough NO LEFTIST/MARXIST Types allowed! I Would have to have $2,000,000 up front and $200,000 annually to deal with them.

    LOL I got nothing against boobs, I also have nothing against a little appropriate modesty and leaving some things to the imagination.
    Gator 45/70, SB21, Meat and 1 other person like this.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I totally get the “How are you guys doing?” Questions, Kamp Krap… AlaskaChick was counseled to use a Plasticized Sign, that her neurologist gave her that stated, “Please, no visitors at this time. She needs her down time.” after her fall and recovery, from the Traumatic Brain Injury that she is slowly still working on… She puts it up on the Apt Door and it saves a lot of questions, from the neighbors in the building…
  10. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Sounds like another adventure, at Kamp Krap! How long before you're putting up a welcome sign, for your lessees? If you know someone with (or have your own) sand blaster, a nice blasted sign looks really nice, and made with weather-resistant wood, will last you a long time. (y)
    And I'll continue sending blessings and prayers for your and Mrs. KK. The "Big C" has two "wins" in my family (my dad and my oldest sister, RIP), and one "loss" (my other sister) any time I hear about someone beating it, I turn into a cheerleader for them! :love:
    Gator 45/70, SB21 and Kamp Krap like this.
  11. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Hang tough old bear and keep planning, Bless the Misses by all means!
    Cruisin Sloth, Kamp Krap and SB21 like this.
  12. Ohiogalt

    Ohiogalt Monkey+

    Great idea with the camp, God bless you Kraps and hope Mrs. Kraps gets better soon.
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