The Worst Program Uncovered by DOGE?!

Discussion in 'Financial Cents' started by Cruisin Sloth, Mar 24, 2025 at 22:28.

  1. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Ura-Ki and techsar like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    As if we didn't already know the Political elite were using our tax dollars for private use, things you and I could never afford, or ever be allowed to own, or use, yup, were expected to continue to pay and be silent and compliant!

    How dare we stand up to, and question our masters!!!

    I've been saying if for a while now, were due for a Reconing, and it's coming real soon! The power mad and foaming at the mouths trying to stop the bloodletting they are getting, it's only a matter of time until this hurts them badly enough for them to strike out as us peeons and demand their pound of flesh from us, time to give it to them says me, bullets first!
    duane and SB21 like this.
  3. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    I still would like to know where 4.7 trillion untraceable dollars of our tax money went.
    duane, Brokor and SB21 like this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    They still haven't tied it to the super secret deep underground facilities and high level technological research (UFO stuff) and this could be because it's just too big to reveal, or perhaps they didn't connect the dots. The thing is, we've had a totally independent and separate secret government operating for decades with zero oversight and I just don't see how they will ever make that public. The "military industrial complex" or the "deep state" are just factions within the current system and this is not what I am referring to. Something should be done about it, but how on Earth can they even approach it? We're talking about a very pervasive system involving the Vatican, every intelligence service around the globe, top power brokers and CEO's, and many people who really don't have an identity and can literally be anyone they need to be, inside governments or any corporation.

    It's the kind of stuff that falls within the realm of David Icke -and I don't really want to get into any of that.
    duane, SB21, Ura-Ki and 1 other person like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Americans are FINALLY realizing how truly rich they are and how truly rich our country is. All our money has been siphoned off since early 1900s, so much so, that they have sunk us into $36T debt...and they want more. Anyone still not realize that the Ukraine war is simply a money laundering scheme? Sad but true. Once that money leaves the country, we can't account for it which is why USAID was so beneficial to the Left/Progressives/Communists/Socialists.

    I do think that if they cannot stop DOGE that they will react, out of necessity, very, very violently because without money they cannot keep power. I have no idea how this is going to turn out. I fear too much is done simply via Executive Order so can be changed just as fast which, to me, isn't permanent change. Dunno but seems we have a long, long way to go.

    The BIGGEST question still is unanswered is WHERE is the money going? We're talking trillions over decades after decades so where is it? And, if it is going to some 'super-secret deep underground facilities' - why? What are they (facilities)? Who do they support? Why does it take so much money? Why so many? And, how something that's so big which takes so much money managed to remain so secret so for long...
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2025 at 11:55
    duane, 3M-TA3, Brokor and 1 other person like this.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Riddle me this!
    When I was first sent to Ft. Eilieson A.F.B., Fairbanks Alaska in 1990, it was literally a one horse town that seemed time had forgotten circa 1951, one paved street through town, about 2 miles worth, from Highway 8 to the front gates of the Fort, a couple dozen larger retailers, and several mom and pop shops, and not much else other than some mostly obscure collage nobody really wants to go to, in short, Fairbanks was any small town U.S.A!

    Fast forward to 2016 and the wife and I drove up to Alaska to see the country and all it's grandeur, we get to Fairbanks and it's like downtown Los Angeles, traffic all over the place, a 4 lane paved all the way through town and all the side streets are paved! Strip malls at both ends of town, and all sorts of other businesses through out, it blew my mind at just how big and modern it had gotten!

    I had remembered the famous restaurant up highway 8 in the community of Fox, it was still there, still THE place to eat, so took the Wife there for dinner, still the exact same place I remembered, Glorious food!
    Sitting in the front deck sipping our drinks, I asked a couple of folks what had happened, how had Fairbanks gotten so damn YUGE, everyone said it was Big Oil, so that what we thought, until we got back home and started digging in! The ALCAN pipeline isn't flowing anywhere near capacity, there isn't enough oil being pumped out of the ground to keep it filled and running, and doing the math, there isn't enough exploration, pumping, refining, or anything else to support the claim of "Big Oil" being the reason for such growth!

    Here's another observation, just north of the community of Fox, highway 8 changes, and it is now gated, and while we never went further north then Fox, not really knowing what WAS north, it seemed kinda strange to see the main highway gated and no traffic moving through, this was summer time, peak tourist season, and yet no traffic up the highway! Was told you couldn't even drive past Circle, there was nothing worth seeing up there, and nobody really went up there unless they lived in the area!

    How could Fairbanks get so damn big and yet have no visible reasons for such growth? What are they doing up there that would need all those people, and how would all those people be involved in it and not actually know what it is? Lots and lots of construction equipment all over the place, and lots of trucks to haul it, and they are NOT pulling oil out of the ground, so,..............
    duane, SB21, 3M-TA3 and 2 others like this.
  7. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    How about not one but 2 new F-35 units, a tanker unit and all the SABER construction contracts on base and post.

    Not big oil, but BIG MIC.
    duane, SB21, Bandit99 and 2 others like this.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    To survive the coming collapse of civilization. We cannot stop what's coming. It happens every 12,000 years....and we are overdue. And they fully intend to be the benefactors of the new world, the masters of the future. Let the surface dwellers die out. More than this, other nations have a similar plan in place, so it comes down to who can come out the strongest after the water recedes.

    But that's the story. The key to all of this is the catastrophe we cannot change. For decades I couldn't tie this all together. Now it all makes sense.
    duane, Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  9. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    They will orchestrate a civil war to thin the masses, not a N vs S but this group against that group. Even this will be a distraction to buy time and fortify their positions before we the people can butcher them. Our tax money has been spent like water and a good portion has gone into individual pockets.
    My real worry at this point is the survival of Trump and Musk. I hope their protection details are on point.
    duane, Brokor and Bandit99 like this.
  10. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    So, just to be clear, they are increasing the size and hardening of the base/post? So, the increase in the size of the area surrounding Fairbanks is due to the military? This would make some sense...would also explain why the intense interest in either acquiring Greenland or coming to hard agreements with them.

    EDIT: Thinking about it...base renovations and unit relocations are all line item funded so while this might be the case for Fairbanks' (and makes perfect sense) unusual growth, it doesn't explain the trillions that are missing over decades. @Brokor theory does explain it. My only problem with that theory is that how in the hell do you keep something like that quiet for 50, 60, 70 years? I mean, the underground construction and general operation and maintenance of such facilities would take a huge labor force of all types of professions. Yet...thinking more about sounds so absurd, something that only kooks and shell shock conspiracy nutjobs, would believe, right, so if was true it might be easier to hide then one thinks but...the project would be huge, and long-term so... Dunno. However, one thing is certain, the money went somewhere, a lot of it for years and years...
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 20:27
    duane likes this.
  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I always figured it would be a Bio-Weapon, one that they could manipulate to effect only those they choose, and let the rest die!
    This thinking really got started with us during the Ebola outbreak, with both of us highly trained and experienced in the medical field, it all seemed to line up l, especially when one understands how various things get past the bodies natural defenses, so, that has always been our thinking!
    Shoring up that, we watched Bill Gates operating in Africa, giving thousands of people inoculations, ostensibly for disease mitigations, but the dark truth was ( and it's well documented) those injections were specifically targeted toward reproduction, and that was used in certain ethnic population which we are now seeing come to pass!
    Then there was the Gates experiments in Ukraine, near Moldova and all the way north toward Mosco, children were given an oral "Medication" presumably to help prevent nuclides from Chernobyl from effecting the people, especially the youth who would be expected to reproduce and continue the line, however, it made 87% of the female population sterile, while the males were nearly 69% sterile! Bill Gates was all in the middle of this, as were other "Oligarchs" in that they funded, promoted, and administrated it! I could go on and on, but you get the point! Coof-19 was a test run, notice how many chins it DIDN'T kill in China or other Asian cultures, yea, it was a targeted attack, and what's worse, the nano tech they tested is still killing folks to this day! Crafty bastards and that was only a beta test, imagine once the powers that be decided to go live with this, you and I will not even know anything about it until we already are effected by it, and then it's too late! Those who survive ( estimated to be around 30%) world wide, will either exist outside the genetic programming families, or possess a natural immunity to it, and so, the megalomaniacs will still have to deal with the survivors, which is why the hard core push against the 2nd and other rights, it's not that they fear us armed, it's that they fear the survivors armed to the teeth, and a real bad attitude toward those who caused it all, and it won't even be hard to tell them from the rest of us!

    If you really stop and think about this, it makes the most sense, no nuclear fall out or debris to contend with, no destroyed cities and infrastructures, no nothing, it will be like a light switch was thrown, and people just dropped, so the only challenge will be finding enough bulldozers to push the piles of bodies into pits to burn! It's a win win for them, nothing to do but wait it out and shovel afterwards!
    duane and Tempstar like this.
  12. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    That base sits in the middle of a great big muskeg swamp, from the main highway to the north to the mountains 20 miles to the south, that whole massive area is one giant permanent frost swamp, and what's really bad, the south and east side of that base is an environmental super fund site ( which might explain the massive construction resources, but expansion is going to be both Very expensive and very SLOW, and it requires a serious upgrade to security of the entire area, a truly massive undertaking to say the least, perhaps the largest in that states history by some margin!

    But to answer your question more directly, I do not know what they are actually doing, if anything at all, to expand that Base, or it's operations, or it's capabilities, but I have long suspected that it's being used as the replacement for Groom Lake, ( known as "Area 51") and I have good reason to suspect this as true, but cannot share how and why!
    duane likes this.
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Area 51 replacement would make some sense or...future war plans. I mean, how many times have you heard of buying Greenland or all the tripe about Canada 51st state before the last couple months.? Thinking in cold logic now...Canada is no longer a viable risk. I mean, their ex-Prime Minister was damn near swapping spit with the Chinese PM so... I think the world is changing before our eyes and the curtains are coming down. I expect much harder policies with Canada in the future. Sad but true. They either start playing on the same team or...nothing personal just realpolitik. In short, just because they are our neighbor does not mean they are our friend because their government certainly is not so...

    Having more thoughts about the missing still is not adding up, that amount of money, decade after decade... I hate to say it, but some secret underground facility could very well be where it is going. My only problem is that it seems to me it would be impossible to keep quiet...
    duane and Ura-Ki like this.
  14. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    You hide things in plain sight, middle of Africa makes the most sense, and THAT would 'splain why China and Russia are so involved there, and why they built the Aswan High Dam on the Nile, gotta power all that shit underground, there is absolutely NO way in hell that Egypt or any of north africa is using anywhere near that dams power output! There is almost zero national conscious in Africa, Nobody is watching it, nobody is preventing anything happening there, and the major powers are operating with absolute impunity!

    As folks seem to always point out, Nobody gives a shit about Africa!

    And that would 'splain why it makes sense to hide something THAT massive in plain sight!
    duane and Bandit99 like this.
  15. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    duane and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Aswan dam may last a long time but silt build up behind the dam will make it obsolete some say within 50 yrs
    duane and Ura-Ki like this.
  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    They can outsource to any foreign country not to mention they've had at least 70 years to get this rolling. Huge tunnel boring machines (TBM's) have been going non-stop for many years. Lots of people have been in the business, look at Denver airport for example. It's all compartmentalized and lots of confidentiality clauses, also missing people. It's not really all black projects. At this stage, they can have an entire civilization of their own whose allegiance is to nobody at all aside their own. No nation, no flag we know of.
    duane, Ura-Ki and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Latest timeline is bumped up a little. Might be as early as 5 to 10 years from now.
    duane and Ura-Ki like this.
  19. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    like usual - a perfectly good posting gets dragged off by pure bullshit nonsense
  20. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    No, what is nonsense is trillions gone missing every year and nobody knows a damn thing about it. Nonsense is blaming an attack on steel superstructures capable of withstanding multiple airplanes crashing into them, but they all...fall...down into tiny pieces, just in time to collect a double insurance policy. Oh, and never mind the gold and everything else stored in the vaults, that must have just exploded with all that jet fuel. I heard all the controlled demolition folks got into the jet fuel business to take down buildings in this new, incredible way.

    What's nonsense to me is how the older generations bought into the lie that we are the greatest nation on the planet, when it was their ignorance and stupidity that got us into this mess. To save on time, I will just start with recent history. The Second World War was a method to empower the Zionists, and Hitler was the perfect willing idiot. They got their 6 million and a one way ticket into paradise, just like their prophecy demands. You see, the Jews couldn't go back to the Holy Land, it's forbidden by God until they lose one-third their numbers. It was decided long ago that 6 million was the number to represent one third of the Jews. If you search for articles related to this number and anything with Jews being starved, tortured, massacred, etc. you will find these claims going back many decades before Hitler was even a zygote. And so it was written, and it came to pass. Were Jews actually harmed in horrible ways? Absolutely. No denial here, except with the numbers being reported.

    See for yourself. It all must be nonsense, though.

    The thing is, we've been lied to our entire lives. And so, World War 2...Americans didn't want a war. But good old Roosevelt got one, thanks to those pesky Japanese. You do know he gave them the green light to attack Pearl Harbor, right? The more you know...

    As it turns out, my specialty is everything about our monetary system. And when I tell you FDR was a socialist, trained by Mandel House and was always planning on taking America off the gold standard for good, I'm not telling you a theory. And all those old folks who still admire him to this day are the very reason why we have these insufferable, idiotic, greedy pigs in government now. And the entire time this has been going on they have been slowly poisoning the people, making them sick and weak so they can "treat" their many illnesses and profit from it the whole time. And it gets worse because they don't need the damn money, they are the masters of money -they own the damn system and have a monopoly. You see, they need just the right type of people in the right places, the greedy type, the envious type, the evil type. THIS is what the whole system is for. They've insulated themselves so well you don't know who they are. And who cares anyway? This is all just...nonsense. Right?
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