The value of CCW in a relatonship.

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by arleigh, Sep 24, 2019.

  1. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    In this day and age, if you were single male or female, what value do you place on the person of interest being legally armed, with a CCW as well?
    You are learning things about someone and the subject of guns comes up and the question is asked, "Do you have a CCW?"
    Not so much for the issue of carrying a gun necessarily, but the fact one passed the background check and you are registered with the feds legally.
    Of course, it should be established well ahead of time where political leanings are of course. One does not negate the other however care should be observed who knows you carry.
    I don't want to say right now what inspired this (nothing romantic on my part I assure you) that I will share later.
    Zimmy and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Doesn't everybody carry?

    I was at a Dollar Store today and every body carried something.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    When I proposed to my DW - eons ago, I said I only asked for two thing on her part before saying yes/no.

    1) Wanted to wait 2 years for us to have kids (a statistics thing)
    2) That she would always carry a small, semi-auto handgun when out of the house - I was stationed in the Las Vegas area at the time.

    I got a funny look, but she agreed.

    At her birthday (about a month before the wedding) I gave her a PPK/S in 7.65. w/200 rounds.
    Her dad gave me a serious look then said "I'll do the training" - which he did.

    That was 45 years ago....we're still married.
  4. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    My wife would shoot an eye out! She doesn't trust herself with kitchen knives, much less a firearm.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Mine had/has an open mind and so when it came up early on, she understood a lot better then I expected, though given where she comes from, the idea of being able to fight back appealed to her! Didn't take long for a date at the shooting range to cement the deal, and she has carried almost every day since!
    Zimmy, arleigh, Dunerunner and 2 others like this.
  6. Out in the woods

    Out in the woods off-grid in-the-forest beekeeper

    After I retired from the US Navy, and we returned to live stateside, we settled in a state that has constitutional Open Carry and Concealed Carry with no registry, and no background checks.

    When you buy a firearm the FFL does a police check, but that is the only check done.
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    AlaskaChick came from a Ranching family, both her parents were Firearms proficient, but they didn’t pass that along to the children. I was taught by my Uncle Henry, at age 12, after I completed NRA Marksmanship Course & Washington Hunter Safety Course... My family is City folks, but my Father who was a Bank Manager, kept a .38 Special Revolver in his Desk Drawer at the Bank... He never got held up, ever... When we started dating, I asked her if she was Gun Friendly, and she explained that she didn’t know a lot about them but wasn’t opposed to firearms.. I carried my Model 94 in 30-30 Carbine on our Honeymoon Hike in the North Cascades... and taught her how to shoot it... A bit later, I bought her her first handgun, a .380ACP Lama and 500 rounds of ammunition... By the time she had used up all that she was a competent shooter, with the 94, my Winchester 69a, her Lama, and my 38ACP Colt Pocket SemiAuto... I cooked a Deal with a Customer of my High Accuracy Ammunition, who was a SWAT Training Officer, to supply extended Weapons Training for each others wives... She became a GREAT Shooter with that training, as did my friends wife... They liked to go shooting when the kids were in school... Hand her a FireArm, show her the action operation just once, and then NEVER get out in front of her, especially if she is Mad... Deadeye Deb, is a GREAT Shooter... We are both long time CCW Holders...

    Years ago, I talked to a young man, just starting out, “Shopping for a wife” and he told me that he would, would ask a girl out on their first Date, and take her to the Gun Range, and burn thru a Brick of .22LR, in both a rifle and pistol, then to dinner at a fancy Place... If they didn’t like the Shooting, they never got asked out a second time.... He was a World Class Rifleman, and now is married with four kids... and designs Archery equipment for a well known firm...
    Zimmy, arleigh, Dunerunner and 2 others like this.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    My ex's temper mitigated against putting a gun in her hands, so never did. Next time, if any, a bit more vetting will be needed.
    Zimmy, arleigh, Dunerunner and 2 others like this.
  9. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Never any doubt, the first stop on our first date was a walk down to the lake. Embankment makes a great back stop. I ask if she shot, sure she said, I whipped out a CC (before such paper work existed) handed it to her and she emptied it.
    'Nough Said.
    Ura-Ki and Gator 45/70 like this.
  10. Gafarmboy

    Gafarmboy Monkey+++

    When I met my third wife, we had been dating about a month, we came back to the farm to pick up a list of supplies that I needed from a big box supply store. Many of my dates ended up as shopping trips. Two birds, one stone kinda thing. On the kitchen table where several weapons that I was in the process of cleaning. Modifying, etc. I ask her if she was opposed to having firearms all over the house. Her response told me that I had finally found my soul mate. She said " I can clean the .45 for you, if you want.". Her father was a WWII vet and was a rapid collector. That was 16 years ago and we are still going strong. As a side note, I bought her a Kimber stainless steel special edition .45 on our 1year anniversary and a conceal carry purse which she carries every day. Ahh... ain't love grand.
    Zimmy, Ura-Ki, Alf60 and 3 others like this.
  11. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Love is a .45,Got to be a song there,Seacowboy?
    Zimmy, Ura-Ki and Dunerunner like this.
  12. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    Only a very faithful man teaches his wife to shoot!
    Zimmy and Ura-Ki like this.
  13. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I was hoping to see some reference to the security of knowing one's potential mate has been checked out by the LEO with regard to CCW.
    And what might be the future of guns too among women that prefer a man with a CCW.
    This might seem strange to you but hear me out .
    There is a 1930s song "Buttons and Bows". the crux of the story in the song is the woman's objection to guns.
    That said , If todays women promoted ideas of the reverse It might go a way to work for us.
    The incentive of back ground checking for that sake of CCW potentially identifies a better man, or woman.
    Zimmy and Ura-Ki like this.
  14. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Your point was made at the first vote for CC in Mo. The law for CC failed miserably.
    Demographics proved that the single Moms in the major cities were manipulated by Antis in the usual manner of Save the Children.
    Second time around Pro Groups educated the voting block that a gun in the home and proper training was the way to stop the killing of their kids by druggies and others.

    The Vote passed and Mo is a CC state and the votes came from the inner cities.

    My wife? Her skill set demands the upmost discretion.
    If she picked me then I was OK and so was she.
    No Feds' approval need apply.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2019
    Zimmy, arleigh and Ura-Ki like this.
  15. BenP

    BenP Monkey++

    My wife has her CCDW and I recommend everyone get one even though they are no longer required in Kentucky. The training regarding self defense laws is good information to know and having one makes it easier to travel armed to different states.
    Zimmy, arleigh and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Not saying I'd ever get married again, but if I did I would want to know if she had a ccw, knowing at least some background check had been done.
    Zimmy likes this.
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