The United States is no longer a capitalist economy

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by enloopious, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    People argue that the US is what happens when Capitalism goes wild. Obviously the US hasn't been Capitalist for a very long time. In fact the reason we are seeing what we are today is the exact opposite reason. Those who wanted planned economies and Communism found the weakness of Capitalism, which is that we still rely on government. The problem with government is that it is weak. It is filled with people and people can be bought, sold, intimidated, and manipulated. Capitalism isn't the problem, government is.

    When they created the corporation it allowed fake persons a shield from real people who get hurt by their actions. Greedy corporations play real people like a fiddle. They create 'laws' that prevent poor people from ever becoming their competition. If company X dumps a billion tons of oil on your beach front property they pay a small fine. If they dump nuclear waste off the coast of Africa and kill all the native fish and creating "pirates" who must now steal and rob to survive, they don't pay any fines. Corporations are evil by definition and yet we all still put up with them. Why? We must get rid of corporations.

    If we want to be an actual Capitalist country we must get rid of the corporations.

    johnbb likes this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Not quite, but close! The real cause here, Government running unchecked, politicians enabling big business to dictate to the gov'ment how things will be, and the politicians with their greedy little hands in everyone's pockets! We have not held big business accountable for much of anything, big tech especially, and then there is big pharma, basically running amook doing what ever the hell they want with zero accountability! Remember when you and I had to bail out the Big Banks, Generous motors, Ford, and Chrysler? Yea, things like that are why we are where we are now!
    enloopious, mysterymet and 3M-TA3 like this.
  3. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    I would be tempted to say the United States is no longer a Constitutional Republic.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Hmm... I just had an interesting idea. "The problem with government is that it is weak. It is filled with people and people can be bought, sold, intimidated, and manipulated." I think this is spot-on and has been the problems since any form of government has been implemented so...

    So, I wonder if we take people out of the government and replace them with computers programmed to Constitutional Law. I read a excellent White Paper about using computers/robots as General Practioner doctors and the results were very promising and excel in diagnosis and assigning treatment. Of course, human intervention will be required in many cases, but the workload would be significantly reduced, and greatly results improved. Robot never tired, sick, hungry, angry, never forgets and has huge database to pull data from (internet). So... why not Congress Representatives?

    The obvious objective would be not all problems are binary, but I wonder if we couldn't use some sort of 'fuzzy logic' to achieve a percentage of our goals. LOL! I am not totally serious here, but neither am I totally joking because the real issue is and always will be people, the weak link. I wonder if we would be governed any worse than we currently are...I do not think so.
    enloopious, Cruisin Sloth and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Absolute power corrupts, and absolute corruption is Power! That's the nature of the human species, always dealing power and control over others, dosnt matter the circumstances, the outcome, or consequences, it's just man's nature! You would have to take all of that out of everything, remove the desire, and exert control ( it's self a power) over those who weald it for it to work! This was supposed to be how this nations governance was set up, where the people held give in check and had the means to remove those who exceeded their power! This hasn't happened for some time, too many Chiefs, not enough Indians and is a big part of why we are where we are today! Nevermind all the corporate entities who exert power over government and it's players!
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes, it has become quite obvious that there truly is no way to save the country. The traitors and haters have managed to circumnavigate most of the Constitutional restrictions that limit their power. We need new Amendments which of course will never get pass since most politicians remain in their positions for life. A Balance Budget, Term Limits, Stock Market Denied to Congress, and Campaign Funding Limits are but a few necessary amendments needed immediately plus stricter controls on campaign donations and Lobbyists.... but will never happen. I do hope that if in the future a new democratic nation is born they take to heart our Lessons Learned when constructing their nation's guiding document. We almost got it right.
    magicfingers and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I read a very enlightening report yesterday, written by some big time Harvard think tank group, and while it was very much a leftist paper, it none the less shows where the left thinks they are the saviors and the right are at fault for everything! they did make some good points, but ultimately, they are ether so blind to the lefts schannagians, or very naïve, criminally so! They are scared to death of what's coming, scared DJT will run again and be installed as POTUS, but not actually win, they fear the Right will rally behind and fully support him, and make it all legal through SCOTUS! They make a compelling argument for how this could happen, and they declare the country will fail when that happens! Interesting look at the other side and what they are thinking and planning!

    IF DJT does run, things will be a lot different this time, I hope if he does win, he goes in guns blazing and destroys the democrats, exposes them all for the crimes, theft, graft, and everything else, and I hope he exposes the crooked right while he is at it! He would need to by absolutely ruthless in exposing it all and bringing it all crashing down, and he would need a plan to restore things back to a Constitutnal Republic with a lot of serious changes to our constitution and B.o.R!

    I find it very eye opening when reading the leftist leaning stuff, they ALL mention Democracy as their "Guiding Light" and insist that everyone should follow them in that belief, as if it were true, I always point out ( When I Can/Am Allowed) that they are flat wrong, this nation is NOT a Democracy, it is in fact, a Democratic Republic, and just because the Democrats get their party name in the title, doesn't mean it gives them any moral separatory, we are a Democratic Republic in that we hold certain ideals and among those is our Bill OF Rights! I also find it eye opeing when ever I read that the left always demands changes to the constitution, and B.o.R. and treat those as "Living Documents" subject to the wims and wishes of modern society's needs and desires! NOPE, not how it works, there is a very specific method to making changes, it was made very hard for a good reason, to make absolutely sure that any changes are very well thought out and studied before being made. The Left would have us changing pretty much everything, and almost certainly to their way of thinking!
    I say, Run DJT, run! I will vote to keep any other other out, especially the weak sauce repubs, and the ultra left morons that want to destroy us, if DJT is the best we can hope for, he has my vote, once again, I wanna see the left implode!
    Cruisin Sloth and johnbb like this.
  8. Power corruption and lies is what it is all about in every country. Look back at 2008. The moral cripples and corrupt took down the financial system and they recieved corporate welfare because the "Banks were to big to fail." Complete horse hockey.
    Capitalism is the only way to go but we need a major overhaul of it for it to be a success.
    Cruisin Sloth, BTPost and Ura-Ki like this.
  9. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    You know a lot of my family had to bail those poor billionaires out. I guess no matter how you look at it, if you use dollars you bailed them out, so every country in the world helped pay.

    I don't know that Trump can fix the system. I'm not even sure he has what it takes because he owns shares in all the big drug companies and oil companies. Yeah he can fix the economy but to get freedom we may need something better. Jesse Ventura? We really do need as little government as possible. How small of a government can we have and still function?

    Trump's Stock Portfolio: Big Oil, Big Banks And More Foreign Connections

    There have been several "AI" systems that are doing law better than actual lawyers. The tests I have seen are very promising. There is a point where the corrupt politicians will be replaced by that system. Their options are to find new jobs or corrupt the computers (which is not easy to get away with) for their own benefit. It really depends on when they realize that they wont be able to steal everything anymore. If we can get law, medicine, and government away from them before they can see it coming we might have a chance. But then again, whats to stop the AI from becoming corrupt?

    Bandit99 likes this.
  10. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    IMO as the population grows (soon to be 450 million) individual freedoms disappears in direct proportion to population. We see it more and more every day personal responsibility is disappearing, self-reliance is disappearing, work ethic is disappearing, educated population is disappearing( brain washed not educated), violence increasing etc etc In order to keep these unwashed masses in check governments inevitably grow more and more powerful and freedom is usurped by the government. China could never be a anything but what it is and we will devolve into the same system
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2022
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Should Donald Trump run, and given it is an honest election, he will win by a landslide so that is the first flaw in their paper.
    However, I do not believe that Trump could straighten out the mess we call our government in only 4 years because the problem and the government is HUGE! It takes time and given we are a democratic republic it would be impossible, just not enough time. I am sure he will do much good, just as he did last time, but to think he could turn everything around in just 4 years is simply dreaming.
    johnbb and Ura-Ki like this.
  12. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Is a president only allowed to serve 2 terms, or 2 consecutively?
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  13. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Sorry, I went to public school...2 terms is the limit!
  14. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I don't think your correlations are certain. The population in the US has gone down from 350 mil to 328 mil. China has something like 1.5 billion but I think more than the amount of people is the communism that affects things. Corruption changes the value of human life and morals keep people honest. When your government is stealing everything it can get its hands on people get left behind and then have a greater propensity to start stealing themselves just to keep up. I think the population affects that by having a larger number of crooks. I don't think it is the actual reason.

    Then again there was the studies by Jane Goodall where the chimps started killing each other when their population got too large... tough to say. The fear porn on the nightly news definitely contributes.

    If anything I think we should focus on the individual instead of the masses. I can teach my kids but I can not teach all kids. Lead by example but also, maybe, don't put up with other peoples BS.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well, here's another idea which will start a fire storm but WTH...

    So, I believe I could get most people to agree after some debate that the possibility of truly changing the United States and correcting its multitude of failings in one elected term (4 years) is impossible. As a democratic republic it hinders any sledgehammer type of approach and is complex, confusing and simply messy, such is democracy. Actually, one of my pet grievances against the USA is we expect all countries to use our democratic republic approach, but it is simply too friggen expensive and definitely not cost or time effective so...what if there was a Sulla type option/approach? Yes, a dictator option. Understand this is only fantasizing...but hear me out.

    Roman Emperor Sulla is regarded by some historians as a "republican champion who predominantly acted out of necessity and often with the best of intentions." In a nutshell, he took power by military force and became dictator. Basically, he implemented government reform through brutal force. "Sulla used his unlimited power to unilaterally reform the Republic into his ideal form of government. He curtailed the power of the tribunes of the people who were sacrosanct elected officials with immense veto powers and the ability to circumvent the Senate by introducing legislation directly to the People's Assembly. Sulla restricted their power by requiring all legislation to first be approved by the Senate, greatly increasing its influence. He established the requisite ages for officeholders and the order in which the offices could be held along the cursus honorum (the Roman political ladder), and he packed the Senate with his supporters. He set the maximum prices for many goods, services, and also limited interest rates." etc. etc. etc.

    Now, before you blow a gasket, yes, he was a monster and really did purge Rome of all opposition to him and even corruption (except his own) BUT in doing so he saved the republic because it was...dysfunctional and - well - it simply didn't work and so corrupted that it was impossible to do anything...much like our own government so I am not saying a full-blown Sulla but a dictator approach...actually, much like what Putin has done and in doing so saved Russia...while also making himself the richest person in the world. Yet, 80% (maybe more) of Russians love him. Think about that...

    So, if you wanted a major house cleaning - and I am talking all the necessary new amendments (Balance Budget, Term Limits, etc.), corruption stopped, hell - even purges - would/could you support this approach?

    Now, before you say "No", which is the obvious answer, then tell me what is your REALISTIC method/plan to save our Republic? Remember, I said 'realistic'... I would say that it is not possible and would gladly debate anyone who differs, things have gone too far, corruption too ingrained, it's a total and complete wreck and the next bump will cause the train to come off the rails probably sooner than we even can anticipate.

    Remember Russia went right to the edge, and managed, with Putin's guidance to stop from fallen into the abyss - I mean - a complete wreck. Bank accounts worthless overnight, people not paid for months, inflation off the charts, export/import stopped due to currency devaluation, mafia control cities, on and on and on... Many won't remember or simply didn't care but it was very, very close...I saw some of it and it was scary and ugly. Americans are rich and pampered but definitely not as pompous as they use to be because they know it's coming apart. Their golden standard Democratic Republic government failing and with it them. Putin's dynasty will die with him (probably replaced by a crony but not a offspring), but Russia will be left in a much stronger position... And America?

    So, it would not be fair unless I stated my position so...Yes, I would willing give 4-years dictatorial powers to the right individual in the hope and trust that it would save the country. Why? Because we have nothing to lose. The cause it lost and it's not going to change, it's that simply. Drastic times need drastic measures. I don't like but... There. I said it. Now, please stay on point with your replies and remember we're only fantasizing here...but, like Russia, we might not have a choice in the near future.

    EDIT: Mods, I don't think I am stealing the thread here but have no problem with removing this and starting a new one.
    enloopious and TinyDreams like this.
  16. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    I like the way you are thinking this thru, Bandit. One thing that sticks out to me is that our individual states are starting to thumb their noses at Federal interference. Red states refuse to enforce firearms restrictions. Blue states refuse to abide by rulings against illegal immigrants (and many other issues. ). I can foresee a time that Federal monetary policy implodes under its own weight, and the value of the USD approaches zero.
    At that point, I think it may be up to the states to take a more dominant role, and the federal apparatus will take a limited role.
    TinyDreams likes this.
  17. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I truly hope I live to see it (I'm 68) but I sort of doubt I'll be there. I think we would agree that the State powers trumps the Feds powers on most things where the Feds like to push their noses into. Their key has always been the carrot and the stick approach - give or withhold Federal funds. Think about that for a's sickening! Do what we say or we won't give you any of the taxpayer revenue or the monies we had printed. It's pure blackmail. And, why do they have that power? The Feds have very limited and specific powers (it's even in an Amendment) and for this exact reason - tyranny. Now, they are always careful to not overplay their hand but in truth, it costs them nothing. The feds will never give up this power now to the states - never. It will take a wrecking ball to the government to make it happen and it's not one thing that needs wreck but a long laundry list that our Constitutional fathers could not have foreseen long ago. I just had a thought...I wonder how many federal agencies there are now? The last time I look there was more than 800, I bet there is at least a 1000 now...
    CraftyMofo likes this.
  18. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Let's talk it out. I am running for dictator of California. That seems like the best target for your plan.

    First you get into office by any means possible. This is what they are already doing so it should really be no problem.

    The very first thing I would do is secede from the United States. I burn every law and law book in the state. This should fix half of every problem right off the bat.

    The primary goal is to take care of the money so I would get rid of fiat and make Bitcoin THE currency. All banks would go away and be outlawed. The only taxes that would be allowed are import goods, exported goods, and citizens working abroad and I would call it 'constitutional taxes'. The only people with IDs would be those who do business outside of California to link a business to a man or woman.

    We could take down the walls because nobody would be paid to come there. There would be no state assistance, welfare, or any other payments of any kind. There would be no business taxes so every business on the planet would want to come there to be profitable. Because there are no corporations, if your business kills people by polluting the environment, poisoning the food, or what ever, the OWNER gets tried for murder. We would be the cleanest state in the world.

    There would be no taxes on land so everyone could buy as much land as they want and since there are no corporations they could pass it to their family. This would make the people rich and bring back the middle class. Of course the news would attack me and call me a dictator so the only news allowed in the state would be by people who are actually held liable for their words. Calling a riot a peaceful protest would carry the same sentence as actually rioting. Intent is the same as the deed, so if someone tries to kill you and misses, they get the death penalty. Criminals would disappear.

    Television would be filled with educational shows so kids wouldn't want to watch it or they would all be smart. They would actually go outside and meet their neighbors and friends and recreate community.

    Military service would be mandatory for every male in the state and optional for females. They would be trained how to use any and all weapons and how to create their own. There would be no US military, just CA state military. There would be no police, only state Sheriffs. Sounds like paradise...

    BTW, I'm running for dictator of California. I will create the largest economy in the world. I expect your write in vote.
    Bandit99 likes this.
  19. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    I like the part about seceding, the rest, good luck :)
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    VIVA enloopious!!!
    enloopious likes this.
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