The Top 5 Worst Guns

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by stg58, Dec 7, 2024.

  1. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Mrgunsngear has a Rumble feed.

    The last one is really bad.:eek::ROFLMAO:

  2. 4x4

    4x4 In the Basket of Deplorables

    It will often amaze me what some of these firearms manufacturers will produce and sell. It astounds me that there are people out there that will purchase these contraptions thinking they are viable self defense tools.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    The most useless firearm I have ever seen was the gyrojet and its mini rockets. Small problem of it setting fire to a lot of things it hit and the government didn't like a gun that could be fired out of a paper tube, no rifling marks. Changed the rules and didn't call it a firearm, but a destructive device and you needed a tax stamp or a smaller round. Otherwise, besides being expensive, not accurate, setting fire to the woods, the ammo being $10 a round, the government hating it, looking like a ray gun, etc, it was a great toy. Couldn't hit anything at 50 feet with pistol and at that range it had about twice the impact of a 45 and raised heck with the back stops. But d### it was a blast to shoot. At the price of the ammo, I only fired about 10 rounds and paid the owner for them when I shot one at the range many years ago. God, I just realized that it was about 60 years ago. Time flies when you are having fun.

    Gyrojet - Wikipedia

    Government let me fire some ammo thru a M-79, and while not a good weapon for hunting, makes Bambi into hamburger before you field dress him, it is comforting to hear some one else use it. Had to be to far forward to use it and it drew counter fire like a 3 day roadkill draws flies. Was a civilian growing rice so told I shouldn't carry a fire arm. Instead they said it was ok to wear the ammo vest for the M 79 and carry a few rounds for the SAW and some spare grenades. Since I didn't carry a field pack, home at night in a bed, they just loaded me up until my knees buckled. Always thought I wouldn't have to worry about being shot, would of most likely blown up in the ammo cooking off. Never did fully trust a senior sargeant that has survived a couple wars. More likely to be tricky than lucky and will always play with marked cards and loaded dice. Good man to stick close to as his hero streak disappeared a couple wars ago.

    M79 grenade launcher - Wikipedia
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
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  4. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I wasn't too bad with the M79 but absolutely sucked with the M203. Leaf, quadrant sight...didn't matter.
    Brokor and duane like this.
  5. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    Those Jennings 22 pistols. I call them jam o matics.
    Zimmy and duane like this.
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I would have to say a gun that jams all the time or falls apart is definitely worse than an altor.
    Also, why not the life card?
    It costs 3x as much as a an altor and only fires 22.
    duane likes this.
  7. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I'm sure we can all name poor firearms.
    But even with a concerted effort to ban certain firearms, we still have access to Quality firearm now if they can amend or get rid of the NFA it will be even better.
    Zimmy and Brokor like this.
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