The Dis-integration of Western Society - a French author's view

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DKR, Jan 31, 2021.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    The Undifferentiated Human Matter of Replacism - American Greatness

    Fairly long piece featuring the French author Renaud Camus, a realitivily unknown/minor French author and political thinker.

    It refers to his (translated) book - English translation was published of the 2012 - You Will Not Replace Us.

    Makes some very interesting points - all pointing to societal disintegration that is accelerating as you read this. Much like the French book - The Camp of the Saints - this book has been pilloried (by the left) with the usual tags, - racist, nationalist, etc, etc.

    The article linked here will take both some time to read and a lot of careful thought - I post it here for your consideration and the the view offered from outside of the usual echo chamber is US media/politics (now and forever inseparable).

    You may draw your own conclusions, IMO it does contain many ideas worth pondering, if currently unpopular..
    Dont and duane like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Don't have to agree with the French, but they are a little farther down the road than we are at the moment, in 2 years it may well be a different story. Between the collapse of the overseas colonies and the strong communist party in France, much of what we are now facing in the USA, were problems the French faced in the 1970's and 80's.

    Interesting take in reading the left vs right, liberal vs conservative, freedom vs authoritarianism, is that it seems to be a problem in many countries and with wildly differing systems of government. Well worth reading what other systems have done to solve the problem or what the results are when the conflict escalates, or the winner's collapse.
    DKR likes this.
  3. toolbelt99

    toolbelt99 Monkey

    We didn't start the fire....

    We were just born here. It's been burning for a long time.
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