The Complete Illogic of a Biden Victory

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HK_User, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
    By Stu Cvrk | Nov 09, 2020 12:00 PM ET
    The Biden campaign, the Democrat Party, and the legacy media (all for one; one for all!) have summarily declared Joe Biden to have won the election. Furthermore, CBS News claims that Biden broke the popular vote record for presidential candidates, as noted here. Let us examine some of the illogic that they all refuse to address and see if a few different conclusions can be properly deduced.

    The Logic of Voting for Biden. We are expected to believe that more Americans voted for a thoroughly compromised candidate who did not even campaign down the stretch than voted for both Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. Does anyone seriously believe that to be the case? Do you think Obama and Hillary themselves actually believe that? Even the media could not hide Biden’s serial gaffes and “senior moments” when he did appear in public during the campaign, nor could they dispel or refute the evidence of massive Biden family corruption in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, and elsewhere that was exposed in the last weeks leading up to Election Day. There was ZERO enthusiasm for Biden, and the paltry numbers at his public campaign appearances paled in comparison to President Trump’s massive rallies. Where is the logic that leads to Biden’s popular vote record?

    The Trump Turnout. Despite the endless media poll predictions for months to the contrary that were intended to depress and suppress Trump voters, the Election Day turnout in support of President Trump was MASSIVE and overwhelming. So far, President Trump’s national vote total has exceeded 71 million votes, which is over 8 million more than he received in 2016, as noted by the President himself in a Twitter tweet:

    71,000,000 Legal Votes. The most EVER for a sitting President!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2020

    No sitting US president who increased his vote total by >12% over his first election totals has ever failed to have been reelected. Let that fact sink in. And the enthusiasm gap between the two candidates this year was gigantic. The anti-Trump vote (the only thing Biden had going for him, and always limited primarily to the progressive core of the Democrat Party) could not possibly have overcome President Trump’s increased turnout numbers, especially given that a large percentage of those Trump voters were Democrats and minorities! And yet we are supposed to believe that Biden eclipsed President Trump’s numbers. From where did Biden’s votes come?

    Biden Turnout in Swing States. The key swing states in contention include North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada. The turnout in those swing states far exceeded historical norms – another “statistical anomaly” and a clear indication of ballot harvesting and voter fraud.

    • There are approximately 3.6 million active registered voters in Wisconsin, and some 3.3 million (92%) votes were cast this year compared to an average of 65% over many election cycles. Less than 3 million votes were cast in 2016, by comparison.
    • In Michigan, the numbers are 8.1 million registered voters with 5 million votes cast this year (68%). By comparison, the 5.5 million votes exceed by over 400,000 the previous Michigan record turnout while turnout in heavily Democrat Detroit was over 90%.
    • In Pennsylvania, the numbers are 9 million registered voters with 6.7 million votes cast this year (74%) with turnout in heavily Democrat Philadelphia at 90%. Meanwhile, Pennsylvania turnout in 2016 was 61%.
    • In North Carolina, the numbers are 7.36 million registered voters with 5.49 million votes cast this year (74.6%). Turnout was 64% in 2016.
    • In Nevada, the numbers are 2.03 million registered voters with 1.3 million votes cast this year (64% with counting still in progress). Turnout in 2016 was 57%.
    Lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden could NOT have accounted for those turnout increases from 2016, but ballot harvesting via mail-in ballots could. The legacy media have not investigated or reported on state production of ballots and their distribution, receipt, and certification. All mail-in ballots would have been printed by state government agencies or their contractors, and records would be available to determine where and when those ballots were distributed and collected. And we are supposed to logically concluded that a damaged candidate with no constituency or support who did not aggressively campaign for the votes somehow generated these numbers? Consummate illogic!

    The Pause. On Election Day night at about midnight Eastern Standard Time, President Trump led comfortably in those and other swings states to the degree that the Las Vegas betting odds gave him a 75% chance of being reelected. Approximately one hour later, Democrat-controlled North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada paused their vote counting for over three hours. Why this was done – seemingly in coordinated fashion – has never been satisfactorily explained nor even investigated by the legacy media. Yet, in each of those states, sufficient votes were magically found that put Biden over the top – a statistical improbability if not impossibility that has been glossed over by Democrats and their lickspittle media. These “found votes” are the real “Biden turnout.”

    Down-Ballot Voting Versus the Top of the Ticket. Down-ballot Republicans were victorious on Election Day. Not one Republican representative running for reelection was defeated, and Republicans will add a half-dozen more seats to their current totals, including several new women and Hispanic representatives. Pending the runoffs for two US senator seats in Georgia, Republicans will have held onto their US Senate majority. And there were also many Republican victories in statewide and local elections. The Democrats did not flip a SINGLE state legislature of all of those they targeted while the Republicans flipped both houses in New Hampshire. Certainly NOT the “Blue wave” that the Democrat-media complex had predicted throughout all of 2020! No previous US president has ever lost his reelection bid while his party gained seats in the House of Representatives (refer to the number here and here). Yet, we are expected to believe that Biden won at the top of the ticket despite all of these Republican down-ballot victories? Please. Even the feckless Lindsey Graham properly attributed the Republican down-ballot victories this year to President Trump when he publicly announced his $500K donation to the Trump campaign’s legal efforts to challenge election procedures in several states.

    The Media Declare Biden the Winner. After shamelessly propping up and covering for the Biden campaign for the past year, the legacy media were chomping at the bit to claim Biden was victorious – regardless of the facts. Never mind that many states have not certified Biden as the winner, and the electors in the Electoral College will not vote until “the Monday after the second Wednesday in December,” which is 14 December this year. Yet, despite many reported election irregularities, a number of important Trump campaign lawsuits in battleground states, and the state certifications still pending, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and the AP have already “declared” the election for Biden, as reported here. The media don’t “declare” winners in US elections, as their authoritarian cohorts in Communist China do:

    From Communist China's mouthpiece, The China Daily:

    — Stop the Steal – Stu Cvrk (@STUinSD) November 8, 2020

    The voters make their choices, the states certify those votes, and the Electoral College subsequently elects the president of the US. The courts and the US Constitution are the enforcers of US election law, not the media. Increasingly, there is a convergence of ChiCom and American media narratives, particularly regarding President Trump, which should give Americans real pause for concern. And their trumpeting declarations on both sides of the Pacific Ocean that “Biden won” are both premature and direct evidence of gaslighting regular Americans by conveying a false narrative that the election is over. After witnessing four years of media lies in their efforts to “get Trump,” the logic of believing the media concerning the election results escapes me.

    What Really Transpired. All of the above defy logic; none are even considered by commentators in the legacy media. Commonsense dictates that the real result of the election was a Trump landslide victory that is in the process of being stolen through ongoing Democrat voter fraud. Yet all of the above are wished away by Democrats and their media sycophants as they seek to build public pressure for President Trump to “concede.” Here are considerably different conclusions than the prevailing Democrat-media conventional wisdom/narrative on what really took place during the 2020 campaign:

    • Biden declared for the Democrat nomination in April 2019 exactly one week after Robert Mueller failed to deliver the goods in his special counsel report. One hidden purpose was to hide and deflect public attention from Biden family corruption in Ukraine.
    • The Democrats orchestrated a super Tuesday “landslide” that enabled the lackluster Biden to defeat the socialist Bernie Sanders. The Democrats nominated an increasingly mentally impaired candidate who they proceeded to hide from voters throughout the rest of the campaign while screening him from and deflecting all negative stories about Biden family corruption, history of gaffes, girl-sniffing, etc. On the plus side, from their viewpoint, those problems meant that Biden was more easily controlled than other candidates would have been.
    • The legacy media propaganda narratives accelerated from that point on such that some 90%-plus media commentary through the present has been anti-Trump. The goal has been to gaslight Trump supporters, separate President Trump from his base, and depress Republican turnout on Election Day.
    • The ChiCom virus was exploited by the Democrat Party – especially Democrat governors and federal bureaucrats advising President Trump – to destroy his main political strength, the economy, regardless of the damage done to regular Americans.
    • Virus statistics were cynically manipulated and hyped by the Democrat-media complex from March through Election Day (virtually stopped now) as part of their scare-mongering to convince Americans of the need to keep the economy shut down and also to “vote by mail” instead of in person. Their vote-by-mail campaign was in reality camouflage for the massive voter fraud evinced on Election Day and thereafter.
    • Pollsters – in truth, nothing more than Democrat activists paid by the legacy media to depress Republican turnout – were even further off in their predictions this year than they were in 2016. Yet, they continually reported double-digit Biden leads throughout the summer in fall when the reality was the massive Republican turnout on Election Day.
    • In the meantime, while Biden was “hiding in his basement” and refusing to campaign, President Trump beat the virus in record time and was a political juggernaut down the stretch, finishing out with three, four, and finally five massive campaign appearances per day. And the voters were watching, including registered Democrats who turned out for those rallies in record numbers!
    • There were unprecedented actions by the legacy media on Election Day night. For example, Fox News refused to call Indiana and Florida for President Trump when it was obvious there was no chance for Biden to win in order to assist the Biden campaign narrative. Fox News also called Arizona for Biden as soon as the polls closed – also to assist Biden. Other states were called by other legacy media early or late – in all cases to assist the Biden campaign in creating the narrative of an “overwhelming Biden victory” in process (which was, in reality, a highly coordinated media operation meant to camouflage massive Democrat voter fraud). And that fraud manifested itself in particular during “the pause.”
    • The Democrats apparently believed their own internal polling and woefully underestimated the turnout for President Trump on Election Day, especially in ostensibly Democrat precincts. Failure of their propaganda and the high turnout for the President caused Democrats to panic bigly as midnight approached on Election Day. Their carefully planned electronic voter fraud gambit failed because many blue precincts went for President Trump bigly this year compared to 2016. Those are the precincts where those new 8 million Trump voters came from this year. Counties like Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach in Florida.
    • At that point, the Democrats realized they didn’t have enough votes in the electronic vote-counting systems to elect Biden because President Trump was coasting to victory according to vote tabulations in the key swing states. They needed a “pause” in the counting to find more votes in those states. And this is exactly what they did on Election Day night as they reverted to what they had tried to avoid doing this year – voter fraud through the use of paper ballots.
    • Democrat votes from paper ballots were “found” to put Biden over the top in swing states. These late votes were more than simply “statistical anomalies” since the preponderance of votes after midnight on Election Day – most of which were hand-marked ballots – were for Biden. They were part of a desperate last-minute voter fraud scheme.
    • With the fraudulent ballots putting Biden ahead in several swing states, the legacy media have now “declared” him to be the winner despite the lack of state certifications and many ongoing legal challenges by the Trump campaign.
    • Meanwhile, President Trump received the largest number of votes of any incumbent in US political history, and we’re supposed to believe that it is “entirely logical” that a damaged candidate who did not even campaign for the job eclipsed President Trump’s numbers? C’mon, man!
    At present, the highly-coordinated Democrat-media narrative is that President Trump should simply concede. The illogic of their arguments stinks to high heaven, as described above, and it will not happen, as previously reported here! Watch what transpires when outside audits are conducted in those swing states. The legal challenges have only just begun…

    The end.
    Oddcaliber, SB21, Mountainman and 8 others like this.
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    A lot of people need to get serious jail time.

    This time it’s too blatant to ignore/ sweep under the rug
    Sunnyvibes, Oddcaliber, SB21 and 6 others like this.
  3. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I have little doubt that cheating occurred on a wide, coordinated scale. It's SOP for the Democrats. But it's been done so at the highest levels and to try to prove it, election fraud is tough to prove anyway, will probably not be possible.

    You may be able to point at a few cases here and there, maybe it'll amount to a few hundred votes, but it won't be enough to make a difference.

    I seriously hope I'm wrong.
  4. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    As a woman I am able to say without hesitation or doubt that you are wrong. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    It's gonna be way more than a few hundred.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Heh. Both have black masks. Watch, see if they both wear white (or other same color) in later events.
    Oddcaliber, SB21, Tully Mars and 3 others like this.
  6. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

  7. madmax

    madmax Far right. Bipolar. Veteran. Don't push me.

    Here's a sobering thought. The young people that were indoctrinated into the left mentality are having kids which they will raise as socialists or communists. It's going to take a miracle to rise above the madding hoards.
  8. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    The voting was made digital and the vote was hacked. I've seen videos showing the numbers changing by large amounts in the blink of an eye. Votes were even subtracted as time went by. There was a lot of monkey business going on in various states.
    madmax, all this shows how many people didn't pay attention in school and didn't learn from history. Maybe Communism is taught differently now?
    Oddcaliber likes this.
  9. madmax

    madmax Far right. Bipolar. Veteran. Don't push me.

    Nope. It is not. Teachers are told (mandated) to teach certain things. You have to teach it, their way, and record that you taught it. My family and my wife's are firmly entrenched in education generations back. We no longer support public education.
    Oddcaliber, SB21 and HK_User like this.
  10. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    "They" have at least 50 years of feeding us cock & bull stories (The Kennedy coup, the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident, 2 airplanes took down 3 building lie, 19 years in Afghanistan 'fighting to keep us free', etc etc etc) that why would stealing an election TOTALLY IN YOUR FACE come as a shock ?

    The shadow corporate oligarchs behind the curtain are just making sure the levers get pulled correctly to keep them in control. And the common debt slaves in this country will get up and go to work tomorrow to keep the oligarchs in power, just like they did the day before the 'election'.

    Ask Ross Perot how power REALLY works if you can find the rock he is still hiding under.
  11. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I read something tonight I had not heard of ,, on The Gateway Pundit site ,,, that in Atlanta on election night,,, the stopped the vote counting ,, and said it would most likely be Friday be voting continued,,,, reason being was a " Water Main " break in the building where the counting was taking place.
    Truth is ,,, i think a reporter did a records check with the city of Atlanta, for all records for "Water Main break repairs " on election night,,,,, and there were no requests, or work orders for that repair.
    Turns out ,, there was a water leak in the building,, but is was not a major water main break ,, I think they also said it was stopped and repaired by someone that wasn't even a plumber.
    I hate having to believe that 1 of our government parties is so corrupt that they would blatantly try to steal an election,, and really not even expect us to question it.
    So what I'm curious to see is ,, if they are able to prove this widespread corruption of election stealing,,, how are they going to expect to be trusted at anything, ever again.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I agree with hating to believe that also. What I don't think is that it's a top down directed effort. I DO think that there are self motivated corrupt people willing to jam a stick in the chainwheel. And that those self motivated corrupt people are doing it because of their lack of proper education.
    Oddcaliber and SB21 like this.
  13. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Once you lay down and accept this BS you will be controlled from now on .
    Just look at the Canadian gun restrictions that was shoved thru when the Asian Scam / flu was locked down .
    Oddcaliber likes this.
  14. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Nope it all makes sense.

    China joe is going to do whatever china says.
    Oddcaliber likes this.
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