Recommended The Alienork Way – Understanding The Danger Of Islam

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by bagpiper, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    I apologize for my absence, a friend tried to commit suicide, and needed an intervention.

    Ghrit is right, this thread has drifted into unsolvable emotional territory. I apologize for sinning and cause a thread drift... ;)
    Those who wish to believe the 'status quo' are welcome. Those who wish to believe that all things of our origins have been colored by men of money and power, would be closer to the Truth. When a man's history and his family and origins are taken, then he is diminished. If all white people could simply allow for the fact, that we had a common origin, at some point in the deep past, then maybe we could drop some of this nasty infighting, and fight to restore who we were... nah, it would take an alien invasion... oh wait...

    This ties together Saxons and Alienorks, because men of power, use political correctness, in all ages, to hide the Truth from us 'commoners'. Do the men in power, think they can use Islam in some way? Don't know, but I do know, the man who had a tiger by the tail, couldn't let go... and Europe is suffering the consequences of their own politically correct insanity. Their 'intellectuals' have wrought this upon them with very good 'arguments' using high and mighty sounding words, that mean absolutely nothing, like Chellovick, they are enamored of process more than truth.They all know the price of everything, but the value of nothing... Intellectuals are also those poisoning the fields around here with Glyphosate pesticides and GMO's that are corrupting the gene pool and the water... but, YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT... nana nana boo boo. It doesn't matter that I haven't heard a Bob White's song in years, or seen a honey bee in a couple years... but that's ok, our intellectuals have it all under control. Yeah, just like they said that nuclear power would be the panacea, 'hardly meterable' it would be so cheap, and CLEAN! I think sometimes, all you bastards should be taken out, with the politicians, lawyers and preachers, and just put out of our misery.

    Chellovick, thinks that truth resides in the words of 'digital' men who are 'acceptable' scholars, I don't. If a Roman Catholic 'scholar' told me the Sun was coming up tomorrow, I'd be up before sunup just to make sure. Just like a politician, liberal or conservative, told me that Islam was the religion of peace, I'd laugh at both of them as fools because they don't know the first thing about war.
    All war is deception, and the first doctrine of Islam is the Doctrine of Taqqiya, the Way of Deception.
    So in the end, deception is not just a thing of Islam or Christians, but men of money and power, in science, politics, scholarly pursuits, religion, you name it, they who run the world with one rule; The Rule of Gold, that demands ignorance, or at least, a truth colored in lies.
    Political correctness, is the death of western civilization, as the Alienorks demonstrate, we are fools, deceived by our own bullshit, Chell shows how we can 'swallow a camel but strain at a gnat'. He thinks the internet is the Goddamned Source? Not one mention of Dr. Armstrong's fine work? OH, shit, that's right, its not 'online'. Hm, maybe he could spend a few bucks at Amazon? I'm pretty sure its still available, but then, see, his own church came after him because he made white men brothers to JOOOOOOS.

    As far as Saxons, that was a politically correct doctrine from hundreds of years ago or more, because we are 'gentiles' according to the oh so self righteous churches, that paid the scholars, that laid down The Sources that some feel is Godly Righteousness simply because they don't want to have any connection to JOOS, and will say anything to prevent that idea from coming forth.
    I laid down several sources, but, the mockery and ridicule is the first weapon of the Defenders of the Status Quo. But here is another from Jack Mohr, since it is online, maybe it is acceptable;

    Who Are The Gentiles?, (A Scriptural study into the meaning of the terms Gentile and Israelite)

    PS: Done with thread. Don't have the time or inclination to continue with intellectual one upmanship, because this subject, like God, cannot be resolved even with the Unified Field of God. I don't use words like taxonomy or philology because I'm not in the business of selling people on how smart I am, and how I can lookup an article on the internet, and suddenly, poof, I am a f*king expert. No, us commoners are now, completely done with that crap. In fact, that's what my nephew shocked me with; "Let it all burn down, kill all the baby boomers, start over". He actually said that. That's why I'm becoming a blacksmith instead of a Robotics engineer. There, given you a enough material for a full blown pseudo-intellectual meltdown?
  2. DuxDawg

    DuxDawg Monkey+++

    Excellent illustrative tale.
    Sprang to mind today, so I read it again.
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