The 2020 Election and the State’s Crisis

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Dont, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    For millions of Americans, perhaps as many as one-third of the population, the results of the popular vote contest in the 2020 election of the President remain in doubt. Because the Electoral College, not the voters, elects the President, there is no question that Joe Biden now holds that office. But his legitimacy depends on whether the popular vote count was accurate. Was it? No one knows, and no one can know.

    Until recent years, voting and vote counting in America had long followed certain rules. Votes were cast on paper ballots. Unless you could demonstrate you had to be out of town on election day, your only opportunity to vote was on that day in your local precinct. Those who had to be out of town could get an absentee ballot, but the number of people who did so was small. Votes were counted under observation of representatives of both major political parties, and the paper ballots were retained for a set time after the election so they could be recounted. The system was not tamper-proof–ballot box stuffing in Cook County, Illinois, turned the 1960 election for Kennedy–but over the years fraud had become increasingly rare. The vast majority of Americans had faith in the integrity of the electoral process, and they were right to do so. The process was accepted as legitimate.

    In the 2020 election, that legitimacy evaporated. The reasons were several. The most important was widespread adoption of electronic voting. Anyone who knows anything about electronics knows nothing electronic is or can be secure. Everything can be hacked. We read constantly about one system or another being hacked, but far more are hacked than we read about because good hacking goes undetected. Was the 2020 Presidential vote hacked in key states? We do not know and we cannot know, and that is a problem because our inability to know destroys the electoral process’s legitimacy.

    The legitimacy of the process was undermined further by massive use of early-voting, mail-in voting, legalized ballot harvesting in some states (an open invitation to vote buying), court rulings that signatures on ballots did not have to match those on voter registration cards (Pennsylvania), etc. In some key cities, vote counting was ended for the evening, but when the Republican poll watchers had gone home it was restarted and suddenly produced big majorities for Biden. Added to the uncertainty that must surround electronic voting, these measures have made the voting process of even more questionable legitimacy.

    Read the rest @ The 2020 Election and the State’s Crisis of Legitimacy – traditionalRIGHT
  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    There was so much apparent voter fraud one would think if Bidumb was honest he would have demanded everything be investigated to insure the legitimacy of his election but we know he is not honest and for millions of us there will always be the conviction it was stolen unless proven otherwise.
    techsar and Alf60 like this.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Right now the Dems are cementing into Law the very tools of fraud -
    Motor voter
    Same day registration
    unlimited mail in ballots w/o verified signatures
    etc,, etc, etc.

    Nice while it lasted...
    techsar and SB21 like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    2/3 of Americans have lost their voice and vote, we 2/3 no longer have the power of the people over the government!
    It just went from a "Of the people, By the People, For the People" to a two bit diktatorship! AND, they will make damn sure we cannot challenge that power or change it! Now comes the hot and heavy push for Gun Control, they need to remove the guns as fast as they can, and seeing what and how they are going after the folks who stormed the capital to contest the vote and force congress to act, and the MSM has twisted it from a Demand for Congress to act and do it's job, to an "Insurrection" by a bunch of Militia and "Right Wing Extremists" and we now have the basic tools to further remove rights unde emergency powers!

    Watch for another false flag mass shooting, and the push for gun confiscation will ramp up big time! Look to see law suits against the MSM and the Social Media sites shot down, effectivally removing your voice and abilities to communicate, and expect to see your Bank accounts frozen or seized when you don't comply with their demands! We are about to become Non-Persons real soon, so, get ready!
  5. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I don’t have the energy or wits to follow all the particulars when it comes to the election. I go with my gut instinct and I’m fairly accurate it turns out. Something stunk! No clue exactly. All “whataboutisms” aside this new guy is absolutely gone too, there’s no question if you’re honest with yourself. I remember posting somewhere about his slurring long ago. Some peeps be “wtf you talking about Willis?” I know what I hear and it comes and goes. Adderall likely helps at times. There’s one more thing that bothers me immensely. Calling Trump voters racist and supremacists. You call my Mom nasty stuff in my presence and I’ma drop you most likely. I don’t know any supremacists, not a one. I’d call BS on them if I did. Only a dumb POS would think all Trump supporters are of this ideology. It’s utter nonsense. There, rant over.
    Lancer, ditch witch, techsar and 3 others like this.
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