Texas sheriff talks border wall security, government shutdown

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HK_User, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Texas sheriff talks border wall security, government shutdown
    By Robert Arnold - Investigative Reporter
    Posted: 5:47 PM, January 14, 2019 Updated: 6:53 PM, January 14, 2019
    Texas sheriff talks border wall security, government shutdown
    HOUSTON - Andy Louderback has been the sheriff of Jackson County for 16 years and he has been to the White House several times to discuss border security and criminal justice issues.

    Louderback was seen sitting next to President Trump on Friday as the president answered questions about the ongoing government shutdown and the border wall. Louderback is also the legislative director for the Sheriff’s Association of Texas and he said a wall is needed along the border but maintains it is only a partial solution.


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    “The wall is simply a portion of what we've talked about for decades,” said Louderback. “No country exists that doesn't have a border that's controlled.”

    Jackson County is a little over an hour south of Houston. The county is not on the border, but Louderback said Jackson is a corridor county. He explained what comes across Texas’ border with Mexico eventually moves through his jurisdiction on the way to Houston.

    “Virtually 100 percent of our narcotics problem is coming out of Mexico,” said Louderback.

    Louderback points to cocaine, ecstasy, Xanax, heroin and meth seized during recent arrests. He said none of those drugs are manufactured in the rural county and he said he is seeing an increase in meth.

    “It's manufactured in laboratories in Mexico and shipped by the metric ton into this country,” said Louderback.

    Louderback said when he has spoken to President Trump about border security, it is to say a wall is not needed along every mile of the border. However, Louderback said he believes a wall in certain portions is necessary to help law enforcement have greater control over the drugs and other types of crime coming over the border.

    “We need physical barrier structures in certain places, we need technology and we need manpower,” said Louderback.

    Louderback said border security is something he and his counterparts have discussed for decades because of the drugs, human trafficking and other crimes fueled by cartels.

    “There's not a single law enforcement agency in this country who doesn't deal with what the cartel is bringing in to this country,” said Louderback.

    When asked about the government shutdown, Louderback said it is unfortunate but necessary to address what he believes is a national security issue that has been neglected.
    techsar, Gator 45/70, duane and 3 others like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Houston, the corridor he is on leads to it, is the 4 th largest city in the US, about 2.3 million in 2017, in contrast New Hampshire has a 2019 estimate of 1.3 million, census data for Houston in 2010 said it was 60+ % democrat, 50 % non white, 20 + % foreign born, and other sources said it is one of the most diverse racial and cultural cities in the USA. Some data indicated for the last few years up to 80% of the individuals moving into it are non white. Sounds like it may soon become the southern most suburb of Los Angles. The poor sheriff is between Houston and Mexico, the population in Jackson County hasn't grown in last 30 years, about 14,000, living in an area of about 850 sq miles, lots of problems and no tax base, sounds like fun. In contrast, Houston has a police payroll of 6,400 and an $850 million police budget in 2016.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
    techsar and Gator 45/70 like this.
  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Enforcing laws that deal with sellers and users of drugs is a better way of dealing with that problem ,because the fact remains people will make their own if they can't buy it . End users are the problem.
    The people that buy slaves are not seriously being dealt with apparently and this too is the problem.
    If there is no demand, there is no supply issue. End user is the problem.
    Illegal immigration however is another issue altogether .
    It seems to me that for the volume of people flooding the border some one is behind it . if you're that poor ,making a particularly dangerous journey with little ones is daunting . some one has to be financing this effort, banking on the liberals to bend to this mass migration .
    At some point liberals will be loosing their jobs to these people then what ?
    OldDude49, oldman11 and HK_User like this.
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