teachin agenda now a days???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    It is funny in a way, the purpose of education has always been to create a method of passing on to the next generation the values and things that make up the present culture and tools that sustain our way of life. Now we have somehow created an educational system that has as its goal the transformation of the old legacy culture into a new one that they think is superior and destroy the old culture. It has many facets, destroy our religion, destroy our moral code, break up the common national heritage of northern European based population, change our legal system, destroy the moral and legal basis of our rights as Americans, and the list goes on. I used to like to read SHTF fiction, more and more I am having a great difficulty trying to separate out the facts from the fiction. If you had used the example of a man killing multiple people in a series of robberies a few years ago, it would have been handled somewhat like George Floyd, but today it is ignored..

    Accused serial killer busted after Rite Aid cashier slips GPS in bag ⋆ The Savage Nation
    Timeline: How Man Suspected in 6 Murders Was on the Street
    Keith Gibbson investigated in slaying of Leslie Lizet Basilio, others

    Darryl Cooper: Why Trump Supporters Are Pissed Off And Don't Trust Anything | ZeroHedge
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
    Thunder5Ranch, Bandit99 and SB21 like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I think if one were to strip away all the other BS and get down to the bone we would find that the root of all the current problems stem from our Education institutions.

    Professors can say or do anything they want on or off the podium or on social media without suffering any repercussions. Even the institutions they work for have no control over them, can't even fire them...which I find to be simple crazy. I did technician/engineering type work for 40+ years and every job I have worked at , here and aboard, I had to abide by moral and ethic standards, restrictions, on and off duty and some I even had a dress code which I can assure you was no damn fun and made no sense in some climates.

    Teachers and schools seem to be able to teach whatever and however they wish even though their funding comes directly from the taxpayers - yet - in our defense it seems we have no means to stop them, no voice, no control, even though we pay their salaries...talk about more insanity. All we get to do is pay without a voice, without a means to voice our discontent or redress our grievances how our money is being spent...and this is suppose to be Freedom, the Land of the Free. Yeah, right...

    Yeah, like everyone else, I'm confused. All-in-all, I really don't know what to make of this country. I no longer understand it. We have loss all control of our lives, our children's lives and our country. Our politicians have backstabbed us and many are blatant traitors. And, nothing we seem to do makes any difference. Our politicians give us the same old lip service then sell us out. We vote and it means nothing because they count the votes. I keep hoping for a spark, something to unite us and start reversing the pendulum and put the fear of God into them but...nothing. I say 'the fear of God' but should say 'the fear of the People' but the people are afraid, afraid to raise their voices, to truly push back and simply say "Enough!"

    Anyway, it is my belief that until we can again gain control of the education system that things will continue to get worse and worse. Personally, I believe Public Education should be defunded. Yep! Do away with ALL public education and I believe we would be much better off and so would our children. Home school or private school, no state universities only private.

    Isn't it amazing... We pay for all this nonsense, the educational system, traitorous politicians, lousy government...all of it and we have no voice in any of it - well - none that can be heard. And, they keep us on the leash with the same brainwash by telling us how free we are and blah, blah, blah...

    Enough dark thoughts for one day... Maybe tomorrow will be better...but I doubt it.
    Mountainman, Yard Dart, duane and 2 others like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I recently had a discussion with my 8 year old niece who is at the perfect age of discovery, and has unfortunately been exposed to a bunch of this "Woke" bullshit! I had to ask her several questions about what she thought about some things, and why she felt the way she did, and I had to ask her to read from her bible and then explain things to me based on the conflicting information she had been exposed to! We also had to look up a bunch of history and then have her explain things as she understands them, and then ask her why she feels a certain way! I never in a million years would have guessed that the WOKE propaganda could take hold of someone so damn fast! Finally, I pointed out the term "Woke" to her and explained what it means, and then asked her to share examples of Woke as she understands it, and then explain how things are supposed to be better that way! It was eye opening to say the least, but I think I was able to undo a bunch of damage before it took a greater hold, and now I need to work on her little brother, who is even more susceptible to Woke, and I suspect their mother is largely responsible, ether through inaction, her own political leanings/beliefs, or her denial of just how bad things are, and how quickly the children can fall victim to the lies! SCARY TIMES my friends, and i'm going to be working with these two to help ensure they get a proper education with out bias or false history!
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