TOR Tails 3.2 is out

Discussion in 'TOR | TAILS' started by survivalmonkey, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    Tails 3.2 is out Tails September 26, 2017

    This release fixes many security issues and users should upgrade as soon as possible.


    New features

    • We added support for PPPoE and dial-up Internet connections.

      Please tell us if this still doesn't work for you!

    • We installed BookletImposer to convert linear PDF documents into booklets, and vice-versa.

    • We added GNOME Screen Keyboard to replace Florence, the previous virtual keyboard, which had many issues.
    Upgrades and changes

    • tails releasesUpgrade Linux to 4.12.12. This should improve the support for newer hardware, especially NVIDIA Maxwell graphics card.

    • Upgrade Thunderbird from 45.8 to 52.3.
    User experience

    • Require a 8 GB USB stick to install Tails. 4 GB USB sticks that are already installed can still be upgraded.

    • Tails Installer now detects when the target USB stick has Tails installed already and automatically proposes to upgrade. This made possible to remove the initial splash screen.

    • Disable Bluetooth to protect against the BlueBorne attack. #14655

      Please let us know if this makes it hard for you to use Tails!

    • Increase the randomization of ASLR to the maximum. #11840

    • Deny access to the D-Bus service of Pidgin to prevent other applications to access and modify its configuration. #14612.
    Fixed problems

    • Fix the import of secret OpenPGP keys in Password and Keys. #12733

    For more details, read our changelog.

    Known issues

    None specific to this release.

    See the list of long-standing issues.

    Get Tails 3.2

    What's coming up?

    Tails 3.3 is scheduled for November 14.

    Have a look at our roadmap to see where we are heading to.

    We need your help and there are many ways to contribute to Tails (donating is only one of them). Come talk to us!

    Support and feedback

    For support and feedback, visit the Support section on the Tails website.

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