Mosby Tactical Conditioning Programming Considerations, Part Eight

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    The goal of metabolic conditioning work, or what has been called “fuel mix” training, is to improve your capacity to generate energy and resist fatigue so you can perform effectively for the duration of an operation. Combat and survival are high intensity activities in which you will find yourself performing multiple bursts of intense activity, and various strength and power movements that require the rapid production of energy, while also needing to recover quickly enough to be ready to repeat that output, shortly thereafter, repeatedly. This energy is produced by the anaerobic and aerobic systems, either exclusively, or at the same time—thus the term “fuel mix.”

    Just how much energy you need over the course of a day, depends on several factors, including your specific activities for that day, and the duration of each activity, your overall conditioning level, and the nature of your “event.” The importance of these factors varies depending on the nature of the event, and specific emergencies. A gunfight, to repel a home invasion attempt, will require them in different mixture than a self-defense shooting at the local mall, and both will require different inputs/outputs than humping a ruck during a “bug out.”

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