Mosby Summer Schedule Classes–Updated

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Jul 21, 2023.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    Summer Class Schedule, 2023–Updated

    25/26/27 AUG 2023

    Small Unit Tactics/Battle Drills

    This course covers the fundamental principles of small-unit battle drills at the fire-team, “stick,” and squad level. This covers dealing with unexpected contact with hostile forces, as well as basic planned encounters, including fundamentals of the ambush and the raid. Includes live-fire and night iterations of battle drills, dependent on student achievement levels. $600

    50% deposit is due no later than 1 AUG.


    16/17 SEP 2023

    I had a pretty good number of folks email specifically asking that I make sure one of the autumn classes was a rifle class, because they wanted in, but couldn’t swing the May class. So, here it is.

    Preparedness Rifle/Carbine

    This course covers the fundamentals of using rifles for home, personal, and “farm” defense, at ranges from contact distance to several hundred meters. Coursework includes fundamental skill-building drills and basic, intermediate, and advanced considerations in the use of the rifle. Includes coverage of different types of common rifle actions, and practical considerations of using the rifle in different environmental and climactic conditions. $500

    50% deposit due no later than 1AUG to reserve your slot in this class.

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