Starting a Fire One armed....

Discussion in 'Bushcraft' started by chelloveck, May 20, 2024.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

  2. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Always carry a Zippo or Bic lighter...or a road flare.
    OzVegus likes this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Yes, and always keep a bag of pre cut fuzz sticks with you, because you just never know when you're going to break an arm. ;)
  4. OzVegus

    OzVegus Monkey

    Always carry 2 Bic lighters. One thing about Bic lighters though I'll pass on. Don't let them sit for years and years without striking them. The flints can corrode and get jammed down in their slot, it's an easy job to get them out, almost impossible to get them back in with that long spring underneath.
  5. Plan B

    Plan B Monkey

    I have to call BS on this one, when he hits the ferro rod the curls don't light, it looks like something
    he has placed behind it that lights up. The one handed fire drill is one of my favorite skills to
    practice and I do it a few times every year.

    I've used manmade tinder, PJCB and Steel wool, I've also used Grass, Curls, Fatwood, and the Innner Bark
    from Cottonwood and also Sage Bark.

    Random shots...

    SAK Farmer, The only time I used my injured hand during these drills is to take a proof of life picture.


    How I open it.


    Making curls, no need to make a feather stick as their harder to light, just lean into it.


    How I lit this one, I stood on the knife.


    One Hand with a saw.

    DSCF1725 (2).JPG

    On hand with a Mora, wet weather practice.


    One hand with the ESEE.


    One hand flint and steel, beating on my cold steel shovel with a rock.

    DSCF1750 (2)_LI.

    And one hand with the hatchet.


    Waxed Paper tinder.


    It's a great skill to practice, but I think that video was staged.

    Just one man's opinion.
    chelloveck likes this.
  6. Plan B

    Plan B Monkey

    To be clear I'm thankful that @chelloveck brought this up as it's one of my favorite drills to do
    in the woods.
    The only one I'm calling out is the Buffoon in the video, he looks like he spends
    more time in front of the mirror than he does in the woods. The good news is, he will leave behind some good gear for me to use when he fails....

    Survival isn't flash, it's nuts and bolts training over and over, and I hope I continue to learn.
    chelloveck likes this.
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    The guy in that video is just an actor / content creator whose jive is to appear the fool to highlight mistakes and errors, and then demonstrate the correct / effective way of getting the job done. Most survival / prepper content creators tend to play it serious / straight...some do it well, and some are just plain boring...

    What is important is evaluating the usefulness of the technique rather than the clown demonstrating it. :D
    Plan B likes this.
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