A question for those that are paying attention. Since the first of November have the pump monkeys been active? I suspect that part of the current large decline in the markets is due to a shortage of "cash" that mysteriously was thrown into the market at the low points to boost the appearance of good times.
The destruction of the American economy is an agenda shared by the globalist banks as well as the CIA controlled Leftists. Therefore, it would only be logical to conclude the appearance of "fun times" is about to end. After all, the only way you can lead humans to slaughter is to fool them along the way...or get them to fool themselves.
The market has been seriously overvalued for a long while. All it took was some uncertainty to cause it to go down a bit. It is still overvalued and still needs to fall more, a lot more. I got out of the stock market and wouldn't touch it again for any reason. While the Trump administration is business friendly the reconciliatory tariffs have got everyone spooked, especially the Canadian politicians' ravings using it to their advantage to stroke nationalism for the upcoming election and the tariff imposed on electricity...which I found interesting was only for some blue states. Frankly, I would like to see this used as a justification to build more electrical infrastructure, some nuclear power plants. Anyway, it will take a year for all the changes to take affect and for the players to come to a deal on these tariffs. Trump is indeed correct in that, as it has been a one-way street too long, but some of these countries have gotten use to the easy money so it will take a few quarters looking at their bottom line to come to a deal. EDIT: I have noticed that gold has not gone down at all even after the election, still hovers around $2900, which is disturbing.
The market hates uncertainty. Tariffs on and off again = bouncy vix and market. Skate to where the puck is going to be. Most folks are reactionary and sell when it's low and buy when it's high. Position your investments for the future .. 6months, a year or two, 5, 10. Panic buying or selling is a great way to get broke. Also not selling to make a profit hoping to capture more upside. Market goes up typically way slower than it goes down .. you miss one day and you could wipe out all your gains in a blink of an eye. Sitting at the roulette table and just letting it ride spin after spin is yet another way to lose. No one ever went broke taking a profit.
I can confirm the Canadian surge of nationalism and a rush of buying Canadian whenever possible. Most of y'all probably don't realize that those are not and never have been the norm. America might be a melting pot, but Canada is a stew. I like the change, personally. A prouder and more self-reliant neighbor is better than a dependent one, IMO. I have yet to see increasing Nationalism not be a move towards the right. And by God, they sure need that.
The market is several years overdue for a correction, and the DOW should be around 20k, not 40k. I suspect we will see a correction this fall before winter crude prices (heating oil) go up in the commodities markets. There are a lot of moving pieces in the world of the dollar right now and I wouldn't be in the stock market on a bet right now. I think we will see a new definition for "volatility" when the dollars vanish in the market.
Yes, a certain amount of nationalism is definitely a good thing for a nation. Too many Leftist Commie SOBs have been trying, with much success, to kill nationalism and pride in our country here in the USA. Hopefully, they have been spanked enough put back in their corner...for a while. However, too much nationalism can also be bad, very bad. Germany after WW1 is a perfect example as is the old days of 'Our country, right or wrong' when Americans thought we could actually trust our government, what a bunch of idiots we were. China in the days of Mao and his Red Guard is also a very good example. This Canadian nationalism is a good thing; however, it too is being used against its citizens for political reasons, the upcoming election. They are trying to make a big deal of it when in fact really all President Trump was saying is a fact, Canadians would be better off in many respects, not all but most, as American citizens. Now, the leaders and elite of Canada might not be, but the huge majority certainly would be. Frankly, I see the two countries merging in the future, not in the near future, but I would bet it will happen someday. But, Canadians don't want it now? Okay. Who really cares, not America; nevertheless, that doesn't make it a bad idea. It does make for a very convenient political slogan though...
There are provinces that might want to join, others that might not, and certainly at least one America wouldn't want under any condition, Quebec.
I guess Quebec is like our California, yes? California is such a PITA. The biggest problem is they have such a huge economy, getting smaller everyday as people and companies leave but they are still about the 5th largest in the world. As such, they can get away with a lot but given their huge deficit they too will have to pay the piper...and soon. There is no such thing as a free lunch and sooner or later it will catch up to California...unless, of course, we get another Democrat President then they will simply give California the money just to keep them in business and to continue to be a PITA...