So you get a call from someone near and dear???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    and they say things to ya that... well it don't sound like things they would say?

    now you're gonna have to wonder... was that really them...

    then again maybe... hmmm... was that really... John Wayne???

    thing is with so much deep fake stuff going around...

    perhaps we should have known this was coming... maybe some were expecting it?



    Audio Deepfakes: Can Anyone Tell If They’re Fake?

    Video deepfakes mean you can’t trust everything you see. Now, audio deepfakes might mean you can no longer trust your ears. Was that really the president declaring war on Canada? Is that really your dad on the phone asking for his email password?

    Add another existential worry to the list of how our own hubris might inevitably destroy us. During the Reagan era, the only real technological risks were the threat of nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare.

    In the following years, we’ve had the opportunity to obsess about nanotech’s gray goo and global pandemics. Now, we have deepfakes—people losing control over their likeness or voice.

    What Is an Audio Deepfake?
    Most of us have seen a video deepfake, in which deep-learning algorithms are used to replace one person with someone else’s likeness. The best are unnervingly realistic, and now it’s audio’s turn.

    An audio deepfake is when a “cloned” voice that is potentially indistinguishable from the real person’s is used to produce synthetic audio.

    “It’s like Photoshop for voice,” said Zohaib Ahmed, CEO of Resemble AI, about his company’s voice-cloning technology.

    However, bad Photoshop jobs are easily debunked. A security firm we spoke with said people usually only guess if an audio deepfake is real or fake with about 57 percent accuracy—no better than a coin flip.

    Additionally, because so many voice recordings are of low-quality phone calls (or recorded in noisy locations), audio deepfakes can be made even more indistinguishable. The worse the sound quality, the harder it is to pick up those telltale signs that a voice isn’t real.

    But why would anyone need a Photoshop for voices, anyway?
    Gator 45/70, Dunerunner and snake6264 like this.
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Con games are every where.
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