So you cannot be trusted with your guns and 2A......???

Discussion in 'Politics' started by orangetom1999, Oct 12, 2024 at 11:50.

  1. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    I have been watching Ishmaelite two legged wildlife in leadership positions and the direction they are want to go as we are steered/navigated...more and more to the extreme left...while people who tend to be very conservative are labeled extremist....very very good propaganda technique on the weak minded and those who want someone else to take care of them.....take the risks out of life for them.

    Now...what irritates and also verily concerns the tendency and direction of our government not to trust the people to be armed.....under 2A.

    To my limited knowledge...the US Government is one of the biggest arms and weapons dealers in the world......Correct????

    Again...are we supposed to think this far on our own and off script... without first consulting "Experts."

    We often arm nations who turn these arms on their own people....

    We seem to have this tendency to arm our next enemy....whom we are going to be fighting...

    Did we not leave the Taliban a huge stock of weapons and supplies to keep hold of the nation of Afghanistan????

    How about Vietnam...a huge stock of supplies and weapons...

    Catching on yet...

    Again ....are we supposed to think this far on our own and off the script and on our own without consulting "Experts."

    Da Tovarich?????

    Be very very careful of Experts on this arena of 2A and not being trusted to be armed...

    This is how an Ishmaelite keep us properly herded and into bondage..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2024 at 17:19
    Kamp Krap, duane, Dont and 1 other person like this.
  2. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    a thing not all seem to remember... in everyone of the named cases above who was in charge... what party

    IIRC democrats in every case!!!!!!!!!
  3. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Yeah I covered this like a year ago. Lefties will call people who they don't agree with "extremists" in an attempt to shame or scare them into going further left and hopefully agree to some form of gun control or at the very least stay quiet while they shit all over our rights.
  4. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    Unarmed people are easier to control when you are a tyrant.
    Kamp Krap and Seawolf1090 like this.
  5. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    By Oil Pan 4

    Yes...I tend to call this "Herding" sort of like being cattle with a tag on our ears....But like some members here..I do not trust the Republicans as they are so limp..that when they should be speaking up.....they are silent.

    I am hearing that Kalifornia is coming up with all kinds of new anti gun legislation like trying to make people insure their guns....taxes on al.

    To my limited knowledge you do not tax a fundamental voting....a poll tax...that was outlawed years ago. Nor you make people take out insurance on a fundamental right..,.

    Makes me wonder what some people out in Kalifornia are doing with their education and or common sense.

    It irritates me that some people in this country think that Kalifornia and New York are the template for the rest of the country to default....the rest of the states are flyover country.. Talk about flatulence.

    Are not many people who can ...getting fed up with Kalifornia and leaving in ever increasing numbers. Are they finally figuring out that Kalifornia is not representative of their values and or thinking/beliefs/needs...a non representative state government??

    How many in the media and or leadership are telling us this view or position and why not??? Think this through carefully as we are continually gaslighted.....about Kalifornia keep and maintain the status quo....the rigged system.
    And we are supposed to follow a non representative state...Kalifornia???

    I can say the same thing about New York...New Jersey and other northern states by how many are showing up here down south for jobs and the cost of living being lower here than up north.. Just watch the license plates showing up.
    Again are these people concluding that those states no longer represent them?? A non representative system.

    Da Tovarich????

    by Big Ron...

    LOL LOL day job is handling nuclear fuel rods/cells and installing them into reactors...along with using and maintaining one of a kind dedicated grade A cleanliness...and operating specification.

    And these boneheads are worried about me with a gun and or ammunition.

    Do you see a problem Judgement reasoning??? You gotta be educated to become that giftedly stupid...and proud of it.

    So we cannot be trusted with our arms...with our monies...with our opinions.....with our children and their education......and grandchildren as well....

    Do you see a pattern here....Da Tovarich?????? These are clearly signs of a non representative government...

    Smells like an Ishmaelite trying to herd us like cattle..

    People who can think past the Kardashians...and or the demi gods of not like to be herded in with the rest of the crowds/cattle..


    A =Without.. think ...ponder or contemplate....

    A muse....Amusement....something fed to us to prevent thinking.....

    Da Tovarich??????

    Problem with preppers is that they tend to think outside the box of the rest of the herd...and do not like to run with the herd...especially the high maintenance herd.

    My nightmare to be stuck on that famous Desert Island with some 400 people who only know how to text....
    And they are looking for you to set up the buffet line for them ...then clean up afterwords as well.

    Personal Dosimeter reading... .09 uSv/h or less than .01 mr/h

    My non Ishmaelite .02
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024 at 4:08
    Kamp Krap and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Government can't be trusted with their guns.
    Kamp Krap, Ura-Ki and aardbewoner like this.
  7. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I've said it before, it's us 50+ year olds that are holding it all together. When we die off there won't be enough hardcore gun owners left to matter. They know this, and only need to keep indoctrinating the youngsters that guns are bad and the government is good. Everyone just knew Biden would do an assault weapon ban at the very least, but he hasn't. No need to get everyone up in arms (pun intended) when they can quietly do the small things that few notice to achieve their goals. They have started using the Chinese method of patience.
    Kamp Krap and Ura-Ki like this.
  8. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    Except for one thing Tempstar...

    We just left a huge....huge...huge stockpile of weapons in Afghanistan...for the use of the Taliban.

    We did the same thing in Vietnam when we pulled out....knowing the South Vietnamese would not last..

    In Vietnam we developed the necessary infrastructure into 20th Century standards......and with this ...the resources...

    Then we pulled out and allowed the Communists to take over ...and they are perfect for keeping Competitors out....and the whole country storage..the resources off the marketplace...until needed.

    The Communists are way too dumb to run anything at a profit....but they are perfect for keeping competitors out of the land. about the Taliban..,??

    Are the Taliban not perfect for keeping competitors out a land developed into 21st century standards for critical resources under the guise of war......but way to dumb to run anything but drugs at a profit??? And on top of that we armed them to the teeth???

    Again...are we ever supposed to think this far off script without the permission and guidance of ' Experts??"

    When one sees this pattern repeated over and over and over again...

    We often arm our next enemy. Do we not????

    I am in shipbuilding ....where we build Aircraft Carriers...and Submarines. I know what goes into building such vessels.....

    Where did Japan learn to build so many submarines and Aircraft Carriers. pre WW 2 and at a time when only a handful of nations had such know how.???? This Technology had to come from the west..

    Catching on now????

    Are we ever supposed to think outside the box????? And so do without permission????

    We keep arming our next enemy ......

    Be warned these Ishmaelites who's investment is in our ignorance and lack of knowledge of history....,ie...dumbing us down....but at the same time turning us into emotional drama queens with a television and or movie education ....Amusements.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
  9. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    by the way......about the siren cry of "Weapons of War."

    To show you how stupid they need us to be....

    My 1903 Springfield rifle has a bayonet lug under the barrel....right??? So too my M1 Garand....and also my 7.7 x58 Caliber Japanese /Arisaka rifle...

    I do nuclear work in this shipyard...and have purchased my own personal dosimeter...and taught myself to convert Sieverts to Mille Rems....

    Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector,CHNADKS Upgraded d Personal Dosimeter,Beta Gamma X-ray Portable Handheld Radiation Monitor,Battery Powered (0.08uSv – 50mSv): Industrial & Scientific

    I want to know what is the base line readings in the places I frequent to do business....and thus know when something is awry...

    I do not want to count totally on "Experts./" Catching on yet??. I also have two Geiger counters.

    But you members make your own decisions on this. I have several of these dosimeters around here and one spare in my locker at work These are rechargeable.

    Right now here at this location is reading.. .09 uSv/hr.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
  10. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    by the way......for your information......eggs !!!

    Any of you checked the price of powdered eggs of late??? Some years back they began to go through the price.

    Who uses powdered quantity??

    Do you really think eggs have gone through the roof for the reasons stated in the news...or has someone privily been removing eggs from the marketplace and converting them to dried or powdered eggs??? What is the shelf life of powdered eggs...any of you know????

    Militaries still move on their stomachs.

    Reloading supplies are quietly coming back but the prices have not come down...

    Are we quietly getting ready for another war???

    You have to think outside the box to put the puzzle together.

    If some of you are smart ...and plan on keeping your vehicles....I suggest you invest in some basic wiper al....these things become scarce and expensive if we go to war.

    Just a suggestion ..but remember..this is football season....and television and movies are happening.

    How many people do you know who constantly live in Disneyland???? Male and Female both????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
  11. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    You nailed it right there. The Leftist play the long cons/games of attrition. They play Chess while we collectively play checkers and are thinking we are big shit when we win a game that in the big picture means less than fart gas.
  12. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 Monkey

    By Kamp Krap..

    I think some of this is starting to wear thin,....with the minorities on whom they so often count. These minorities are figuring out that they are being played for another voting minority....and it was all a set up to keep and maintain power with no real benefit for them....without holding the entire country hostage and in Ishmaelite bondage to DEI and or government sponsored and approved racism....which is what it really is. Divide and conquer..

    But I suspect that some are catching on and teaching others.....that they are being played for their vote.

    What I found objectionable ....and with great disapproval was Obama telling black people they need to vote black., Any American can and should vote for whom they want..for their reasons....and not be told for whom to vote. I have found this objectionable in our union....trying to imply I need to vote democrat...,

    I am a conservative and not a Republican...and certainly not a one tells me for whom to vote.

    These people have no idea how truly disgusting they really are...both political parties.

    What politics is morphing into is tabloid leadership....,drama ...drama...drama....but not real leadership

    Those of us who have worked hard for our dangerous and possibly fatal tasks....we know what is real leadership and whom we would trust to watch our backs in a dangerous job..or task.

    We know when confidence is high.

    I remember years ago...I had to drop a large tree in my yard....and to so do i dropped two other trees to create space for the one to clear.

    I bought a tree climbing outfit complete with belt and spikes.....and I learned some thing very very quickly.. Those people who do that for a living earn every penny of their is very dangerous up there. Still have the tree climbing outfit....but don't go up there much days I am high mileage to so speak.
    But you members get my meaning..,..we who know are very very choosy about whom we trust to watch our backs on a very tricky and or hazardous job.

    Good leadership is very very important...crucial on certain very hazardous tasks.

    And I do not detect this coming out of Washington DC...and in particular with this bunch in the White House....Tabloid yes...but not real leadership.

    I detect Ishmaelites run wild...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
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