*Sigh* No, Being A Christian Does Not Require You Meekly Submit To Leftist Tyranny

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, May 10, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Well... this looks like it goes under both politics and religion????

    interesting all the same... and IMHO pretty close to right on... so?

    First, the oldest but best Christian joke in the world (The second best is the one about how what was going on in Gomorrah was so bad nobody will talk about it): There’s this Christian guy who gets on his roof to escape a flood. He prays to God to save him. A rowboat comes by. He says, “No thanks, God will save me.” The rowboat leaves, the water rises, and he drowns. He appears before the Lord and says, “But I prayed for you to save me!” and God says, “I sent you a rowboat.”

    Donald Trump is religious Americans’ improbable rowboat, and I have $20 that says some obtuse idiot is going to write a column, or at least fire off a tweet, saying “Schlichter thinks Trump was sent by God.” Mark my words. If there’s anything I know, it’s what to expect from dummies on the web.

    There are a lot of people frustrated that Christians back Trump and refuse to let his personal life be used as a wedge to pry off their support. They are mad that Christians are not playing their role as defined by their enemies. Christians are supposed to be scandalized and give up and lose. But they won’t.

    Now, let’s understand this basic concept – Jesus was not some sort of whiny wimp who refused to confront the establishment and took comfort in his own righteousness while leaving others to do the heavy lifting. Jesus made people angry, because that’s what happens when you defy bad people. Being a Christian does not mean that you have to shrug and let the likes of Hillary Clinton be elected so she and her minions can fire up her anti-faith pogrom against those of us who dare worship God and not the elite she represents. Maybe you didn’t notice, but they do not accept the concept that we have any legitimate interests or rights. They hate us. And, if we are weak and stupid enough to allow them to take power, they will act on their bigotry and prejudices. Baking cakes is only the start.

    Resistance is not merely an option. It is a duty. And resistance to evil – because the desire to suppress our faith is evil – is not somehow unchristian because it can be aesthetically displeasing. Fighting back is not always pretty. Jesus cleared the temple of moneychangers. He made a mess and got people angry. He didn’t sit on the sidelines and write ponderous articles lambasting the people tossing over the tables because “We’re better than that.”

    Everyone seems to want to tell Christians that they are obligated to give in. There’s always some IPA-loving hipster who writes video game reviews when he’s not sobbing alone in the dark because no one loves him tweeting “Oh, that’s real Christian!” whenever a conservative fights back. I know that when I need theological clarification, I seek out the militant atheist who thinks Christ was a socialist and believes that the Golden Rule is that Christians are never allowed to never offend anyone.

    Yeah, no, not a thing.

    And then there are the members of the Fredocon contingent, the prissy whiners with their principles and their posturing who think that every time it is revealed that Donald Trump is exactly who we all know Donald Trump is we have to go Full Footloose John Lithgow.

    Sorry, but we never go Full Lithgow.

    Let me tear the scales from your eyes, Team Holier-Than-Thou. We know exactly who Donald Trump is. He’s imperfect, like everyone but you guys. Interestingly, there is some evidence he is experiencing something of a religious awakening, but you in the Churchlady Right reject that possibility – a unique take on Christianity, but you do you.

    Regardless, we totally, completely, and fully understand Trump’s personal failings. And, as Salena Zito notes in her new book The Great Revolt, we don’t care.

    We don’t care because the culture has established new rules and we refuse to unilaterally disarm in the face of them. Also, we understand that if those who imposed the new rules never pay a price for them they will never have an incentive to change them back again.

    We don’t care because of the hypocrisy. Spare us the lectures from the party that gave us Floatin’ Teddy, “Put Some Ice On That” Bill, Fernophile Harvey and Slappy Schneiderman.

    We don’t care because we are done seeing our morality weaponized against us. The Piouscons keep confusing passivity with morality. Look at how George W. Bush took the high road and let himself be abused all through his term and Obama’s too. That didn’t work out so well. Oh, and the way he suddenly discovered his stones after Trump got elected and trashed both the President and the those of us who spent years defending him when he would not defend himself made Team Turn-The-Other-Cheek look like a bunch of hypocritical jerks.

    But most of all, we don’t care because our priority is not whether Donald Trump acted like, well, Donald Trump. This is about survival, specifically our survival as a free people able to live, speak, and worship as we please. Maybe you missed it, being too busy pointing out the splinters in our eyes while logs resided in yours, but this is an existential struggle between our side and the people who want to crush us.

    Yeah, crush us. How do we know? They tell us.

    Maybe you are willing to bake a cake before you soil your dainty digits, but I’m not. I’m doing what adults do, making a choice. My choice – and yours – is between A) the imperfect human being who has a nearly perfect record of defending our religious and other liberties, or B) the imperfect human beings who have a nearly perfect record of attacking our religious and other liberties.

    Choose one. And not choosing is choosing Option B.

    Trump may provoke a whole bunch of “Oh, well, I nevers,” but he’s been there for us. I only supported him after Ted Cruz dropped out, and only because the alternative was worse. But he surprised me. He’s performed beyond my wildest dreams.

    If you had had your way, Hillary Clinton would be president because Trump is icky.

    Let’s leave aside Hillary’s own manifest personal ickiness and examine the outcome you would prefer, the defeat of Trump and the success of the Democrats. But Stormy? No, but Gorsuch. You can deny it all you want, but when you make a choice you choose the outcomes that follow.

    Your choice means even more dead babies.

    Your choice means even more oppression of the religious.

    Your choice means our voices being silenced by government, corporations, academia, and the culture.

    Well, maybe not your voices, at least not right away. The tyrants usually wait until the collaborators have done their dirty work before finishing them off last. And what’s funny is that when we fighters are gone and the left turns on you, you’ll be surprised.

    Supporting Trump does not mean validating everything he allegedly did or does – though it is fun to do it once in a while to watch the liberals and the Cruise Ship Crew freak out. Supporting Trump means making a choice not to submit.

    Is that immoral?


    You see, there is no combination of facts, rules, obligations, or commandments that requires us to take actions that will lead us to submitting to tyranny. I will not submit. I choose Trump, because Trump, while being an imperfect vessel, indisputably constitutes the clearest path to maintaining the freedom with which our Creator endowed us.

    Stop being a bunch of sissies and jump in the rowboat.

    *Sigh* No, Being A Christian Does Not Require You Meekly Submit To Leftist Tyranny
    arleigh, SB21, Seepalaces and 4 others like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Like it or not, Christ in Luke 22:36 said if you didn't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. He didn't say buy a butter knife, a staff, a sling, a fist full of rocks, etc, he said to buy that days equal to an assault weapon, one of those long, sharp, shiny things that had no possible use but to kill people, and that only the police and the army really needed. He warned in several places that if the people could not defend themselves, the Roman occupation might not end well. Well it didn't and how come the popular histories don't mention that the Colosseum was built with the money looted from the Temple at Jerusalem and at least a lot of the labor was done by the 70,000 Jewish slaves brought to Rome after the destruction of Israel, nor that the peaceful followers of Muhammad built a couple of their highest ranked structures on that Jewish temple site, the Dome of the Rock, and the Grand Mosque.
    Those that believe in non violence have been trying to ignore that part of his teaching ever since. Christ instead seemed to equate stupidity in defense as a great sin. It would seem that his advice was to prepare and defend yourself as well as you can and if all else fails, survive to fight another day and minimize your losses. He died at least in part so that his followers could live and continue to spread the message and he also stated several times that if all else failed, get out of Dodge and continue to survive.
    Bandit99, Tully Mars, oldawg and 2 others like this.
  3. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    And being on the MORAL RIGHT doesn't get you anything either .... just saying
    Bandit99, HK_User and Seepalaces like this.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Being dead and right might get you points in heaven, but it kind of sucks for both you and your survivors on earth. Better to survive and wait to get even. But when all else failed, the Russians basically beat the Germans in WW2 by destroying everything in their path, the so called scorched earth policy, and while it was he** on those left in the German lines, in the end it worked. Best last ditch defense was figured out by the slaves of every color over the years, go thru the motions but don't get much done and survive as best you can. I have yet to figure out how the liberals are going to finance all their free stuff. Hasn't worked out to well in the past.
  5. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    in the biblical account Simon Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of Malchus the reason why Jesus stopped it was he had to die on the cross and the rest were suppose to carry on His teachings (paraphrased) These men were not uninformed about violence under Roman rule it was ubiquitous, if you went a day without seeing a black eye that would have been like hitting the lotto today. Christ and his gang of merry men ( or is that another story) traveled and there were robbers and worse on the roads at night. So -- is Trump The Vicar of Washington D.C. nope but he is not a politician by trade and he is better than all the rest of the lawyers or liars that ran against him.

    I like him because he could piss off the pope make friends with a ditch digger been married 3 times all better looking that all of the first ladies after Jacqueline K. My favorite part is where the haters end up crashing and burning on their own facts they try to plant on Trump all of the news stations are going broke having to lay off people and still Trump is like a train just running like there is no tomorrow he has done more in 2 years than all of his predecessors in 40 years The Washington press corps can't stand that he is like a greased pig they can't catch him control him or control the narrative their smug comments snide looks and attempts to embarrass him have no effect on his objectives He called the tune while he was a candidate now he is knocking it off his check list no matter the pressure the truth or lies I have no clue. It is entertaining I did like the push back on the Iran plan all the rockets Iran threw at Israel and we were suppose to give in and keep the Iran deal. and some lady at the EU central said Trump cannot exit the Iranian deal well I guess Trump is not impressed with the EU and their notions of world domination personally I don't think Trump knows how to grab his ankles unlike a few previous hand wringing failures we had for presidents.

    I learned a long time ago if your willing to back up people will fight you if your willing to fight people learn to avoid you by what I have seen he is willing to do whatever it takes to get back the respect we gave away for nothing good will is a two way street and nothing has come our way in decades. but things are looking up.
    Bandit99 and Tully Mars like this.
  6. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    All I know when I hit the pearly gates I got me some splaining to do all the politics and the other stuff is all BS
    In a hundred years who will care anyway
  7. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I get the 'you're a real Christian" with an eye roll for the loony left. Eff 'em. Nobody gets to judge my faith, but the One. Nobody here in this planet has either the grade nor throw weight to make a judgement.

    I also get really annoyed by the left leaning Churches that say - I am not enabling illegal immigration, I'm doing my "Christian Duty" when, in fact, that is exactly what they are going. When I point out they're are both breaking the law & aiding and abetting a crime, they they pull out all of the "High Moral Ground" memes Like they have any.

    It's a wonder Conservatives bother with any of the current pack of "Christian" organizations....
    Seepalaces, ochit, SB21 and 1 other person like this.
  8. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    I did my duty usually every morning --- wait one -- oh wrong topic thought it was about morning absolution's :D
    Yea when someone starts telling me my duty I just tell them get in line I can only please one person a day and your not them.
    Seepalaces and duane like this.
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