Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit in Georgia Alleging ‘Massive Election Fraud’

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HK_User, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Attorney Sidney Powell filed a federal lawsuit late Wednesday alleging “massive election fraud” and multiple violations of the Constitution and Georgia’s state laws in the 2020 general election, as well as issues pertaining to Dominion Voting Systems.


    By Mimi Nguyen Ly
    November 26, 2020 Updated: November 26, 2020

    The civil action alleges that the purpose of the scheme was for “illegally and fraudulently manipulating the vote count to make certain the election of Joe Biden as president of the United States.” A similar separate suit was filed in Michigan.

    The Georgia suit (pdf) was filed in the U.S. District Court Northern District of Georgia Atlanta Division against Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and other election officials.

    The suit seeks to compel the court to invalidate the election results in Georgia. It was filed on behalf of plaintiffs including Republican Party nominees for the electoral college, the chairman of the Cobb County Republican Party Jason Shepherd, and the Assistant Secretary of the Georgia Republican Party, Brian Jay Van Gundy.

    The 104-page complaint argues that “incontrovertible evidence Board of Elections records demonstrates that at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded.”

    According to the suit, fraud was also allegedly “executed by many means” but the “most troubling, insidious, and egregious” way was the “systemic adaptation of old-fashioned ‘ballot-stuffing.'” It alleges computerized ballot-stuffing and manipulation by software created and run by domestic and foreign actors. The complaint cited affidavits from multiple witnesses, documentation, as well as expert testimony that raised “sheer mathematical impossibilities” in the election results supporting the claims.

    “Especially egregious conduct arose in Forsyth, Paulding, Cherokee, Hall, and Barrow County,” the complaint read. “This scheme and artifice to defraud affected tens of thousands of votes in Georgia alone and ‘rigged’ the election in Georgia for Joe Biden.”

    In particular, the suit took issue with election software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems, which it noted was recently purchased and “rushed into use” by Kemp, Raffensperger, and the Georgia Board of Elections.

    Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger speaks during a news conference in Atlanta, Ga., on Nov. 11, 2020. (Brynn Anderson/AP Photo)
    Plaintiffs allege that the design and features of the Dominion software do not allow for a simple audit to see whether votes were misallocated, redistributed, or deleted, pointing to a Jan. 24 decision by the Texas secretary of state to deny certifying the software “because of a lack of evidence of efficiency and accuracy and to be safe from fraud and unauthorized manipulation.”

    “First, the system’s central accumulator does not include a protected real-time audit log that maintains the date and time stamps of all significant election events. Key components of the system utilize unprotected logs,” the filing reads. “Essentially this allows an unauthorized user the opportunity to arbitrarily add, modify, or remove log entries, causing the machine to log election events that do not reflect actual voting tabulations—or more specifically, do not reflect the actual votes of or the will of the people.”

    The suit also alleges “incontrovertible physical evidence that the standards of physical security of the voting machines and the software were breached, and machines were connected to the Internet in violation of professional standards and state and federal laws.”

    Part of the suit mentions a delay in voting at State Farm Arena in Fulton County, where video on Nov. 3 shows that election workers “falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close.” It adds, “All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.”

    Another part of the complaint said that cybersecurity expert Navid Keshavarz-Nia testified that “U.S. intelligence services had developed tools to infiltrate foreign voting systems including Dominion.” Pointing to vulnerabilities in the Dominion’s software, he claims that “hundreds of thousands of votes” were transferred from President Donald Trump to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in battleground states.

    The complaint also cites a former electronic intelligence analyst under the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, who declared that the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran to monitor and manipulate elections, including the 2020 U.S. general election.

    A former U.S. Military Intelligence expert had analyzed the Dominion software system and concluded that the system and software “were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China,” according to another part of the complaint.

    “By using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, Dominion neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020,” the filing said.

    The lawsuit also claims: “Georgia’s election officials and poll workers exacerbated and helped, whether knowingly or unknowingly, the Dominion system carry out massive voter manipulation by refusing to observe statutory safeguards for absentee ballots. Election officials failed to verify signatures and check security envelopes. They barred challengers from observing the count, which also facilitated the fraud.”

    The Georgia secretary of state and Dominion Voting Systems did not immediately respond to The Epoch Times’ requests for comment on the suit.

    Dominion released a statement on Wednesday saying: “Claims that Dominion deleted or switched votes are completely false. Dominion systems are 100 percent auditable.”

    The lawsuit comes after election results were certified for Georgia on Nov. 20. At the time, Kemp did not clearly endorse the results but said the law required him to “formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to pursue other legal options and a separate recount if they choose.”
    fl4848 and mysterymet like this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Unfounded allegations? No surprise there, seems the way that lawyers operate these days, taking cases to the public court before the legal courts. I call it "trial by noise" simple distraction from the slight of hand. (My lawyer laughed his head off when I popped that one on him.)
    HK_User likes this.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Problem isn't the votes, problem is there is no way to go back and evaluate the vote. Even if fraud is found in mail in votes, signatures, multiple votes, dead people voting, vote harvesting, what ever, or ballots changed by software, there is no way of accounting for which "ballot" was cast by which person. With picture ID, check lists, and paper ballots read by machine,the old way, every ballot can be recounted by hand if needed, and if the ballot have been properly secured, a chain of custody can be established.

    Even if say 5 % of the mail in ballots were questioned, there is no physical way to separate the results and reject those votes, no way of knowing which ones were bad as ballots are separated from cover documents in order to preserve the "secret ballot" fiction as no one has checked to see under what conditions the ballot was filled out.

    We are rapidly approaching in the US the situation which is found in most of the world where one last semi legal ballot will give those in power the ability to stack the deck and make sure there is never another meaningful election, instead it becomes a rubber stamp for those in power until the revolution or forever. In our case the changing demographics, educational bias, vote buying thru social programs, in fact with universal income and welfare it may well approach paid for votes, will assure the powers that be that the system of "democratic cities" with generations of 1 party rule, can be made into a national system. In my opinion, and that is my opinion only, the history of the one party systems has proven that bad government can not finance itself nor maintain the social order for the entire group, and I for one would prefer not to see the "Detroit" model expanded thru out the whole country and fear that the long term effects might lead to a failed nation state.
    mysterymet and HK_User like this.
  4. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Sidney Powell's life expectancy is even shorter than Biden's Presidential expectancy.
  5. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    "Brad" (GA SOS) has, more than once, threatened lawyers who cry fraud.

    IOW, a real POS.

    Will Sid die from
    Arkencide? (Clinton killing machine)
    drug overdoes (nod to MM)
    Die in a 'botched robbery"? (Seth Rich)
    found on the roadside . in the park dead? (Chanrda)

    or simply thrown form a chopper?
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I do believe that Donald has contacts with the mob. Favours owed...favours granted? ;)
  7. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Time to send in the Clowns..... Time will tell if there is time enough to flush out what ever evidence is left. You can bet that shredders have been going 24/7 since election night.
  8. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Suicide by shooting herself in the head twice, one shot from two different guns with one gunshot to the back of her head. (Vince Foster)

    Hasn't been used in a while, so, just like granny pants vs hip huggers it's due to come back in fashion.
  9. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    mysterymet likes this.
  10. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Yeah the democrats are losing their shit because they know they won't be able to steal Georgia by ballot harvesting, no voter ID, accidentally adding thousands of votes to the democrats, no tally sheets, no chain of custody, no questions asked ballot drop boxes.
    They know they are going to lose a fair elections in 2022 and 2024.
    HK_User likes this.
  11. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Funny story. Georgia passes election integrity law and a week or 2 later the DNC packs up their shit and leaves. Weird....
  12. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    my only disagreement with you is that I believe we have already passed that point, and the last (mostly) legitimate election was 2016, but then I thought 2008 was the last and I was proven wrong, so what do I know.
    I don't think it matters whether I vote, but they will dam well have to make another fake one to counter mine, I'm not just giving it to them.
    Cruisin Sloth, DKR and CraftyMofo like this.
  13. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I'm old enough to remember all the shenanigans in 1976 that brought us Little Jimmy and his band of idiots.

    Local elections on the East coast have been fixed since before my grandfather's lifetime. Tammy Hall anyone?
  14. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Have we ever had honest elections JFK had his father Joe and Mayor Daley had dead people voting. The only way to have honest elections is picture ID and finger prints--vote in person. In this age of computers they can be almost instantly verified. Our founding fathers grand experiment in establishing a representative Republic has been perverted by professional thieves and crooks better known as politicians.
  15. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Bush/Gore was a fix for sure, same as Gregoire/Rossi that same year. (Wa.State) 2020 was certainly rigged for POTUS, you’d have to be pretty stupid to not smell a rat with all due respect. I’m not underestimating people’s stupidity but there’s zero chance there’s that many stupid people. To be clear I’m not even bitter, I think it’s hilarious what a dope Joe and his sidekick have been proven to be. Trumpy would be wrapping himself up for retirement about now but…Lol. In a solid position to win again big! Lol.
  16. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Well a lot has happened over the space of three years, since the OP was paper-planed into the forum. Basically Powell has confessed that her claims in the lead to the 2020 election and afterwards were all bullsh!t, and that she has thrown tRump under the bus about what he actually knew at the time when the election had been called, and he refused to concede defeat.

    Well Sidney is still alive, and Biden has almost completed 3/4 of his first administration, and with prospects of a 2nd may have to give up any ambitions of being a least write your predictions in vague indecipherable quatrains, so that anything could apply, given unlimited time.....

    A woman summoning kraken,
    To trial she will be taken,
    Although her credibility be lackin',
    A plea deal will not be forsaken.

    An orange man of much fame,
    Will endure many trials with convictions,
    Although his defences be lame,
    His convictions'll cause cultist conniptions.

    See how easy it is?

    Methinks that Sidney is more in danger of being harmed by a stochastic terrorist, doing what they (rightly or wrongly) think is for the sake of their MAGA cult leader. Hammers or gunshots may be involved.

    So ordered...Kevin (15 tries) McCarthy, Mike (Covenant Eyes) Johnson, MT (Jewish space lasers) G, Matt (Venmo) Gaetz, Lauren (Beetle juice) Boebert, James (Where there's smoke) Comer, Gymbag Jordan, Clay (ghost buses) Higgins, Mike (FBI badge) Lee, Markwayne (cage fighting) Mullin, and last, but definitely not least....
    The US Republican House Conference seems less interested in legislating, or good governance, than rampaging with a wrecking ball, and a punch bowl of legislative poison pills.

    I guess strangulation by whalebone corset also probably hasn't been done for quite some, but hot damn! Ya convinced me that it too is due to make a comeback in fashion. [LMAO]

    Goodness, MAGA Republicans can teach the Democratic Party's voters a thing or two about ballot harvesting and other election interference chicanery. :LOL:
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
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