Rights and Responsibilities

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Kamp Krap, Jan 26, 2023.

  1. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    In recent years the attacks on the Rights protected and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights have been under unprecedented attack. Notably the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 14th amendments seem to be targeted for extermination.

    I read a article this morning under the headline this morning......
    Where have Republicans been during California's mass shootings? They're busy appeasing the gun worshiping cult.

    While I have little more use for the far right than I do for the far left, I find it offensive to call those that exercise their Inalienable Constitutionally Protected Right to keep and bear arms without infringement, members of a gun worshiping cult. About two weeks ago, I said to Mrs. Krap "Just watch in a week or two there will be a big ramp up in mass shootings, every damned time the Government pushes for more gun control and bans, like magic there is a spree of mass shootings to empower them." It has became such a pattern that it is becoming predictable.

    The 1st Amendment is under even harsher attack than the 2nd. It is just less heated and not as politically charged as the Bad Evil Guns going out and killing innocent people. It is pretty evident that the Government has been censoring by proxy of social media and compliant MSM from the shadows. A clear violation of the 1st and that has been the near death of the discourse of opposing ideologies in sometimes heated but generally civil venues. I am pretty sure we have all seen the people on various MSM stating that violence committed against people of opposing ideologies is in fact self defense. That has been expressed often enough by the far left and yes the far right LOL the far right just does not have the platforms to spread their toxin as readily as the left does. When there is no reasonable and rational discourse allowed thing start getting sideways.

    The 4th Amendment has zero meaning when the Government finds probable cause either via warrants or on the scene. Now days a large portion of that probable cause is ultimately found to be manufactured and without consequence for the manufacturers. Civil Forfeiture being high up there on not being secure in you not being secure in your person or your property. The RICO law and Patriot Act were sold as they would never be used against the average law abiding American Citizen......... Here we are with both actively being used against law abiding American Citizens. Seems pretty unreasonable to me to Seize someones property and keep it without charges or trial. Personally my businesses were largely Cash businesses 70% Cash and 30% credit. If I did a big event it was not uncommon for me to have $20,000+ cash in the safe at the end of it. It was a total PITA depositing that cash into the bank. To the point that I opened a second business acct because the one I deposited into was effectively frozen for 10 days after a large cash deposit was made. I learned over the summer that withdrawing large amounts of cash is also open to Government Scrutiny. I get the bank needs 24 hours to have $100,000+ in Cash available for you to withdraw, I don't get the Government needing 7-10 business days to approve your withdrawal. LOL I had no idea they monitored structured withdrawals and frown on them as mush as structured deposits. I know this now and that withdrawing $10,000 per day over 10 days red flags you :) Most of the Big things I buy or services I have done are paid in cash and a heft Cash discount applied.. Usually 10%-20% off the Check or Credit card price. Paying cash for one $30,000 job saved me $6000 and got the job done for $24,000 for example. What the service provider does with the cash or whether he claimed it and paid taxes on it, is NOT my concern or problem. How form of tender I pay for it with is not the Governments Concern. Would the IRS tracking all bank transactions over $600 be a unreasonable search? I think it would be. In the future I will not be depositing any money into any bank and will only be withdrawing the returns on my investments and savings Monthly as Cash income. The Government can't track cash deals or impose wait times on deposits and withdrawals since I will only be depositing into my personal bank/treasury and strictly operating outside of the banking system from here on out. LOL if they can do it to Trump they can do it to you......... They have been doing that do us for decades, it only got attention because it was Trump. Get pulled over and let the cop find the $10,000 cash, you probably just gave your $10,000 to the police department and donated your vehicle as well. Then learn it will cost you more in court cost and lawyers to get your money and vehicle back than your money and vehicle are worth. Have a neighbor call in a bogus report that gets the cops to you property... And all kinds of probable cause to trigger a search of everything and anything without warrant can be found or created. Nope the 4th does not mean much now days.

    The 14th Amendment has pretty much been butchered and equal protection under the law thrown out the window. Examples of States and Local Governments pissing on the 14th every place :(

    The sheer amount of Freedoms and Liberties lost in the USA just in my lifetime is astounding. The losses over the last 10 years epic. The losses and divisions among we the people sickening over the last 2 years alone. I am sick of hearing the Constitution GIVES (Insert the Right) NO! The constitution does not give anything! The Constitution PROTECTS the rights we are all born with. What the Constitution does more than anything is spell out in plain language the Restriction and limitations placed on the Governments. The Declaration of Independence and the Federalist Papers are great supporting documents for the Constitution that put everything in the Constitution in Perspective and in the Context the framers intended. The Constitution is real heavy on the rights of the individual and the collective parts focused to the benefit of Society by empowering the individual. Only by strong Independent people coming together and working and achieving individually could this Nation survive and grow to thrive. If the people today were the people of then, we would still be under the thumb of a King living under the law of decree as it best suited the Royalty.

    What happens when the Constitutional Government transitions to American Royalty without Noble titles? Take a look around. What happens when the Governments at every level become the enemy of the Citizen??? Working for the Government and By the Government??? I don't believe we are all the way down that Rabbit Hole yet...... I think we are still clinging to the edge with our toes.

    Knowledge of Civics has been lost. I get so damned sick of hearing people scream about their RIGHTS!!! When 75% of the population can't even list off the first 5 rights in the Bill of Rights and tell you what they mean. With every right comes responsibility. You will never hear anyone talk about their responsibilities that accompany the rights. But I guess people would have to actually know and understand what their Rights actually are to understand the responsibility side of the equation.

    Where we are today has been a long time in the making, chipping away and subverting the Constitution for at least the last 150 years. We are just living in a time where it is not even remotely subtle anymore and moving at a much faster pace. Jefferson in particular warned us of this, of course Jefferson as President did his own part in chipping and subverting as it suited him. Of course Washington and the Whiskey Rebellion could be viewed as the first act of Govrnement over reach and preferential treatment of American Royalty. All I know where we are today and where we go tomorrow has been a very long time in the making.
    crowdaddy, GOG, Seepalaces and 9 others like this.
  2. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    They should at least be able to get three... Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!!!
    Seepalaces, jim2, Ura-Ki and 3 others like this.
  3. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

  4. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    It was Thomas Jefferson who said this : "An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people."
    Truer words were never spoken. We now have a class of people who via the government education(education that's a laugh) system who are uneducated, can not critically think, have no concept how this country was founded, have no idea what the Constitution is or let alone what is in it, no idea what the bill of rights, no idea what god given rights are, blindly follow those who promise them everything, have no idea what a work ethic is, have been taught love of country and patriotism are evil, have no idea what the meaning of words are --racism, fascism, socialism, democracy etc. It's not hard to see why the rapid decline of this country has occurred. An uneducated populous is easier to control and lead. Reminds me of how southern slaves were kept uneducated and ignorant.
    Seepalaces, jim2, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  5. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Meanwhile, the left has continued to convince people that they have rights, that were never guaranteed in the Constitution. The ultimate lie was that Roe v Wade GUARANTEED a woman's right to abortion. I'm not anti-abortion....but I do think that it's been used recklessly, over the past 50 years. Meanwhile, very few people who holler about their rights being taken away, have NO IDEA what Roe v Wade was really about. Do some research, before you decide to open your mouth, and you won't look like a fool to those who HAVE. o_O:rolleyes:
    I also see the foolishness, of states giving rights away, to those who were never intended to have them. Over the past 240+ years, we've made HUGE strides, in voting rights. Women's sufferage gave females the right to vote. Minorities have gained the right. And I'm proud of my country, for doing so! But non-citizens? I wonder what their home countries would think, if I showed up there, and wanted to vote in their elections?? And liberals keep raising the age to smoke, drink or vape....but simultaneously tell us they believe that a 16 year old is mature enough to vote?? IDK about today's 16 year olds, but I can tell you that when I was 16, I sure as hell wasn't all that mature! :whistle:;)
    And don't even get me started on driver's licenses. Once the states realized what a money maker it was, issuing them, they stopped caring whether someone could actually safely drive a motor vehicle. :eek:
  6. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    I think the real issue is that anyone who is being honest should admit Democrat policies are a failure. I'm not a Republican, but I'm also not an idiot. These policies stink and Dem run cities are dangerous places where poverty is rampant and education is non existent. The only thing they can do to win elections is demonize the opposition. Where the rubber hits the road, most people could easily settle policy issues. I am absolutely against abortion. I feel it's barbaric and the future will condemn us for allowing it. I'd meet you at the heartbeat bill. I figure the biggest kept political secret is that most of us really don't want to screech at each other, we'd be happy to find a medium we could live with in every arena except the bill of rights. I'm a bill of rights extremist. I want full legal carry in all 50 states. No permits. The constitution is my permit. I want full speech with the exception of actual speech intended to cause harm, ie: yelling fire in a theatre. I want citizens to have the right not to testify against themselves even when sneaky police try to trick them into it. I get it, I'm extreme, but I can remember when all these Democrats said they agreed with me on all of these issues.
    natshare, Ura-Ki, Seawolf1090 and 5 others like this.
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