Quickoffice Pro and Quickoffice Pro HD for Android

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Yoldering, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Yoldering

    Yoldering Monkey+++

    For anyone that has the Amazon Market, they are offering the Quickoffice Pro suites for the phone and tablet for their free app of the day ending at 12am. These are usually $15-$20, great apps!!!
    If you do not know what it is, it is a MS Office clone for Android. It works great.
  2. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Amazon's app store for Android has a free app everyday.
  3. Yoldering

    Yoldering Monkey+++

    yeah they do...I was just referring to the Quickoffice Pro program. That program makes my tablet a different animal. Plus that it was free makes it especially appealing and I wanted to tell people who might not know about it. Did anyone else get it while it was free?
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Sorry....I just saw "Market" and thought you were talking about "Marketplace."

    I need to pay closer attention...if I'd seen "Amazon," I would've known you already know about the free apps.
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