Poet Preppers: Gift Certificates for your Apocalimericks

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by JC Refuge, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor


    Real preppers like a little rhyme (or is it reason?) in their chowder.

    Score a Safecastle gift certificate with your submitted Apocalimerick if it is chosen as worthy.

    For the details, see: http://www.safecastle.com/apocalimericks.aspx

    Example of an Apocalimerick:

    There was a wise prepper named Catherine
    who saw the dark clouds a gatherin'
    She joined up with Safecastle
    prepped quickly, no hassle
    then stayed dry when the stuff started splattering.
  2. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

    Apocalimericks winner #1, from Pistol Pete:

    “If ever one needed a life
    Prepper Pete does,” said his frustrated wife.
    “’Stead of dinner and dancing,”
    he said, “I’ll skip the romancing …
    for my birthday I’ll take the new knife.”
  3. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

  4. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

    9 winning Apocalimericks so far! Get in on the fun and win $20 Safecastle gift certificates ...

  5. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Oh I got this. :D
  6. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

  7. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Yay I got one! Just sent in some more entries too, heh. :)
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