
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fl4848, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Seriously, that guy needs to get a camera stand. Sooo... what they are saying... is that Alex Jones was right?

    The lady is absolutely right about everything. It is amazing that people don't see it even though it is right in front of their faces. Really obvious if you have any sort of education. This is what happens when the population is intentionally uneducated. There is no critical thinking anymore. People don't take responsibility for themselves or their kids or their family or friends or pets. This is why we must have UBI. When the people are reliant on the government they become slaves. Technocracy means slavery. Oh yeah UBI sounds great until you realize it is slavery. Information is key. You better start educating yourself NOW and always or it will be too late.

    This is how you get people to voluntarily be slaves. All they need to do is do it to everyone. If they only did it to one person, or a hundred, or a million they would fight back because they would be able to see that someone, somewhere, was free. If you make everyone on the planet a slave then there is no one to come save you. But more than that, we all say 'everyone else is a slave so this must be the way it is' and we just accept it. Just like taxes. They are stealing your life's blood and making you do it voluntarily but if you make everyone pay them, then they just accept it. They make cute sayings like 'the only things in life that are sure is death and taxes.' People need to become a whole lot stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually. If you aren't working on making yourself stronger in those 3 areas then you are getting weaker.

    I don't know about you all but as for me, give me freedom or give me death. I will never play their games of fear. I will never submit. Its amazing, once you are truly not afraid of anything, you are free to do anything.

    Ura-Ki and CraftyMofo like this.
  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Problem is , if you don’t have a grasp of the whole picture you can be manipulated and your enthusiasm be your own undoing. I.e. Muslim extremists.
    The guy leading you , telling you not to be suckered is likely I’d deed suckering you, Jim Jones.
    Often the rebel is being manipulated, in many cases by the devil himself.
    I have fought those battles, for this reason I place all my confidence in God, not men or spirits , but the Holy Spirit Jesus provides.
    God has lead me in, through, and around trouble, in the many aspects of life ,( I didn’t say religion.)
    Jesus Christ is reliable, not only that, it is not for this life we live but eternal life .
    I don’t know exactly what I will do if I am arrested for.being a Christian , but I know that I have lived far longer than expected, so I have every thing to gain if/when this initial life is expired.
    I have stood up to the system in the past , I am not afraid of them.
    OldDude49 and CraftyMofo like this.
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