Pistol Brace rule...2021R-08F

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Bandit99, May 20, 2023.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Just a simple update... Those of us that have AR pistol braces will become felons 31 May 2023 (11 days) is we do not register our firearms. I have not met one individual who will change, destroy or register their pistol brace firearm, not one! Obviously, this is very concerning... I think this is much more serious than we think - meaning - serious impact and issues down the road.

    I believe the ATF seriously screwed up by allowing the pistol brace in the first place and they know it. To allow the brace and not allow the SBR is idiotic, as both can be shoulder fired weapons, and will come back to bite them and this is why they are so determined to force the issue. I believe that once this works through the courts that not only will the pistol brace be nullified but given an honest judge, the SBR rule will also be nullified. The key here is time...once it becomes a rule/regulation (I refuse to call it a law) they can drag their feet lots of ways tying it up in court with good old Jane/John citizen footing the cost for something that is against their own civil liberties. Crazy...

    There are numerous lawsuits in the courts but it really doesn't look that they will come to fruition before the deadline, except the Firearm Policy Coalition (FPC)... which has specifically asked for nationwide injunction with the 5th Circuit Appeals Court by 24 May...one week prior to deadline. So stay tuned! Here is video explaining it in more detail...

    The Last Ditch Effort to Stop ATF's Pistol Brace Rule - YouTube

    I also would point out that the House has ruled against this pistol brace ban but don't hold your breath because even if it passes the Senate, our drooling, corrupt President will veto it.

    "On April 19, the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted 23-15 to advance H.J.Res.44, which would reign in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ attempt to regulate pistol stabilizing braces. The resolution employs the Congressional Review Act, which grants Congress the authority to disapprove of new federal agency rulemakings, nullifying the rule and prohibiting the agency from enacting a similar one in the future. Astute gun rights supporters may recall the 115th Congress and President Donald Trump using this CRA to halt a last-minute Obama Administration gun control measure targeting certain Social Security beneficiaries."

    NRA-ILA | U.S. House Judiciary Committee Advances Pistol Brace Resolution (nraila.org)
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    This may be the final Box we all talk about, were using up the last of the other boxes currently, the Soap Box has been pretty much exhausted, the Ballot Box has mostly failed where it really counted, and we're hoping for relief in the Jury Box, but that's gonna drag on for years, so, that leaves us with the last Box, the one the leftist antis fear the most, ( some say they welcome it) and that's the Cartridge Box, and that is looking more and more likely as cities and states double down and give the Bruen/Heller rulings the big fat middle finger, states like Californicarion, OryGun, and Warshington have gone fully semi auto retard and are stripping rights as a direct challenge to SCOTUS authority! Hang on tight boys and girls, it's about to get sporty as we start to unpack the last Box and start doing Patriot Shit!
    Bandit99 and Mountainman like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Ura-Ki I have but one word in answer to your post, "Good!" I have come right to the end, tied the friggin knot, and can't hang on anymore. In 11 days, many of my friends and neighbors will go to bed and wake up a felons. FELONS! And, for what? I'm crossed-eye pissed off. Perhaps this is where we as a nation finally say, "Screw you! You only follow the laws you want, maybe we will do the same and start by not complying with this one...but it will ONLY be the start." I cannot in words express how fed up and pissed off I have become with my own government. How awful to say that I love my country, would kill and die for it, but I wouldn't piss on my government if it was on fire - in fact - I would toss on more wood, preferably gasoline. It utterly disgusts me. The entire system, all branches, are horribly corrupt beyond redemption and should be dismantled, all of it, every damn agency, every department, every representative impeached, all employees fired. All of it. All they do is rob, lie and cheat us, use us as damn piggy banks and cannon fodder. Free citizens my ass!
    techsar, Mountainman and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I'm with you Brudda!
    All my life, I have tried to live in the light, to do good because it's the right thing, and it's what is expected of me! I have always tried my hardest to be a good example to others, to be the best husband and father I could be, to be the shining light in the darkness, and to hold my self to the highest standards a man can! I have always tried to live as a man of honer and integrity, and to never intentionally break the law, even if I don't agree with it! In 11 days, I become a felon, and I have yet to break a law, but some Fuck Head has decided I am unworthy of all I have accomplished in this life, I am untrustworthy, and a threat to someone, all because I believe in dangerous freedom!
    Day one of my felony conviction, a conviction that no court or jury has levied against me, I intend to become the worst nightmare one could imagine, at 11:59 p.m, I become death, I become destruction, I become fear, I become richiousness for those who need me to become these things, I open my gun safe and withdraw the ONE weapon I had hoped to never bear against my fellow man, a weapon whose sole purpose is to bring freedom and absolution to those who have it naught, so I pray to the Gods of War, Lord, make me fast and accurate, make my aim true, and let my violence be overwhelming to mine enemies, I Am Become Death, and when I pull you in close, I will whisper in your Ear, the last words on this earth you will ever hear! Awaken Cold Iron, Awaken, I am Shadow, I am Darkness, I am DEATH!
    Last edited: May 20, 2023
  6. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Remember, the Revolution started because the Brit army tried to confiscate arms from the colonist! The Patriots had their militia to be their mutual aid supporters. Has anyone here followed suit?

    Idaho law, I know, I know, fed supposed to supersede State laws. Well, sort of. The county sheriff just north of you @Bandit99 will not enforce said regulation. Matter of fact, he will intercede if called and escort the fuddies away.
    This same State law applies to silencers as well. They are not a firearm.
    Bandit99, Mountainman and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Another tid bit;

    Democrat Bill Would Pack Supreme Court to Lessen Conservative Influence
    The Epoch Times by Matthew Vadum May 17, 2023

    Senate Democrats unveiled a new bill that would pack the Supreme Court by adding four new seats beyond the current nine seats, a move that could lead to the loss of the court’s current conservative majority.

    The legislation comes after President Joe Biden’s commission on Supreme Court reform failed in December 2021 to recommend expanding the size of the nation’s highest court. Public approval of the court has fallen in recent years, according to polls. The late Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt tried to pack the court in the 1930s after it kept striking down his New Deal policies but the plan ultimately went nowhere after the public and lawmakers from his own party turned against it.

    Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) unveiled his new legislation, the proposed Judiciary Act of 2023 (pdf), at a press conference on the steps of the Supreme Court on May 16.

    “Our most fundamentally held freedoms are under attack from an illegitimate, far-right United States Supreme Court,” Markey said.

    “And if we fail to act, it will only get worse. We must fix this broken and illegitimate court. We must expand the United States Supreme Court.”

    The court-packing proposed by Democrats is justified because Senate Republicans repeatedly “broke the rules” about the confirmation of Supreme Court nominees in recent years, Markey claimed.

    After conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, Senate Republicans refused to allow a vote on then-President Barack Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, who is now President Biden’s attorney general.

    Republicans denied Garland “a hearing and a vote that he was entitled to,” Markey said, even though there is no constitutional provision, law, or Senate rule that required the Senate to vote on the nomination.

    “They claimed that they couldn’t fill a seat in a presidential election year, even with the election nine months away, and they kept that seat vacant for 422 days,” the senator said, adding that Obama’s successor, then-President Donald Trump, nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch to the court days after his inauguration.

    “Then, in October of 2020, with head-spinning hypocrisy, Senate Republicans and Donald Trump stole the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat, forcing Amy Coney Barrett onto the bench literally as Americans were casting their votes in the presidential elections nine days before Election Day in 2020.”

    “So much for not confirming justices in a presidential year. So we now have two justices on the bench who frankly have no right to be there,” Markey said.

    Americans have suffered since Republicans “hijacked the court,” handing it over to “partisan justices eager to toss aside decades of precedent to satisfy their deep-pocketed right-wing special interest benefactors.”

    Markey said he feared that decisions last year reversing Roe v. Wade, recognizing a constitutional right to carry firearms in public for self-defense, and curbing the government’s environmental regulatory powers “are just a preview of coming atrocities.”

    Democrats also need to pack the court because Justice Clarence Thomas had made “a mockery of the public trust” by refusing “to recuse himself on cases about efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in spite of the fact that his wife was implicated in them,” Markey said.

    Legal experts say Justice Thomas did not have to recuse himself from such cases merely because his wife, Ginni Thomas, is a conservative activist and Trump supporter.

    “We have to remind him that we have a system of constitutional checks and balances,” the senator said.

    Markey, along with Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), and a handful of House members have called on Justice Thomas to resign, a demand that Markey repeated at the media event.

    Democrats also claim Thomas is guilty of improprieties because, among other things, he has accepted vacations from a wealthy GOP donor, his longtime friend Harlan Crow, a Texas billionaire. When left-wing media outlet ProPublica recently reported on the existence of the trips, Thomas said he was previously advised he didn’t have to disclose the vacations but vowed to do so going forward. Legal experts say there is no conflict of interest because Crow has not had any business before the Supreme Court and because it is not illegal for justices to have wealthy, generous friends.

    Markey continued: “The court has put all these rights of all Americans but especially those of people of color, women, immigrants, and LGBTQ rural and low-income communities at risk … [and] it’s only a question of when and who the court is going to target next—that’s because the extremist right wing will not stop.”

    “But we will not stop either. So let’s start with undoing the Republicans’ thievery and adding four seats to the court,” he said.

    Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee’s panel on the courts, intellectual property, and the internet, said the Supreme Court’s right-leaning majority “threatens our rights, our democracy, and our planet.”

    Last year the court “stripped millions of women of their right to an abortion … and they’re just getting started,” Johnson said.

    Congress “has changed the number of justices seven times throughout American history,” and it should do so again, he said, noting he has introduced a companion bill in the House.

    “The court has descended into extremist politics, and we need to save this arrogant court from itself. It has become too partisan, so that it no longer reflects the country as a whole.”

    The court “repeatedly ruled against efforts to make it easier to vote during the pandemic” and by “repeatedly gutting voting rights, the court is reducing the role of average voters in our elections,” Johnson said.

    The court is “also trying to whitewash history by undoing the civil rights legacy and by continuing to rule as if racism does not exist.”

    The court is “poised to make millions of Americans’ lives dramatically worse, erasing workers’ rights, repudiating reproductive justice, entrenching white supremacy, denying LGBTQ rights, and preventing us from confronting the climate catastrophe,” the congressman said.

    Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) said at the presser that “the Supreme Court has become too powerful and too political doing the work of extreme right-wing conservatives.”

    Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) also railed against the Supreme Court, saying it is “in desperate need of reform.”

    “This is not a conservative court. Not in a legal sense. A conservative court would have some respect for precedent. This is instead a political and partisan court with a reactionary social agenda.”

    “Now we must unpack and unstack the Supreme Court because Americans have begun to see the reactionary and partisan agenda pushed by it—slashed reproductive health care, with the rights to marriage equality and contraceptives potentially up next [and] the gutting of clean air and water regulations,” Schiff said.

    Jacqueline Ayers, senior vice president of policy, organizing, and campaigns at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said at the presser that her group supports expanding the court.
    Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Strange that Julius Caesar did the same thing back in 46BC to get his way... Politicians never change it seems. Didn't turn out well for old Caesar though... I can't see this happening without a full majority in both houses and then some. I also believe it would be the final straw... I must admit I do love to hear these Leftist swine whine! LOL!

    You know what would make my day, if they did impeached Adam Schiff for his BS about how he had hard facts, hard evidence in the Russian collusion case. Lying bag of offal...
    Ura-Ki likes this.
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