
Discussion in 'Technical' started by kissmybrass, Mar 20, 2025.

  1. kissmybrass

    kissmybrass brass monkey

    eventually if you 3dp you will need to respool. so i did one and after getting it together and using it i realized i had to lay my head on the table to watch it spool. no bueno. enter the pasta. some ninja level tetris going on here. he got the whole thing on one plate. amazing. anyway when you get a file it really pays to look close at the settings. i was enamored with the plate i just printed it as is. so print some 608 brngs and slap it all together. kinda flimsy , mounted it to a board. start by hand and twist off the hand drive,, get out the drill. cruising along and the drill does not like mid/low steady speed. runs awhile the stops, pull it out, vroom vroom and back to it. 4th time it stops i gently squezze the trigger and it takes off full tilt boogie cartwheeling across the table. it was glorius if not amusing. it was at this point i realised it was hollow, no infill. so print another with infill. and some added bearings, base plate
    and beefy stuff. petg is new to me and i did them in gold. it said gold but last time i saw that color it was in kids first burrito diaper. so now il have a mostly poo colored pastamatic. squirting out a plate of blue parts and should be able to try again. maybe a dedicated drive in the future. the parts im printing now will center the spool so it feeds even. i had to respool the first one i did as it was to
    much to one side. il put up a pic when its done.

    . IMG_20250311_163546. IMG_20250311_165009. IMG_20250319_153515. IMG_20250319_162111. IMG_20250320_143603. IMG_20250320_143616. IMG_20250320_143644. IMG_20250311_163546. IMG_20250311_165009. IMG_20250319_153515. IMG_20250319_162111. IMG_20250320_143603. IMG_20250320_143616. IMG_20250320_143644.
    duane likes this.
  2. kissmybrass

    kissmybrass brass monkey

    well it works.
    took a couple plates but i fixed all the broke stuff and made some petg bb bearings and it spools ok now. i didnt notice the warped arm holding the black spool till i took a pic. found cone shims to get the spool lined up with the line feeder. now just buy the right ones.
    python ams next.








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