orca hoffman tactical

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by kissmybrass, Mar 20, 2025.

  1. kissmybrass

    kissmybrass brass monkey

    there are many orcas, but this one is mine. 153hrs with window mag. 300 blkout with printed sights.
    no barrel nut, a clamshell holds the barrel and hose clamps hold it together. yep, really. the goal for hoffman was to make a ar carbine that is as much 3dp as possible. 135 for the kit and a bear creekarsenal barrel,gasblick and gas tube. right at 300$ all together. can be done cheaper. yes its mostly pla and yes it willl melt and fail after 3 mags of full auto, so shoot slow let it cool. this is sekect fire. i imagian if you left this on your truck dash in texas you would have a pile o melted parts. i live in ak so might get away with it. just keep it away from the woodstove. i think im done with this one, maybe petg or better next one. i have not fired it yet but it feeds and funcion checks ok. missing some screws for the waffel mag

    . IMG_20250310_022415. IMG_20250320_151946. IMG_20250320_152013. IMG_20250320_152044. IMG_20250320_152153. after i get some rounds through it il start swapping out printed saftys and fire control group and mag release,,, then it will be as much 3dp as possible.
    duane likes this.
  2. flex

    flex Monkey

    duane likes this.
  3. kissmybrass

    kissmybrass brass monkey

    got to admire destructive testing. thats the guy that designed the orca,,he ran one till it melted then made a fix,, glad i got the kit from him. he designed a mini drone out of tpu and crashed it into his house to film it bouncing off. hillarious.
    duane likes this.
  4. kissmybrass

    kissmybrass brass monkey

    this one is version 5.3
    duane likes this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I've never heard of them. Interesting though!
  6. flex

    flex Monkey

    Having built many electronic kits and a few home built firearms, I like the emerging DP firearm technology. . But my primary weapons will be more conventional, at least for the short term.
  7. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    With the Biden administration’s ATF lawfare against 80% manufactures, this is a welcome technology that would be equal to the mass produced Liberator pistols air dropped over Western Europe during the Nazi occupation. A single shot welded sheet metal monstrosity that was only able to shot just a few rounds of .45acp before it would come apart. The user was to sneak up on a Nazi, shot him in the head and take his weapons and ammo.
    Brokor likes this.
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