On the Campus?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, May 5, 2019.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    saw this and said to myself...

    this is IMHO one of the best explanations of what is happening in what some call our education/indoctrination... system...

    and it uses their own words to explain... it's a bit long...

    7:02 time wise IIRC is where it really gets interesting and quotes begin...

    OH the religious aspect is NOT the point here... but I'm sure someone will go off on that all the same...

    the REAL POINT is the techniques/tactics/methods used by these people...

    which is pretty much applied across the board on all subjects not just the religious ones...

    and notes it's use from their position of power over their charges...

    hmmm... abuse under color of authority kinda thing maybe?

    anyways worth a watch IMHO...

    duane, Ura-Ki and GOG like this.
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