Energy Off grid wet dream, from Califlower, of course.

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by DKR, Oct 27, 2023.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Not what you think - and for 500K, it ain't cheap.
    Living Vehicle Review $495K Off-Grid Trailer is Ready for the Apocalypse - Full Walk Through - YouTube

    Awesome Solar Trailer! The Epic New Living Vehicle HD30 - Full Tour - YouTube

    2023 Living Vehicle Tour: Unveiling 10 New Off-Grid Features! - YouTube

    Epic Living Vehicle HD30: The Future Unleashed! - YouTube

    So much fail, where to begin?
    Needs a one ton truck to move.
    "new" version has added 160 lbs of propane - seems solar doesn't work everywhere.
    I believe the target market is the granny pad market in CA. If this is the case, he will soon be OOB due to the 'Boxable' units from NV arriving on scene.

    Patrick, from the first video, redid his own classic 1961 Bambi Airstream.
    FULLY RESTORED - 1961 Airstream Bambi | Complete Walk Through Tour - YouTube
    I like the appropriate and modern tech used.

    What one would you rather have?
    duane likes this.
  2. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    IMHO a used Class C motorhome could be outfitted nicely and for a whole lot less than $500k. Even converting it to 4 wheel drive, $100k would be on the expensive side.
    duane, Gator 45/70 and Kamp Krap like this.
  3. Out in the woods

    Out in the woods off-grid in-the-forest beekeeper

    $550k for a travel trailor.

    We spent a third of that to buy 150 acres of forest and to build a 5,000 sq ft farmhouse.
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Is it bulletproof? Is armor-plating an option? Cause otherwise it's just a tin can!
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2023
  5. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    A fool and their money are soon parted.
  6. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    That 1961 Airstream is pretty darned cool!
    DKR and duane like this.
  7. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    To be fair, this is the same market class of those massive diesel pushers, they run 100 tp 400K.
    duane likes this.
  8. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Am 85, have had several friends buy their life long dream of a major motor home and just going to travel. Goes fine for a year or two and then if lucky it is parked in a park for months at a time. Usually in Fla for winter months and then in NH for the rest of the year. Then you need a smaller car to get around town as it is to large to use to go shopping etc, then have problem of getting car back and forth when moving back and forth, Then it gets to much to handle and drive or they can no longer drive it. Find out it is very hard to sell and if they can, take a big loss. Have to find private sale as dealers will only give a fraction of what you paid for it and banks etc are very reluctant to finance anything not purchased thru a dealer.

    Seems like for all the problems a condo or trailer work out better and are usually easier to sell. Always problems with weather and park rent when you aren't there as well as insurance and economic cycles. In long run can't really win. Have stage 4 cancer, wife has the big A, a couple years into it now. I have the answer for her when we go out and spend $400 on something that pleases us or a gift to one of the kids. I tell her that is just 1 day in the long term care or nursing home they want us to go to for "your own good".
    Gator 45/70 and CraftyMofo like this.
  9. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    You can stay in some nice hotel rooms for years when going on a trip for $500k, and someone else cleans up the mess.
    duane, Cruisin Sloth, TXKajun and 2 others like this.
  10. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Sold my property and bought a used camper to fit my F350 and bought a 10' container trailer.
    I now have 2 Li and 2 lead acid batteries fed by several solar panels. Had to replace the old 3-way Absorbtion frig for a new 12-volt compressor fridge= more efficient. I have ordered a wind mill, we'll see how that works out.
    The trailer has my food reserves as well as all my tools and equipment, which isn't much.
    It is very difficult having given up all that I had, but I had to admit that all that I had was more than I could handle alone, both physically and economically.
    As it is, all that I still have whittled down to is overloading my rolling stock, there is much more I need to shed from the load.
    I had considered that if things got tougher, I could barter doing repairs for a place to park and water.
    Most places want over a thousand a month in a trailer park, that's my whole SS check.
    Fortunately, I am at a friend's place I pay $400. a month. Off grid but still living tight.
    Many places that are paved are going to cost more to stay, and those unpaved may be rough on the vehicle suspension.
    Parking in the woods has its own problems with raiders and such.
    Alone, there is no one to watch things while I go to town for supplies, unless I drive the whole kit and caboodle each time.
    duane likes this.
  11. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Hey man, best wishes to you and the wife.
    duane likes this.
  12. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Being at the beach, I see so many of these things rot in the various campground storage lots. A small leak turns the floors and ceilings to mush, and yet another expensive dream gets hauled away. Then there are the abandoned units, for whatever reason, death, financial hardship, whatever, that get sold for pennies on the dollar at auction.
    duane and DKR like this.
  13. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    For vacations we used to love camping in a good tent and usually in National or state parks. Whole secret is to never plan to have to camp out. If the weather is good and you find or have a good place to set up, camp out, if not stay at motel. If you are going to stay at a motel and you can usually figure that out a few hours ahead of time, stay at least a half hours drive away from the tourist traps. I like the smaller motels, local diner or mom and pop places, they were a lot cheaper and we met a lot of nice people over time. Never plan on going somewhere like "Disney World" and just enjoy life on vacation. Still a lot cheaper to stay at a motel than the total cost of owning a camper trailer or such over the course of a year.

    For a few years about 60 years ago we camped in the Gila wilderness area of New Mexico with the kids. Had a jeep and went way back into the boonies. Camped at one campground where we were in the fenced in area and the bears sat outside and watched the humans, slept a few nights in rooms in the old cliff dwellings, now the government has wooden walkways you have to stay on so as to not disturb the historical sites, asked permission from a rancher and camped near a waterhole on ranch where we would see a lot of deer, etc, but wouldn't see any people for days. Loved every minute of it.

    My dad semi retired in the 1970's and spent his winters in a rented house in Baja California in Mexico.. Was safe thing to do then, couldn't do it now. He looked into fishing trips, big bucks on the charters at the time and out with a bunch of other old people. He spoke a little Spanish, bought a case of beer and went down to the local fishing dock and found a boat that would let he and his beer ride along and fish with them. They were using long lines as I remember him telling it. At the end of the day he took enough fish for supper and gave the rest of his catch to the captain who owned the boat. The next day he did the same thing and no questions about going out, just about a different brand of beer, they liked a local brand better. After a while he took a few days off from his fishing and went farther down the beach sight seeing. A couple days after his last trip, he and mom were at a local store picking up some groceries when one of the fishermen on the boat came up and asked dad when he was going out again. Of course the store owner had to know what was going on and how he knew a local. Long story short, they spent a couple or three months a year in Mexico, enjoyed the house, the food, the people they met, had a lot of good times and all the fishing he wanted. They might have spent as much totally for the winter as a few days in a second class resort and a couple charter trips. He started doing that when he was 60, and it was a good thing he did. My brother and dad owned a butcher shop and he could take the time off if he wished. He was a few days short of being 66 when he died of cancer. If he hadn't taken the time and figured out how to do it, worked until he was 65, he never would have had any retirement. I see that here on the Monkey, Paul, Asia Off Grid, comes to mind, enjoy life to fullest as only God knows how much longer you have on this Earth. I have very pleasant memories of a good day in the White Mountains 20 years ago of an evening in a tent next to a river, cooking a couple steaks on the grill, talking with the wife and watching the sunset and we did not need a fancy motor home or even have to retire.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2023
    DKR, Dont, CraftyMofo and 1 other person like this.
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