NY's $2 billion Integrated Computer Assisted Dispatch System "911 EMS" crashes

Discussion in 'Survival Communications' started by stg58, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Lets see, $2 billion, New York unions and New York politicians, EEOC hiring with English as a second language and the feds mixed in. This will serve the people well.

    "details of a 911 medical call had to be hand-written on a slip and handed to an EMS dispatcher just a few feet away and in the same room."

    Break out the tin cans and string.

    Operators with Emergency Medical Services resorted to using pen and paper when the city’s new 911 system suffered several glitches Monday.
    The EMS 911 dispatch system went down for about 30 minutes Monday morning, the Fire Department said. That part of the system is from the 1980s and scheduled to be upgraded in 2015.
    In all, the system crashed at least four times, CBS 2′s Derricke Dennis reported.
    As WCBS 880′s Rich Lamb reported, administration sources said the failures mean details of a 911 medical call had to be hand-written on a slip and handed to an EMS dispatcher just a few feet away and in the same room.
    The administration claimed there have been no delays as a result of the multiple failures, Lamb reported.
    Operators logged about 100 calls during the first outage.
    The first failure was reported at 7:28 a.m. and lasted until 8:09 a.m. It was followed by more failures off and on throughout the day.
    When asked about the alarming incidents, Israel Miranda, President of Local 2507 of the Uniformed EMT Union, said, “Oh definitely, it’s been anywhere from five to seven times.”
    Miranda said while the EMS dispatch system is still operating on the old system and not yet on the newly installed $2 billion Integrated Computer Assisted Dispatch System, or ICAD, the entire system has been problematic.
    “Of course the city’s gonna say it’s the old EMS system, but we never had any problems like this before until they introduced this new ICAD system, but they spent so much money on this system they can’t admit that it has problems,” Miranda said.
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