November Drills

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by TheJackBull, Nov 5, 2021.

  1. TheJackBull

    TheJackBull Monkey+++

    I just received my email reminder from a Ward member (a Ward is an LDS congregations based on geographical location) about some November Emergency drills we will be doing as a Ward.

    There are set days and times for the “EVENT” be it Fire, Earthquake, biologic, general evacuation and so on…

    Then when the “event” happens we have to react as we would in that situation, grab our appropriate kits, follow our plan and well… practice. Some people will be at work but are expected to return to the area under their "get home" plan. Some of the events have us meeting up at our Church building to discuss what kits we brought along and how well our 72 hr kits are stocked… prizes for the best prepared… that sort of thing (fun for the kiddos). Some events have us going around and checking on our neighbors until we find the "trapped" or "injured" and treat/extract them... that sort of thing.

    Anyway. Just thought I’d throw that out there that you may want to do something like this with your own church/friends/community… or just within your family. Practice makes perfect.

    I thought our local Police Dept. booklet was cute and worth a read. It actually did remind me of the fact that my new water heater does not have the earthquake straps on it yet… so it actually helped. We’ve seen a thousand variations of the charts and topics in this book but like it did for me, maybe someone else will glean something from it and they can facepalm like I did…

    Drill away Monkeys, Drill Away.
  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I would if they had them locally.
    Gator 45/70 and duane like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    When this House of Cards finally is blown down I would not be surprised to LDS Wards in control of massive areas...and that's all right with me even though I am not a member...but maybe I should be.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    The thing that most non-LDS folks do not understand, about this Church, is that they have an Administration Structure already in place, and functioning, for their members.. Men above the age of 18 have a group called “The Elders Quorum” that meet every Sunday.. The women over the age of 18 have their own group, call “The Relief Society” that meets every Sunday… The young men between the ages of 12 and 18, have groups that meet every Sunday, that are age dependent..(12-14, 14-16, 16-18) The same for the young ladies… and the Children under the age of 12, have their group as well.. This whole Ward Organization is under the direction of the Ward’s Bishop, and his 2 Counselors.. Each Ward belongs to a Stake, which comprises of up to 10 Wards & Branches.... A Branch is a Geographical Group that doesn’t have enough members to qualify as a Ward, and is presided over by. Branch President and his 2 Counselors… The Stake President is the Presiding Church Officer for his District, and has 2 Counselors..
    This system allows the church to rapidly respond to any man-power need within their Ward or State.. There is an OLD Saying in the church, “If you want to get anything done, call the Relief Society President.” and she will kick the Bishop, or the State President to get the Elders on the job.. Weather it is helping a family move in, or out, fixing a widow’s plumbing, or going to help in a Disaster Situation.. It only takes a Phone-call to the leaders, and the mobilization of members happens… The same is true for the whole church.. A Stake President only needs to call his Area President, and SaltLake will get Disaster Relief Trucks rolling with whatever is needed for a Disaster event, and many times, if the Disaster Event is known ahead of time, those trucks are Rolling to the area, and pre-positioned closer to the event, but outside the Disaster area.. There isn’t another organization that I have ever heard of that can mobilize such resources as well or as fast as the LDS Church…. This church takes care of it’s own, First, and then the Community at large, second.. and this is taught over the Pulpit, and understood by all of the longtime members.. There other groups that can and do supply LSD Man-power, if neened, and they are the church’s Missionaries.. These men and women can be mobilized by their Mission President, to help in any situation that requires strong young Adults.. Again it only requires a Phone-call to the Mission President, from his Area Presidency, and things happen…

    Organization is everything… I should also point out that NONE of the Leaders below the Area Presidency are Paid Clergy.. They are your neighbors and friends… And even the paid Clergy, only get a modest Stipend, for their time, and services…
  5. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    We sometimes get our work-outs annually in the form of hurricanes, Sometimes twice a season.
    Usually its a neighborhood thing, You don't socialize with people on you're street...fine, Evacuate then or sit in that dark hot house.
    Then we have Cajun Navy(s) They travel from Texas to Fla under their own flag running donations or using their own money and equipment, If you're hungry they will feed you a time or two. They have been shot at, They will return the favor !
  6. madmax

    madmax Far right. Bipolar. Veteran. Don't push me.

    No. Gray man.
    CraftyMofo and Gator 45/70 like this.
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