Mosby Nomad Preparedness: Embrace Your Inner “Dirtbag”

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Aug 17, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++
    It is a norm in preparedness culture and literature to discuss “bugging in” versus bugging out, because to paraphrase influential preparedness writer JW Rawles, bugging out turns you into a refugee. This is, of course, ridiculous. The difference between refugee and nomad is vast, and it is as much a function of attitude as anything. Being mobile doesn’t make you a refugee. Thinking like a victim makes you a refugee.

    The Huns of eastern Europe were pushed out of their original homeland by stronger tribes. Nobody thinks of Attila as a refugee, but as a nomad. Ghengis was tossed out of his clan on his ass, and left to die, when his father died. Nobody thinks of the Mongols as refugees, but as nomads. The Scythians were not refugees, but nomads.

    The American Indian tribes of the plains, from the Sioux and Cheyenne to the Comanche and Kiowa were all pushed out by stronger tribes before they developed their horse nomad culture that led to their places in history. Nobody thinks of Sitting Bull or Crazy Horse as refugees. They were nomads.

    That mindset of not being a victim, but choosing nomadism as the best way to follow the buffalo (real or metaphoric), is a factor of choice….

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