New Research: Corrections to the FBI’s Reports on Active Shooting Incidents

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    New Research: Corrections to the FBI’s Reports on Active Shooting Incidents

    4 Jun , 2021

    This new research by Dr. John Lott is available here. While he was working at the Department of Justice, he put together a report on errors in the FBI’s Reports on Active Shooting incidents.

    The claim in the original FBI report that active shooting cases have increased over time was a result of data errors, both in terms of how the cases were collected and the missing of many attacks. Some of the cases that the original reports missed involved as many as four to nine people being murdered.

    For the period from 2014 to 2019, the FBI had missed additional cases. Once those cases are included there were 25 cases out of 162 (15.4%) where people with permitted concealed handguns stopped the attacks. The FBI reports keep excluding cases where shootings attacks have been stopped by concealed handgun permit holders. To put it differently, while 36% of active shooting attacks have occurred in places where guns are allowed, almost half (42.3%) of those were stopped by people legally carry concealed handguns.

    In light of these errors, media, courts, law enforcement, and policymakers, are advised to rely on the updated, corrected data provided in this report.

    Previous work on this topic is available here and here.
    HK_User likes this.
  2. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    The FBI is known for it’s accuracy in reporting and it’s integrity in law enforcement, except of course when they want to convince someone or have a political agenda to serve.
    Ura-Ki, Thunder5Ranch and HK_User like this.
  3. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Hail to the all powerful and knowing FBi and Company.

    Ura-Ki likes this.
  4. BlueDuck

    BlueDuck Monkey+++

    The FBI is paid to lie, and they do a very good job of it. In recent years they have sunk to the lever of the mainstream media. No credibility and not to be trusted.
    johnbb, Ura-Ki and HK_User like this.
  5. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    The Famous But Incompetent bunch has been political from the beginning./

    Harry S Truman wrote during his presidency:
    "We want no Gestapo or secret police. FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail… Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him."

    J Edgar was infamous for the dirt files he kept on polticos - and regular citizens. But today, he would be mainstream LQBTQ XYZ as he was a queer as a 3 dollar bill.
    (The secret life of J Edgar Hoover)
    Thunder5Ranch likes this.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    The FBI, what a sham, a government sponsored crime syndicate against the people!
    J, hoover was the biggest turd in the pool, that dude was as sick in the head as they come, and his baby has become one of the biggest criminal elements in the world!
    Dark Wolf, apache235 and johnbb like this.
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