Navigating the Survival Monkey Forum - Media

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hot diggity, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    I thought I knew all the tricks. :( I was looking at some of my media files and just let the cursor rest on an album... and it starts a slideshow! I had somehow missed this feature. It would run the slideshow through the entire first page.

    Hmmm? Will it do a slideshow through the entire album? No, but if I click on the first image it does pop up forward and back arrows to the sides. I was able to scroll through entire huge albums like that. I'm still learning the finer points, but if I see something I want to expand it seems like clicking the image sends me to the next image, but clicking on the image title will take me to the original posting in the album and possibly more details.

    It took two days of ice on the palm trees and below freezing temperatures to slow me down enough to learn these new - to me - tricks.

    Pretty cool features. There's a treasure trove of memories and technical data captured in the media albums and a vast library of information in the Resources and Articles sections. Easier to navigate than I knew. ;)

    Like discovering a whole new branch of the Monkey Tree to hang out on. :)
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