More Lake Porn :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kamp Krap, Jan 30, 2023.

  1. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    July pic was 7-24-2022 so right at 6 Months from then to now. That last 4" snow really contributed the H20
    Lake Perspective.

    Still 3 feet of depth to go and still slow rising as it is spreading out making surface area on the South End where the banks are a gentle slope. The North end is getting deeper but the banks are a lot steeper.

    When it is full the water will be about 5" lower than the top of that point.

    LOL the most annoying spring on the farm! And on top of one of the highest elevations on the farm as a bonus. It recedes a couple feet underground and stops flowing around mid May to Early June and then pops up and resumes flowing. Typical wet weather spring of sorts. Finally gave filling it and fighting it and just dug out a shallow ditch to direct it :)

    The biggest body of water here prior to 2022 was the little 1/4 acre stock pond.

    I walked over to the little pond above the lake and the big pond above the little pond but forgot the camera in the truck. Little pond is about 4 feet from going over the spillway, it is slow filling because it gets very little run off. The Big Pond is about 16" from going over and running into the the little pond. Once that happens the little pond will fill fast and overflow into the lake. Going to have to pump the big pond down about 6' next summer and let the edges dry out. I ran out of time before mud season arrived and still needed about 2-3 weeks of blading to cut the North Bank and tail about 2'-3 feet deeper. And I did not get the depth around the islands where I wanted it.

    Also discovered on the drive down to the lake that someone robbed the South Barn and that my current cattle are either really good cattle or really stupid cattle. The thieves left a 20' gate wide open. Nothing particularly valuable stolen just a couple of old cat 3406 engine blocks. Motivated thieves to lift those up by hand onto a truck. And going to disappoint a Monkey but the old sawmill head was in there and taken. Game camera in the big old maple tree caught it all and the cops have the SD card got decent pics of the 4 guys and all of the truck except the license plate. Theft took place last Thursday when we were gone all day for a Mrs Krap Doctor appointment. Main barn lot camera caught the truck going down the road and coming back loaded and squatted way down. Those engine blocks are not light at right at 1500 pounds each. Myself I might have chosen something a lot lighter and more valuable to steal :)

    I figured vultures were circling with us having to be gone extended long days now and then. Everything of value is under lock and key and a crossfire of high resolution cameras and Canine protected. The Pack of 7 has free run of the main compound when we are away. So it is as secure as it can be short of automated sentry guns :) The South barn has one old game camera up in a tree looking down on it. Of course I didn't think there was anything worth stealing in the South Barn LOL. The pricks leaving the gate open annoys me more than anything. I would have been real unhappy chasing cattle down in this mud!
  2. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    The very best kind of "gains" :D Your pond has transformed for the best!
    Shoot! It sucks that those thieves came through. It's good that you have a good amount of surveillance in place. Also glad that they didn't snag anything super valuable, but still awful. I hope the cops will catch them.
    We have had our fun with tracking down some of the local thieves on this island. Not many places to run and hide out here!
    Hope you will have a wonderful week!
  3. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    It kind of amuses I have a big scrap metal pile full of iron and wore out freezers. Can't get anyone to haul it to the scrap yard and keep the scrap money. I have friends of sorts that are always complaining about being broke and needing money. I have offered the scrap pile to them several times. All they have to do is load it on the 20' utility trailer and haul it to the scrap yard and collect around $3,000 for it all. Even offer my truck and trailer for them to use to haul it. It is about 9-10 round trips. First thing out of their mouths is how much are you going to pay us to haul it off? SMFH How about the price of the scrap as your payment! 2 years of making that offer and listening to them cry about being broke and the scrap metal pile is still sitting there LOL.

    When I was brokering my meats I would beat 4-5 chest freezers to death in the trailers every year........ after 15 years the dead freezer corpses piled up :) Then the usual scrap iron that goes with farming.....
  4. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I think we have reached the point for the laziest bunch of worthless piles of crap in the existence of our country.

    If this was back in the settlers days ,, there'd be corpses everywhere from lazy deadbeats .
  5. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I like sac-au-lait's
    You rednecks know these as crappy's[lolol]

    I use this camera in the woods for10 bucks a month you can get 1000 pictures.

    Engine blocks have serial numbers, just say'n.
    Tully Mars, Kamp Krap and Dunerunner like this.
  6. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    The only thing these two were worth is scrap metal price, when it comes to the engine blocks the thieves just did what I had been putting off for like 10 years :) The Mill head annoys me because I just moved it down there a little over a week before, to make it easier to load. I have a dirt, rock and RR Tie loading ramp down there for putting stuff on trucks and SB was going to be picking it up about a week from now.
    Dunerunner, SB21 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    That is SUPER ironic and very kind of you to offer your truck and trailer. People can make decent money with scrap metal and you were giving it to them. I have experienced that too. I could offer someone a super easy job from home that only takes a few hours and they would either do it poorly or say they are too busy, but still complain about being broke.
    When you give people generous gifts, it could be a car or a place to live, even that's not enough and they expect more.
    Some people are too lazy for their own good.
  8. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Ever notice in some cases but not all that when you bring in contractors and the help things walk off later?
    Alanaana, Tully Mars, oldawg and 4 others like this.
  9. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    That thought had indeed crossed my mind. Can't point the finger in any direction though. There was A LOT of sight seeing traffic to the end of the road during the lake dam construction. More important things to worry about of late than that krap. Mrs. Krap is having a lot of problems and complications since late last week. She failed her blood work test Thursday because of a high white blood cell count and low Potassium level. Failed it again on Monday because white blood cell was lower but still to high and the Potassium level dropped more and low Magnesium and Iron was added to the list. Yesterday morning she woke me up screaming at me and in total agony. Her hands were curled into fist that she couldn't open to the point that her nails were dug into her palms and her toes curled down tight and ankles had her feet curled up and locked tight. So off to the Hospital ER before sun up yesterday and the feet, hand, wrist, toes, and finger problems were because of EXTREME low Potassium and Magnesium levels. So she was admitted and has been getting IV Potassium, Magnesium, Iron and 2 other things she was EXTREMELY low on. She was/is VERY unhappy about being kept over night last night for more IV and Observation. About 5 hours of IV and her hands and feet unlocked and the fingers relaxed. She made some nice finger nail punctures in her palms. They cut her nails back after her fingers relaxed so that couldn't happen again and bandaged her palms up. Guess the supplements she is taking are not enough to keep the levels of that stuff up. Drive to the hospital was on a sheet of ice that the salt shakers had not hit yet and took forever to go the 22 miles to closest hospital. Literally took over a hours to go 22 miles with her laying in the back seat of the truck sounding like she was gut shot with a big bore and in desperate need of morphine. Six hours later much better and I was sent home to let the dogs out and advised that my ratty sweat pants and holy T shirt and only socks on my feet was a bit over the top. At least the salt shakers had hit the road and the drive home was a lot faster and not as hairy as the drive in.

    First night in 10 years that we have not been together. I can't even remember the last time we have not eaten dinner together and spent out evening time talking and pondering things. Her on speaker phone was better than nothing during dinner but sure not the same. LOL she calls every couple of hours to give me a update and she is bored to death but her blood levels of stuff are back up in normal ranges and they are going to let her go sometime this morning....... Maybe Doc is talking about keeping her in the hospital one more night for further observation for possible heart issues that may manifest from the low levels and to make sure they don't drop off a cliff again with the IVs out. Ans the big brains are trying to decide if its it is the pancreatic cancer, the chemo or both or something else that sent her levels that low so fast.

    So more on my mind the last several days that out weighs some petty larceny
  10. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I sure hate to hear this about Mrs Krap ,,I hope the docs get her straightened out soon . My thoughts and prayers are with you , your wife and the doctors . Wishing you all the best .
  11. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Yeah, when you're staring into the abyss of maybe losing the love of your life not much else matters for spit. Prayers out for you two. She might be right about the socks so maybe some flip flops when you head back.
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    We pray for your wife, Good vibes man.!!!
  13. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    They finally got her levels stabilized at 4am this morning and they have not crashed out again since. SO they are discharging her at noon with a hefty script for potassium and magnesium. And strict advice of if she shows even a hint of the levels dropping to get her back to the ER ASAP. Her Oncologist got involved and declared the loss to be excessive via the urine due to the chemo meds. And hers is a extreme case, Yeah because her chemo doesn't make her sick enough and miserable enough as it is! I have just straight up been hating this shit of the last couple of months and being totally helpless to do anything constructive to fix the damned problem! Spreading positive and uplifting butterfly dust and scenting the air with motivational unicorn farts is the polar opposite of my strong suits!!! Things break I FIX THEM not sit around hoping they get fixed :(
    SB21, oldawg, Cruisin Sloth and 2 others like this.
  14. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    And you take care of what is important and the other stuff is what it is. You are inspirational!
    SB21, oldawg and Gator 45/70 like this.
  15. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Yeah, some people would bitch if ya hung 'em with a new rope..
    Hope the Mrs. is feeling better.
    Dunerunner, SB21, Kamp Krap and 2 others like this.
  16. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Make sure your looking after you as well because YOU don't want to fail and have two in need of repairs . Keep yourself strong and then your help will HELP!!
    Sloth / CS
    Dunerunner, SB21, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
  17. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I hope her healing continues . Prayers still flowing your way .
    Gator 45/70 and Dunerunner like this.
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