More government intrusion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by johnbb, Apr 12, 2021.

  1. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    So, how many of you have gotten the American Community Survey put out by the Census Bureau with the statement you must fill it out as it is "required by law". I'm on my 3rd notice and will not fill it out it is just another wealth redistribution government scam. Billions of taxpayer money will be doled out to the poor based on this survey. Got the census long form one year and left most of it blank mailed it in. They sent a census worker to the house and I point blank told them how many people were living in the house and that was all they needed to know. Count heads was the original intent of the census.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2021
  2. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    They bugged the heck out of me about 10 years ago about the ACS. I threw it in the trash every time it came, they sent someone out several times, left a note in the gate...threw it away. Then the area code 202 (DC) phone calls started.....leaving a message to call. I finally picked it up live one day and said "I AM NOT going to participate no matter how much you call or write or come out here. Take me off your list or arrest me....but you're not getting anything from me". They finally gave up.

    Regular census, same as you: 2 people in the household and the rest of it is un-constitutional. They sent 3 guys out.....walked around a closed gate, hiked up the drive past a no trespassing sign, and two of them knocked at my door while one stayed around the corner of the house (dogs gave him away) (I wonder if he was armed). I told him the same thing....2 residents and that is all you are Constitutionally authorized to get.

    "And what part of NO TRESPASSING do you think didn't apply to you 3 ?"

    From now on, it's "Show me a warrant or get the F off my property".
  3. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    We got it a dozen years ago or so. Hell no, not giving them all that info. Got 3-4 in mail, threw them away, got some phone calls. Politely told them no way I was providing all that info. Got the its the law line and I told them I dug into the legality and its very debatable there is a legal obligation and no one has ever been prosecuted, so their implied legal threats were hollow and I was not going to change my mind. Never heard again and no one showed up.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2021
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I just tell them I dona speak engrish, and not to bother the 8 illegal immigrants they might see walking around my property! To hell with them, they have NO Lawful reason to ask anything other then how many citizens live here, PERIOD!
  5. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    As for me and my family they can either give me freedom or give me death!
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
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