More GOP shenanigans

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Minuteman, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    The "grand old party" has been trying to silence Ron Paul for years. They have actively supported anyone who would run against him in Texas for his congressional seat. But even with their interference he still has won 10 times. Keep your eyes open and help him to beat them at their own game once again.


    Today was a good day for Ron Paul in Oklahoma! Reports are coming in
    from all over the state and the numbers are good. The Ron Paul legions
    mobilized today and turned out in force.

    But the battle is not yet won. Not only do we still have an election in
    one week, but while we saw a great turn-out at the precinct meetings,
    our efforts were dealt a blow by a very clever ruse employed by some

    As many of you receiving this newsletter now know, many of the meetings
    included a presidential straw poll. These polls were included with
    the precinct packets and it was implied that the poll must be filled out
    and returned as part of the official business of the precinct meeting.
    While it was likely very satisfying to be able to vote for Ron Paul
    in this poll, we have now learned that this was actually a clever scheme
    devised by some within the state party to discover which precincts
    heavily supported Ron Paul. They cleverly exploited our well-known
    penchant for voting in polls, and as a result, they now know more about our
    numbers than we do.

    We believe their intention is now to target the strong Paul precincts
    and stuff them with their own people in an attempt to dilute our votes.
    They may also have other nefarious ways in which they plan to use
    this information against us. But they now know the number they have to
    beat, or at least they think they do. Which brings us to this important

    It is not too late to be a delegate! If you missed your precinct
    meeting, you can still be added as a delegate in your precinct. Now that
    they know our numbers, we must pull out all the stops. No more sitting
    on the sidelines. We need EVERY Ron Paul supporter to be a delegate.
    If we all participate, no amount of reconnaissance can prepare them for
    the tsunami of delegates we can deliver. We have the numbers; we need
    only to sign-up and participate. Do not let them get away with this
    clever trick! Let’s show them they haven’t seen the last of us.
    Look for a special edition of this newsletter very soon with information
    on how to apply as a delegate for those who missed their precinct

    If you witnessed any other anomalies at your precinct meeting, please
    e-mail Sandie Crosnoe at:

    Now we need to know our own strength. If you became a delegate at your
    precinct meeting, we need you to sign-in here (please fill out once
    for each person):

    Paul supporters are renowned for their passion and dedication; their
    willingness to follow through where others stop short. This is the
    reason we won so many straw polls these past months. We may not be the
    largest voting bloc, but we are the most dedicated. The delegate process
    is no different from those straw polls. It is said that history is made
    by those who show up. Let us make history together!
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