Mass shooting in Richmond, VA prevented

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by natshare, Jul 7, 2022.

  1. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    So thanks to a timely tip, and some good police work, two scumbag illegal aliens who were planning on shooting up an Independence Day gathering, are now behind bars. Everyone remember to thank "Brandon", and his extra-special immigration policy, that helped these two enter and remain in our country! :mad::eek:
    Gator 45/70, Gray Wolf and duane like this.
  2. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Meanwhile, this is pretty much ME, every time the "news" media presents "over 200 rounds of ammo" as an "arsenal"!! :rolleyes::whistle::ROFLMAO: avert eyes.
    mysterymet and duane like this.
  3. Dannyboy53

    Dannyboy53 Monkey

    This is great!
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Nationwide comments on stopping a mass shooting based on a tip that may or may not be true and an arsenal and hoard of weapons that is less than some of us take to range for practice, ie, 200 rounds of ammo.

    Meanwhile about the same time they report a shooting outside of a "social" club of the normal suspects with 6 actually shot, and it is ho hum even for the town and ignored for nation.


    Normal weekend of fun and games in Chicago was well above mass event, but it was just the natives in their normal fun. 8 killed, 71 shot over 4 th of July weekend. Only saving grace is that they are very inept in using firearms or the deaths in a normal weekend would be in the hundreds.

    Chicago shootings: 71 shot, 8 killed in 4th of July weekend violence, CPD says

    And over 800 in 2021 Chicago reached at least 800 homicides in 2021, a level not seen in 25 years

    Some studies seem to indicate that a few hundred deaths occur each year in Chicago from the ACLU effect and its stopping the use of stop and frisk etc as being race based and profiling as well as the police being the cause of the violence rather than the criminal, the George Floyd effect.

    37 deaths in last 30 days. Baltimore City Homicides

    And 338 deaths for Baltimore for 2021. Baltimore City Homicides

    Meanwhile, the man that drove the car into the crowd and killed those people has dropped from the headlines and it never was really reported on, always the emphasis on the car and not the racial aspects or the driver.

    And so far the police in Chicago have only made arrests in 26% of the homicides in 2021 and some of those were not charged by the DA. With plea bargin, many of those found "guilty" will be out in about 5 years.
    Half of murder cases considered ‘solved’ by Chicago police in 2021 didn’t lead to charges

    If I as an interested individual can find these statistics in 20 minutes online, why can't the mass media and our politicians and do something to actually solve the problem? Because it does not meet their agenda to disarm us I think.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2022
    Idahoser and CraftyMofo like this.
  5. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I wonder if the guy who "over heard them" was their guilt ridden fbi groomer.
    duane and CraftyMofo like this.
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