Making a Simplex Voice Channel Plan

Discussion in 'Survival Communications' started by Illini Warrior, Nov 11, 2022.

  1. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior Making a Simplex Voice Channel Plan. Pick a frequency at random...

    "The average person who gets a Baofeng radio will have no idea how to tune in when they turn it on and see an input like 445.000 staring back at them. Pushing the buttons to blindly tune the frequencies up or down doesn’t work like a CB radio, car stereo, or marine radio. You can’t just pick a frequency at random and start using it. First, there will probably be no one to talk to. Second, you could be transmitting on a frequency or in a mode that is prohibited."

    "What exists on the ham bands are portions of the frequency spectrum that is generally understood to be used for simplex (radio-to-radio) voice communication. Imagine it as a freeway without any marked lanes. To better navigate that lane-less freeway, radio users have decided to separate portions of each band and dedicate them to specific uses."
    T. Riley and duane like this.
  2. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Good food for thought, but I would include non-ham freqs as well such as MURS and the various DOT and STAR frequencies available for use. Always remember, anytime you key up you become a spike on a spectrum analyzer. Secure comms no longer exist outside of the old Nextel system.
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