Looks Like Bill Mahers mouth just cost him 5 million LOL

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Donald Trump has placed himself in the middle of another controversy involving a birth certificate—this time his own.
    In a letter obtained by Yahoo News, the real estate mogul and de facto leader of last year's "birther" movement against President Barack Obama sent a copy of his New York City birth certificate to comedian Bill Maher, who earlier this week made a Trump-like demand to see it.
    On Monday's "Tonight Show With Jay Leno," Maher said he would donate $5 million to the charity of Trump’s choice (Maher suggested Hair Club for Men, among others) if the "Celebrity Apprentice" host could prove he is not the "spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan." Maher was mocking Trump's much-publicized announcement in October that he would donate $5 million to charity if Obama would release his college records.
    On Tuesday, a lawyer for Trump sent the letter to Maher with the birth certificate attached, asking the "Real Time" host to make good on his late-night offer:
    Attached hereto is a copy of Mr. Trump's birth certificate, demonstrating that he is the son of Fred Trump, not an orangutan. Please remit the $5 million to Mr. Trump immediately and he will ensure that the money be donated to the following five charities in equal amounts: Hurricane Sandy Victims, The Police Athletic League, The American Cancer Society, The March of Dimes, and The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
    In October, Trump announced he had "something very, very big concerning the president of the United States"—something he said could "possibly" change the election—leading to speculation that the 66-year-old might have unearthed scandalous information about Obama.

    "Barack Obama is the least transparent president in the history of this country," Trump said in a video shot from his New York office and uploaded to YouTube. "I'm very honored to have gotten him to release his long-form birth certificate or whatever it may be.
    "I have a deal for the president," Trump continued. "If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice—inner-city children in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research, anything he wants—a check immediately for $5 million."
    Obama was unfazed. On "The Tonight Show," Obama joked to Leno that the bad blood between him and the "Celebrity Apprentice" star "dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya."
    Trump thrust himself into the spotlight again on election night, firing off a series of tweets after Obama's victory over Mitt Romney.
    "Well, back to the drawing board!" Trump tweeted shortly after several networks, including Fox News, called Ohio in the president's favor, sealing the win. "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!
    "Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice!" Trump continued. "The world is laughing at us. This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!"
    A representative for Maher did not immediately return a request for comment. On Monday, though, he told Leno he did not want to start a war with The Donald.
    “I’m not looking for a feud with Donald Trump,” Maher said.
    See Trump's full letter, including birth certificate, below:
    January 8, 2013
    Mr. Bill Maher
    Real Time with Bill Maher
    CBS Studios
    7800 Beverly Boulevard
    Los Angeles, CA 90036
    Dear Mr. Maher:
    I represent Mr. Donald J. Trump. I write on his behalf to accept your offer (made during the Jay Leno Show on January 7, 2013) that Mr. Trump prove he is not the "spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan."
    Attached hereto is a copy of Mr. Trump's birth certificate, demonstrating that he is the son of Fred Trump, not an orangutan. Please remit the $5 million to Mr. Trump immediately and he will ensure that the money be donated to the following five charities in equal amounts: Hurricane Sandy Victims, The Police Athletic League, The American Cancer Society, The March of Dimes, and The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
    Scott S. Balber
    kellory and tulianr like this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member


    Motor mouth maher is not high on my fave list. Just another wanna be famous for something, and he picked the wrong thing. Funny, he ain't.
  3. jasonl6

    jasonl6 Monkey+++

    Bill Maher is a waste. His mother should have never scrapped him off the wall. He will never pay up or admit he was wrong.
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Open mouth, insert expensive foot.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    It would be "Just Deserts" if when Trump got the money, He donated the whole amount to the NRA.... Then watch Old Bill, look like an Idiot.......
    squiddley and scrapman21009 like this.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    They gotz insurance for that.
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