Mosby Leveraging Historical Models for Contemporary Preparedness

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    o begin this, it is critically important to point out that, while I’m a historian by education, both formal and informal, I am decidedly not a historical reenactor. While I’ve had an interest in historical reenactment, beginning in my grade school youth, with the American Civil War, I’ve never gone further than simply reading about the hobby and perusing various catalogs (I ordered my first price list from a Civil War Reenactment sutler when I was in the third grade, with hopes of participating as a drummer boy. Imagine my chagrin when I saw the prices of even the simplest uniform items….I also came across information on “buckskinning” and the American Mountain Men organization, in back issues of Muzzleloader Magazine, when my mother’s ex-husband came home one day with several paper grocery sacks full of them that he’d found at a yard sale).

    That having been said, as the old joke goes, “some of my best friends are reenactors.” My other ties to the reenactor community go back almost as far.

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