Civics Leftists Support Tyranny – Conservatives Do Not: It’s Time To Separate

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Dont, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Here is an article over on Alt-Market by Brandon Smith and this article supports the general feeling expressed by most all Patriots.

    Leftists Support Tyranny - Conservatives Do Not: It's Time To Separate -

    Reading this a thought came to mind. What IF. Ok, what if all the red States made a proclamation of no confidence in this (illegal) government? It States that created the fed guv, and ultimately, it is the States that can dissolve the fed.
    Bandit99 and SB21 like this.
  2. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    thinkin by the nature of our form of government that would not work...
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "Ok, what if all the red States made a proclamation of no confidence in this (illegal) government? It States that created the fed guv, and ultimately, it is the States that can dissolve the fed."

    What a lovely idea! I quite agree with it would never work. California certainly wouldn't go along with it. Most of us forget how powerful that damn state truly is (it's needs to be broken up!). I read that it is now the 5th biggest economy in the world if compared to countries.

    In truth, I see secession as the easy way out. Furthermore, it plays exactly into Biden and his puppet master's hands because it is damn obvious the goal of this administration is to weaken the country to the point of no return or, better yet, destroy it. By separating the country we allow them to achieve their goals plus we weaken ourselves. A better solution is to rid ourselves of these Communists Leftists. The biggest problem do so is our own laws, our own democracy. Germany had the EXACT same problem in the 1930's and they elected a strong nationalist and gave him the power to cleanse the nation of the riots in the streets, the sexual debauchery throughout the nation that no other country on earth has ever seen before or since, and a government that was entirely corrupt and completely broken. Anyway, we all know how it turned out. Hitler actually did an excellent job for the country, economic miracle, better working conditions and even many social things we all now take for granted but... So, how to get rid of the Communist Leftists that are destroying us from within and still keep Democracy - that is the question and that is the problem.

    One thing I found annoying with this article and many others recently...The article is waltzing around all these silly reasons for all these silly mandates. The reasons no longer matter! It seems EVERYONE is forgetting FRIGGIN COVID-19 ISN'T EVEN CLOSE TO BEING A BUBONIC PLAGUE with bodies in the streets, morgues overflowing, people burying their loved ones in the back yard with carts rolling down the street every sun up and sun down shouting 'Bring out your dead!" They had us all convinced in the beginning but we're 24 months into this so we know the truth - Covid has a very high survival rate, something like 99% - YET - they are determined to force us ALL to take the vaccine, even the children, and even though almost the entire USA has had covid by now and antibodies are 26X stronger than any vaccine. WHY?

    But, back on point... "what if all the red States made a proclamation of no confidence in this (illegal) government?"
    Well, in my mind there is no longer any doubt the Biden stole the election so that makes his administration in my mind illegal; however, even the Republicans in the House or Senate would not bring him down due to this reasoning because then ALL future elections could be nullified using the same reasoning. It would cause a greater mess than we have now. Nevertheless, I wonder why we haven't tried to impeach him yet...maybe because we fear the Vice President taking up the reins of power?
    Altoidfishfins and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  4. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Nancy would never allow articles of impeachment to move forward in the House. There is a small majority of communists and few sympathizing squishy Republicans. It would go nowhere.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Nancy won't have squat to say about it after next year. Biden won't be impeached, even if the R's have the numbers after the next election for a couple of reasons:
    1) Kamala Harris would be even worse and
    2) Biden would be effectively neutered until the end of his first and only term.
    Altoidfishfins likes this.
  6. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    the 17th amendment would have to be repealed for ANY real reform to follow.
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