Mosby Learning to Be Comfortable Outside

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    Spending the night outside, without a tent…or even a sleeping bag…is something that apparently most people have never done. Even among people who have done it….infantrymen and other combat arms veterans included…have never done it without the safety net of having a squad/section, platoon, and other echelons above, right next to them in case something goes wrong.

    My 12yo and 9yo daughters have slept outside without tents. Both have hiked (short distances only) in the dark, in the woods and in the desert. What’s your excuse?

    Here’s a series of specific, practical, and practicable, steps you can take to learn to be comfortable outdoors, in the dark, without the benefits of modern camping gear.

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