Law Enforcement Mum on Montana Gun Confiscation Story

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Mar 26, 2021.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Claims are made... how accurate or true any of this is???

    U.S.A. – -( “Feds Confiscate Guns in Flathead Valley With 30 Vehicles, Three Tanks, and Helicopter, the Montana Daily Gazette reports. “Heretofore ignored by the legacy press and mainstream media, in February, federal authorities invaded a neighborhood in the Flathead Valley with militarized police and terrorized its occupants with what appears to be Waco-level tyrannical overreach.”

    That’s certainly a newsworthy claim. And ensuing allegations of armored vehicles, over 100 agents, officers breaching the residence with a concussion grenade after the suspect had reportedly surrendered peacefully, and an operation prompted by the accusations of a “former girlfriend” that he was dangerous, all have the makings of a major story. Why wouldn’t this be all over the news?

    Unfortunately, while long on descriptions of what is being alleged to have happened, the story is short on details by which others can follow up and validate. That has led some readers to speculate why there are no verifying links to arrest records and court filings.

    We’re not told the name of the suspect reportedly taken into custody, nor even which federal agencies were involved. What we have instead is an “Editor’s Note”:

    [The Montana Daily Gazette stands by the veracity of this report from a field reporter and we believe the Legacy Press has been intimidated into silence by the federal government. Names have been changed to protect the innocent]

    We are, however, reminded:

    “According to the Constitution, federal operators may not engage in law enforcement activities without the permission of the local county sheriff, something that is often overlooked and ignored, which is the case here.”

    We’re also told the suspect “was eventually transported to the Flathead County jail [and] was released three days later on his own recognizance.”

    The Sheriff’s Office was the first place to start, and hoping for a written public reply, I asked them to make a statement via Twitter:

    see more on site...

    Law Enforcement Mum on Montana Gun Confiscation Story
    SB21, duane and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Please provide a link or citation for this.

    I have heard this stated before, yet have never seen any citation for it.

    “According to the Constitution, federal operators may not engage in law enforcement activities without the permission of the local county sheriff, something that is often overlooked and ignored, which is the case here.”
    SB21, Gator 45/70 and wideym like this.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    This true, only in part... It depends on how each State defines it’s Office of County Sheriff in their Sheriffs Office Founding Documents.... Not ALL Sheriffs are Constitutional Sheriffs as defined by the US Constitution..
    Case on point... In Alaska there are no Sheriffs.. We Have State Troopers, Borough Police, and City/ Village Police... There is only ONE Elected Law Enforcement Officer in the State.. and that is. the Governor, PERIOD... All other serve by Appointment from him, and at his PLEASURE.. A few are also confirmed as to their appointment by the State Senate, such as Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Safety, etc...

    So, to know. how that works in your town, you need to go research your States Statutes, on the matter... When I was a FED, We had to know how that worked in each local, and do our Notifications , if required.. It usually was accomplished with a simple phonecall, but these days I wonder if a Sheriff really knows what is going on in his county, by the FEDs, until after the Fact, and then there is a lot of Finger-pointing and apologies offer, and feather unruffled...

    Another Case on Point... The EPA sent an “Enforcement Team” decked out like SWAT Dudes w/AR15s and all the cool Hardware, to do Clean Water Act Permit Inspections of the placer Miners out in Chicken, Alaska, a few years back.. they arrived at ANC International and got into rented vehicles with a couple of the local EPA Guys, and drove on out to Chicken, which to a good half day... Well these Yahoos came in like they were raiding a Major Drug Operation, and interrogated folks at Gunpoint and other hostile acts.. So the Miners call the Governor, and he blew his lid.. He called the Commissioner of Public Safety, and had him send every State Trooper in the area, and a big chunk of Detachment A out of Anchorage on out to Chicken, with orders to Arrest every EPA FED in sight and haul them, their gear, and vehicleS, back to Anchorage, escort the to planes and ship them out of State, ASAP, taking no BS, and if they wanted to get uppity, throw them in State Prison, while awaiting Trial.. He then called the EPA Administrator, and told her if she ever pulled a stunt like that, again, in Alaska, he would lock the whole bunch up and throw away the Key, and back up the State Troopers with the State Guard, for extra manpower.. Off course she had no idea what was going on, and what her employees were up to, and had done... and when she finally dug down thru her own agency, had to eat a lot of crow, apologize out the ying yang, and Smooth over a double ton of ruffled feathers... Not one Violation of the Clean Water Act was found during this whole Process...
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2021
    3cyl, SB21, Gator 45/70 and 3 others like this.
  4. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Thank you for clarifying that BT.

    I read that the elected county sheriff had to effectively deputize them and it was done pretty casually. Also read that fed's only had policing authority within federal properties.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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