Lankford Exposes Government Waste

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Sep 6, 2023.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I thought I would post this as a friend of mine sent this to me (evil bastard that likes to ruin my day) so I am sending it onwards, spreading the joy (I'm evil too! :)) at your own risk.

    On another note.... I think I am done. This nation cannot be saved. It will fail and fall. There is no longer any doubt, and it is indeed well on the way. No, it cannot be saved, the fall cannot be reversed, and will happen come what may. We've already gone off the cliff. I think most of our leaders already realize this and simply are trying to squeeze that last bit out of us, out of the nation. Think not? Okay. Hope is a horrid thing or as
    Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man." I would add it slows man's reaction to accept reality.

    So, why get angry? Why rage against something you can't change? You don't rage against the weather when it turns against you because it is senseless and achieves nothing and this is the same, at least as strong, because mankind itself is force of nature and avarice is part of man.

    So, this was bound to happen, and it has. I think this explains Biden approach to his presidency. Get as much as possible and get out and if they impeach him or charge him, then tie it up in court and wait to die which obviously won't be long. I must admit, it's a damn good plan.

    My advice? Save yourself the mental anguish and start thinking differently, completely differently, stomp down on hope because there is none. This is a done deal and cannot be reversed. All that remains is trying to do things that could help your future family, farmland, gold, any precious metals, energy would be a good bet...

    Lankford Exposes Government Waste in Latest Federal Fumbles Book - YouTube

    EDIT: Frankly, I would not be surprised to see the nation turn to a dictator when things get really bad, we're almost there, out of options. Hell, they might not have a choice! LOL! Don't laugh, this has happened before...numerous times.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2023
    Zimmy and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    When you owe more money than there actually is money, you're in trouble. This is the very thing that will usher in a new world economy not based on the dollar. We as a nation, once stewards of the world leading the way to democracy and financial sovereignty, have ourselves fallen to the dangled carrot of political greed and a widened gap between the rich and the poor just as any other third world country. I have watched with great interest during the past two years as Russia and China jockey for position as the new world superpower, a battle China will likely win due to their positioning financially on the world stage. As Bandit99 stated, the die is cast.
    Zimmy and Bandit99 like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, call me a defeatist but facts are stubborn things... All the prepping, all the patriotism all the rant and raving gets us nowhere. They control every aspect of this nation and if they wanted to tax air, we would have to pay it. All great nations have been and are based on economics and they have drained the nation dry multiple times, so much so, that even our future is dry. Nothing can reverse this fact. We are already falling and simply waiting for impact.

    I think after 2024 the last piece of the puzzle will fall into place for people. The laws are made or bent to any purpose they wish, for example, the January 6 people will be prosecuted to the fullest extent for no other reason than as to set and example - you will be ruined and thrown away if you go against them. Exactly the same as a totalitarian state...but of course it is all perfectly legal, just like Hitler's Germany.

    Anyway, my point here is we need to smell the coffee and start thinking differently about this because there is no miracle coming to save us or the nation. The only possibility I can think of is a dictatorship which hasn't worked well in the past and ends up a disaster as well.
    Zimmy likes this.
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