Jonathan T. Gilliam

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Interesting person... with what looks to me to be a right on assessment of the recent school shooting... as well as ways to prevent such...

    long article with an interview... worth a look IMHO...


    University of Arkansas earning a bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Psychology.

    a commission in the United States Navy. He attended BUD/S after graduating from OCS (Officer Candidate School). Not satisfied with just being a SEAL, Gilliam went onto graduate from Army Ranger school. He went onto being deployed as an Officer in Charge (OIC) for combined Exchange for training (JCET) missions, Foreign Internal Defense (FID) missions, and Counter-Narcotics missions.

    After his time in the military was up Gilliam went onto become a Federal Air Marshal protecting the skies from terrorists. He then went onto become a security contractor for DHS performing an analysis of soft targets within the country. He developed the DHS Soft Target Awareness Training (STAT) course which looked at targets from an attacker's perspective to find weaknesses.

    Not yet satisfied, Gilliam served as a special agent for the FBI's Criminal and Counterterrorism squad in New York. Using his experience in national security, he has been an analyst on Fox News, NewsMax, One American News Network, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, BBC, AP, and the Wall Street Journal Online as well as being a CNN contributor.

    Read more: Interview with Jonathan T. Gilliam | Navy SEAL, FBI Agent, and Analyst

    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

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    Jonathan Gilliam: A wise man once said,”It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” That guy is a fool.

    He definitely proved it. You don't have to look at his words; you can look at the actions of the department. You can look at his actions. No remorse. No mourning. He came out the day after spouting stuff about gun control and firing politicals that don't stand for gun control.

    He never got into the fact that a proper threat assessment wasn't done. He knew full well at that point that the officers didn't go in. He bypassed all that stuff in his narcissistic mentality and laid the blame on the NRA and the Second Amendment. He is a fool. The guy is just an idiot
    Mountainman, Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  2. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Worth a read. Thanks
    Ura-Ki likes this.
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