Jerusalem Artichokes, A Survival Crop

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by chelloveck, Dec 23, 2024.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    A handy survival crop hiding in plain sight...

    duane, mysterymet and Brokor like this.
  2. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Awesome.I will try some of these in the spring!
    Brokor and duane like this.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    I have had good luck with them. I have 3 takeaways. They store best in the dirt, didn't try a lot if things but didn't store as well as potato in basement. Might have figured out a way to store them but I didn't. Covered with leaves and dug up from the unfrozen ground like you would carrots, they lasted well. They make me gassy to the point if I could capture it I could probably use it for a gas light. No pains or cramps, just a lot of gas. Plant them separate from your garden, They are like Japanese knot weed and will take over an area as they self seed very well.

    Had a Karen neighbor who insisted that the land under the water on her side of the flood retention pond belonged to her. Something about an easement etc. on the land on deed. Didn't fish, swim, or use it, but it was hers. Called the cops and said I was trespassing when even the cops agreed I wasn't in her area, just on the pond. Helped the poor lady out and enhanced my survival supplies at the same time. Encouraged cattails in her shallow water and Jerusalem artichokes in the sandy shore. Two years later she had several hundred square feet of very good survival food on her land. Never harvested any, but she had no idea what they were good for and the county agent told her that they were native and that the state would do nothing as they weren't invasive. Like a lot of my neighbors, drove up from Boston and bought a house in the country, then wanted to have everything Boston did, worried 24 hours a day about the value of her investment, tried to change everything we did. Easement on their land, not buildable, etc, donated to the Conservation Commission and a conservation area set up by the greens. Hunting no longer allowed. Closed small boat launch area, no wheeled vehicles in CC land, tried to cut snow mobile trail, etc. Then she takes her profit on the house and leaves.

    Long winded way of saying that the chokes can quickly get out of hand, Darn pretty though.
    chelloveck likes this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    They are certainly edible. I prefer the 4-legged variety of crops, myself. [winkthumb]
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