It's Time! The Wayback Machine.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seacowboys, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    In 2021, I discovered that time-travel had been around since the late 1950s and cleverly concealed by Republicans in Saturday morning cartoons. It took several years and watching hours of archived episodes of the Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Mr. Peabody and Sherman, to decipher the algorithms necessary to make my personal ‘Wayback” machine into a functional means of relaying vital information to my adolescent and developing self, beginning initially in 1974 but including historic footnotes from earlier years and allowing those childhood conclusions to remain in place. It was a simpler time and life.
    Numerous experimental excursions into our past were needed to develop protocol that could be effectively communicated without the risks of creating time-lapse paradoxes. There is always the risks of changing events, the ripple effect. One better choice anywhere along the path of life could radically change not only events, but actual existence and I could possibly influence choices that would erase my entire life and make this whole event pointless. With that in mind, I shall endeavor to advise solely with intent to learn from mistakes, rather than repeating them or altering events. Maybe I can exchange places with myself at an earlier age and glean benefit from lessons already learned? I’ll start in 2021 and begin the exchange upon graduation from High School in 1974.
    Excursion Notes from Wayback Travel.
    I am disappointed to find that while thoughts and observation are easily transmitted through time, at least for the past half century, physical manifestation requires the transport of mass and carbon atoms and carbon atoms will not actually transport. It is very difficult to adjust to being somewhere and not have a sense of touch beyond a sort of meta-physical glow. Sight, hearing, and especially smell all transport and it is nice to be able to walk right through solid walls and such. I can see mosquitoes biting others but they do not lite on me. It feels like being an apparition, a ghost only in reverse. Over the proceeding years, I have seen several reality television shows trying to make sense of the supernatural and find it amusing that they think it is the spirits of those that have passed into the great beyond rather than just some of us visiting ourselves at an earlier time in our lives. It makes total sense that the sense of smell is predominant; smell is the sense most closely related to memory. I challenge you to recall the smell of your mom’s hot biscuits on Sunday morning without developing a fond and poignant memory.
    Touch is almost there; when I touch my younger self, I shiver and develop goose-bumps. I am aware that I felt the touch at some sub-conscience level. I have come to believe that the words I hear spoken are just voices inside my head and bow to the awareness that others will think I am crazy so I elect to keep my mouth shut and am working diligently on stopping the silent movement of my lips.
    I have learned to direct my younger self towards open dictionary pages, signs, billboards, and passages in literature that will foster the development of ideas and thoughts. The precise meaning of a new word will echo resounded as an earworm until the epiphytal moment is achieved. Music is a means of communicating with myself, I will continue to assist myself in writing and arranging music and songs. Song was the precursor to written language and thereby, a necessary means of communicating with myself when words will be dismissed as delusion.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Mark Twain wrote a collection called “Letters from Earth” it was a series of letters to God from one of his deposed Angels, Lucifer. One chapter really struck my fancy, it was the stolen Adam and Eve Diaries. Twain’s family did not allow these to be published until long after Twain was dead and I can only assume that God gave them the go ahead to publish. I shall not be so responsible, even at the risk of changing the entire structure of the world.
    Dear Younger Self,
    If you get this letter, please don’t mention it to anyone except for someone you meet on a journey and never expect to see again. Doing otherwise will possibly lead to incarceration and lots of unneeded therapy
    Just like Newton said, there is an opposite and equal reaction to every expenditure of energy but being able to accurately predict what that reaction will be is not in the cards. I just hope that by receiving early warning, you may avoid some of these obstacles.
    You have been married three times, the first time because you thought great sex was love, the second time because you like having a partner with money, and the third time, because you wanted to save at least a tiny piece of the world. You should really avoid falling in love when your heart is broken, it never ends well for anyone except the lawyers.
    Nothing I can say, will discourage you from trying everything; it is just our nature. You still will never learn to enjoy cauliflower, beer, or televised sports but you will enjoy some really strange foods from exotic places. I wish I could save you from trying a few things, yet I suppose having the questions answered is still better than not knowing. Curiosity is both a blessing and a curse.
    You will live a life of great adventure, a dangerous life and mostly have to live it alone because nobody will believe you and you will not make many real friends along the way.
    Everyone will tell you that you should be a writer, I don’t get that because we write every day, we just don’t generally do it for some else’s agenda.
    Here are a few investment tips that may help us in our old age:
    !. Colt Firearms made in Hartford will be worth a lot more.
    2. Ruger will begin substituting plastic pieces on their venerable 10/22 so keep a few of the ones from the 70s.
    3. Gold will greatly increase in value but not as fast as inflation, but Palladium is a great investment.
    4. Don’t bother with diamonds, they synthesize them now.
    5. Keep your Les Pauls and Strats, they will be worth a lot more.
    6. Spend more time learning the black smith skills.
    7. Get a vasectomy.
    8. Always have an escape route planned.
    9. Don’t buy the boat, you won’t have the time or money to ever complete it.
    10. Never assume that it is over until they start shoveling dirt on our dead body
    11. Apple, IBM, and Media Comm
    12. Garth Brooks
    Everyone will always assume that we are a pirate or a cowboy, so might as well enjoy it. Look, about the music thing, learn to play a bass and you’ll always be able to get gigs but you’ll really get tired of playing the same old shit for 40 something years. When you lose our hearing, you’ll still be able to play an acoustic guitar, you’ll learn to play by vibration and resonance. Beethoven did it and we will too. Eventually we’ll get some hearing aids and they will help a lot, but by that time, we’ll be way too old to make it big as a performer so keep writing songs and stories. Storytelling and songs were the precursor to written language and will eventually be the salutation, once the educational transition has run its full cycle. There is no excuse for ignorance, ask questions, lots of questions and do not be afraid of challenging the consensus; they are not always correct.
    Very few people will ever become true friends anyway, so do not be afraid of speaking your mind. You are about to experience something labelled “Political Correctness”; it is a disease and the scrounge of humanity. PC will turn ordinary words into dialect that is only accessible to a select few. I’ll give you an example and you can figure it out on our own: the “N-Word” is now unacceptable unless you are a black ghetto dweller that is government subsidized and supported by crack cocaine.
    States will change their flags because someone is offended by the presence of the Confederate Battle Flag. Mob-rule will eventually amend our dialect to the point of threatened jail time for those that would choose to use certain words and expressions that might offend some butt-hurt little Karen.
    Don’t waste a lot of our time when the battle ultimately devolves to Liberals and Conservatives. Conservatives seem to have more of a desire for liberty but are still controlled by the military-industrial complex that took over after World War ll. We will live most of our life as we chose but our grandchildren will not have the same opportunity. Be constantly aware of rhetoric, it exists in all enforced mandates. Liberty and Freedom are only allowed as a façade in times where it is expeditious.
    The central family will die in our lifetime. Family reunions will stop and eventually, even funerals, weddings, and birthdays will be lamely celebrated in on-line virtual formats because the government will mandate that gatherings of more than 8 people is illegal. Racial dissention will be encouraged by labeling everything anyone says or does as racist and this is by design. Even bi-racial marriages will be condemned for racist posturing and endemic racism. Nobody will escape because it is in the agenda to keep people from uniting in any common cause. A program of isolation, distrust, and antagonism will be fed and fostered to keep people from uniting into a common force against the oppressors.
    Build and register as many machine guns as you can prior to 1979. I know it’s a lot of money but that $200 tax on a $500 weapon will be worth 10s of thousands of dollars once a New York Senator sneaks a rider onto a bill supported by the NRA in 79 that will prohibit the manufacture or import of any more automatic weapons into the civilian registry. Warn as many people at Knob Creek as you can of this and maybe we can stop it. You won’t have to build the entire weapon, just buy stripped receivers and register them as machine guns and complete them as time and money allow.
    Learn as many trades as you can, never pass an opportunity to learn a new skill set. You already know sheet-metal, carpentry, masonry, welding, and automotive. Automotive is useless because soon everything will be computerized and almost nothing you learn will have any application outside of changing oil or fixing a flat. You’ll eventually captain a ship, so navigation is a good skill set. Learn to operate equipment, cranes, track-hoes, loaders because essential jobs will feed you when the government just wants to control you. Learn basic homesteading skills and survival.
    Be very careful and expand your vocabulary to include very precise words with specific meaning, you do not want to be misunderstood. Do not speak them unless it becomes essential, most people are put off by pedantic but when it is becomes critical, use very precise words and stand your ground. Be constantly vigilant, even those you believe to be friends or family have their own agenda. Trust people to be human before loyal or truthful, it is human nature and you will only hurt if you place these traits above human nature.
    They want us to think that if we have to take another’s life in defense of our own, that it will somehow change us forever and irrevocably; this simply is not true. There is no need to bear guilt or burden for the consequences of another’s actions. If they force your hand, kill them and never loose any sleep over it. That, I believe is actually God sorting them out. Oh, and we have determined that God exists and she is pissed off. Too many times, everyone will believe we are at the end of civilization, especially in the year 2000, but we struggle onward and more freedoms and liberties succumb to political expediency.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Do not go quietly into the good night, Enjoy life in your own way and realize the reward is in the journey, not the end, in this world and care less what the rest of the world thinks about religion as long as it gives you comfort. Remember that most of the failures in your life were dreams as were the successes. If you don't try, you will have neither.

    In the end it comes down to "Thanks for all the fish" you just thought you knew what was happening

    In life we all seem to want steak for supper, growing old lets you enjoy black beans and rice with the proper spices as very comforting as well. Lot easier to afford.and a big pot keeps well. That and a good potato salad are often very much under rated.

    A real appreciation of life happens when you are 1 year in remission on a cancer that they said was probably going to kill you in a few weeks, also gives you a great appreciation for the nurses, lab techs, etc, that caused all this to happen, the Dr's write the scripts, but they make it happen.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    What makes you think that a know-it-all kid is going to listen to an old fart like you?:LOL:
    3cyl and Gator 45/70 like this.
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